Life isn't worth living at all.
Foroparalelo: Presidente
Life isn't worth living at all.
Life isn't worth living at all. We are self-replicating bio-robots; lumps of self-aware meat hung on a rack of bones slowly decaying until we die and rot in a grave/crematorium. All we are here to do is consume and reproduce more copies of ourselves, the rest is just drama created by a CULTure/society. It's just - Eat, sleep, shit, work, chase trivial crude, animalistic desires and then die. Once our brain rots we won't even remember any of this nonsense so it will be as if we never even existed. The sad reality is, there is no "positive", there is only the elimination of the negatives. (Negatives instilled by life) E.g - we are hungry, we need food - we are lonely, we crave companionship - we have needs/desires, we seek fulfilment - we are sick/ill, we seek relief/aid. Once one removes all cobwebs of delusion they can see the silliness of life; a bunch of animals eating each other. Things only get worse in time, such as nursing homes, dementia, cancer etc. Also, your better not having kids and making more victims to suffer this slaughterhouse of an existence. All you can do is try and "enjoy" your own life the best you can without causing harm to others and that's about it...but if we we're logical and had no emotional bias we would probably realize it is best to terminate ourselves as soon as possible.
ForoParalelo: Miembro
The Power dream Life is SEMEN shit amazing skills in your Bitch Mom Suckerer Big POLLAS
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