Después de décadas de las autoridades sabiendo que grupos de musulmanes violaban y prostituían cientos de menores en Telford, todavía a día de hoy sigue ocurriendo porque las autoridades "miran para otro lado por miedo a ser tachadas de racistas".

Como en España, que el PSOE también blanquea los crímenes del ISLAM. Bravo

Child sexual abuse still happening in Telford, says survivor

A woman who was sexually abused and raped by men in Telford as a child says she believes young girls are still at risk in the town.

Four men were jailed on on Thursday for sexually abusing Sarah - not her real name - in the latest conviction in the town's child sexual abuse scandal.

An independent inquiry is ongoing into child sexual exploitation in Telford.

Sarah said: "It makes me feel sad that some girls could be out there right now going through what I did."

Sarah, who spoke to the BBC anonymously after four of her abusers were convicted, said her life was "ruled by them" when she was raped and abused in her early teens between 2000 and 2003.

"Every day, getting picked up, taken here there and everywhere, meeting so many men - I can't even put a number on it - it was living hell," she said.