state of 2017 (Skycoin, /pol/)

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    state of 2017 (Skycoin, /pol/)

    Good News:

    Human civilization might survive on earth for another decade!

    Hacker groups and anon have more information about what is actually going on the physical ground, than the top people in Pentagon and the intelligence analysts are required to lie or distort reality, to bias decision making.
    - the Pentagon thinks they are "fighting ISIS" when talking to policy makers
    - in reality you have other group "managing ISIS"
    - then you have "moderate rebels" which are foreign mercenaries from Turkey and Yemen and they are being paid by someone (Oil Companies?)

    You can be at the top and have all the data and reality does not make sense. There were groups that were just making things up.
    - They choose the decision that benefits them, behind closed doors
    - Then they create the information that supports making that decision in the public policy apparatus

    The top level is a cult. They have people talking about preemptive nuclear attacks on Russia and if you are not for preemptively nuking Russia, they just get rid of you. It is an eco chamber of insanity. It is literally like scientology. No one can explain why particular countries are being invaded. They are just told to do it and if they disagree, they are just removed. There is a whole shadow government pushing the public government into doing things that do not make any sense and have no justification.

    For instance, the 80s CFR mandate to deindustralize the United States, cover up the deindustrialization, destroy the machine tools sector, cook economic numbers and switch the United States to a "Service Economy". So the American people elect the government, but all the appointments come out a CFR group, that wants to destroy America and its really a global empire project and everyone they appoint is agreed on pursuing policies that no American supports or benefits from.

    Or in Europe, to flood the country with millions of 3rd world immigrants, who are causing crime waves, burning police cars, rioting and raping women. They put in 2 million of them and were planning for another 30 million. This is coming out of BIS, Goldman Saches and the bankers.

    - The political parties are completely controlled and were controlled by the same group, for decades
    - There are groups like the CFR, that recruit people, indoctrinate them and then place them into positions of power. 80% of the administration is often from these groups.
    - There are groups like the CFR and trilateral in every country. Australia, China, Europe, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico. They take over the governments by subversion and the public does not even know.
    - The corporate owned media is in on this and does not talk about the upper level politics. There are three levels of politics above the public governments, then there is secret society network on the side, which is information exchange for the rich people.
    - Bilderbergs, Davos is for business leaders and to get their buy in. There are multiple groups to get business leader buy in
    - There is a network of NGOs, tied into oil interests that are absolutely sociopathic. They fund Palestine terror groups to do attacks and then fund the NGOs that protest the Israeli response to the attacks.
    - When Rockefeller Standard Oil monopoly was shut down, it moved off shore and still operates today. There is an interlocking financial ownership structure that is blatantly obvious. They control multiple non-profits and NGOs. They bought into banks like Chase bank and City of London, to move profits offshore and escape taxation and regulation. Once the money flows were transnational, they could not be traced and ownership was obscured. Oil pipeline wars. Mass genocide, assassinations, overthrowing governments to maintain network. This group has most money/power because they have direct or indirect global control over the energy resources required for industrial civilization.
    - There is an anglo saxon financial network out of City of London, that keeps trying to start a war between Israel and Iran and Iran and Iraq. Planned and carried out World War I and World War II. World War I to destroy industry in Europe and destroy railroads to preserve Basicly controls FED. Goldman Sachs and NY. Associated to the IMF/BIS network. British East Indies Company. Publishes all the anti-Semitic stuff. Hates Blacks, Jews and Catholics. Anglo Saxon race patriots. Closest group to global hegemony. Conquered Africa, India, China, America. Allied with oil interests, neocons and NGO network. Funded Bolsheviks to kill off Russian aristocracy, steal all of Russia's gold from Church and had it shipped to London. Overlaps with oil interests. Involved in every US presidential assassination.
    - There is a group of anglo saxons WASP old money families in US, often called "Pilgrims Society", who took over the government by 1906 and used regulation and the court system to destroy their competitions. Medical cartel, Monsanto, FED, SEC. Interstate commerce commission.
    - There is the Carlyle group and Wakenhut. This is the neo-con cluster. They are the ones who own and run the US nuclear weapon supply chain after it was privatized, own Sequoia Voting Systems, PROMIS scandal, private prison industry, Iran Contra, biological weapons, nukes in space.This group is related to but did not anthrax the senator opposing the Patriot Act.
    - Defense Contractor Industry. Lockheed Martin (overlap with Carlyle group)
    - Black Sheep New Money Families. Have no idea what is going on but are involved at level 2.
    - The Israeli lobby. Jewish diaspora
    - European Old Money Elites.
    - Together, there appear to be about 35 highly intermarried families that control about 80% of global production. There is a complex web of interlocking ownership and financial intermediaries, delegates and offshore financial holdings to evade governments. All of the corporations, industry, metal, steel, coal, gold, silver, manufacturing, oil, media. The Fortune 500. Ownership increased from 60% of EU/American economic production to 80%, since the 80s.
    - Drug Money families. Prohibition, Heroin/Opium, soft drugs controlled by different racial/religious groups.
    - China appears to be owned by 8 families, "The Eight Immortals" who nominate and control the Chinese party. The Chinese party committee appoints the lower party members and the lower party appoints the government and uses the party control of regulation to keep the businesses and districts under control. They are engineers, who lived through Mao and had difficult lives and guided China through a different transition. They did a very good job in China with economic development,. Their children are spoiled and corrupt and may end up destroying the country within two generations.
    - French Aristocracy and Oil interests. 700 billion dollars a year. Still has colonies in Africa.
    - CIA, oil/mineral/drug cartels/private army, PMC nexus. Pushed into private sector after 60s.
    - groups like SJWs who started as controlled opposition groups, but gained their own resources and went on rampage. Autonomous political parties. Some crazy socialist groups with large membership here, who will wait for instability and then kill off opposition and seize power if allowed.
    - pedophile networks. Hacked email servers in anon ops, show that the majority of British Politicians appear to be members of pedogroups. The emails suggests that members are invited in first and then promoted to positions of political power later by other group members. Criminal activity or embarrassing rituals are often used to cement bonds between secret society members and this is normal.
    - Euclidean/Pythagorean type study groups and secret science societies.
    - BASF Chemical Cartel, Alcoa, Nazi industrialists. Hydra. Put fluoride in Americas water after the war, after effects validated in Jewish concentration camps.
    - US military aristocracy. Christian. RAND corporation. Report From Iron Mountain. Technocracy. Logistics. Overlaps with Fortune 500 central planning groups. Protects US economic interests abroad. Reads Spengler. Cybernetics, Linear Algebra. Sane people with insane masters.

    This is partial list of the gods.

    1. The news is worthless
    2. Primary sources are reality. The further you get from primary sources, the more bullshit and politicized reality becomes
    3. Most of the power groups do not have names. You have to create a Tuple -base and dump all the data in. "slot_name, type, value". "slot_name: person_name, type:text, value: George Washington". You have 1-ary data, such as "name" of person. Attributes of person or event. Then you have 2-ary data, such as "person X belongs to group Y". "John Boehner is a republican". "Then you have events "Speaker of House John Boehner resigned as republican speaker of the house". "Speaker John Boehner was outed as speaker of the house". "John Boehner supports the TPP treaty".
    4. Then you have to data mine it. If you do the cluster analysis, you see the clusters. In personality exams, a psychologists created thousands of questions where the answer was "-1 to 1" on a five point scale from strongly disagree to agree, such as "I often fight with my roommates" or "I am a happy person". Then they construct the covariance matrix. Then they extract the eigenvectors from the matrix. Those are the "personality factors", which anyone's personality can be discomposed to best summarized over. Then the psychologist, tries to name the factors. That is how the NEO-PI was created.
    5. If you data mine the members and group membership, you get very strong clusters. The clusters overlap and change in size and relative power over time.

    - When you map this out, you see that the groups are allied or in opposition to each other.
    - Over time, the cluster membership size decreases or increases (as members join, age or die).
    - the groups are hierarchically clustered. There is a macro-group, with two "opposed" Hegelian dialectic groups. The same group under the CFR appears to control both the democratic and republican party and their members are always in power, no matter who "wins".
    - The clusters gang up on and try to destroy smaller clusters. Like globalist faction using IRS to attack libertarian groups.
    - Once a cluster becomes powerful enough, it starts murdering or purging the other power centers by force. Once any group comes to power, the first thing they do is purge the other political parties, ban organized religion, destroy the bourgeoisie small business owners, attack secret society members and dismantlement all opposing organized groups.
    - The groups vary in their use of assassination and murder. Some groups do not have military force ability. Those groups who have military force ability, use it, when it can be deployed deniably.

    The other interesting thing, is that none of the power groups are public. Everything is behind closed doors. The public government only exists to manipulate, lie and control the public through propaganda. The flow of power and decision is top down. The public can only oppose, but all of the direct action steps are controlled by other groups (except for complaining and protesting).

    Decisions are decided by "Who is more powerful".

    The groups are ranked by power index and the groups for and against are lined up and the most powerful coalition wins. The issues of values or objectives is never raised.

    This type of objective, numerical analysis is important, because
    - if the SEC is run by Goldman Sachs lawyers
    - if the FED is run by members of Goldman Sachs
    - then the FED, SEC and Goldman Sachs are the same. They are not independent.
    The most important conclusion however, that this type of analysis reveals is that
    - if you match people up by "agrees with or opposes" each issue
    - there are two distinct clusters of people. sane people and corporate shills
    - the two groups are cleanly separable and can be identified mathematically


    There are currently two groups in Europe
    - one group wants to flood the country with third world immigrants who will bankrupt countries welfare system and who are raping women
    - the other group, does not want the third world immigrants in their country
    - The bankers, say 'more immigrants, more rape'. They already have plan to bankrupt the nations, to force the governments to privatize their water, garbage, sewage and electricity services and sell them to the bankers. Who will then increase the price of these services at three times the rate of inflation (this is way of pulling cash out of circulation and destroying economy, while consolidating economic and political control). They are pushing three international treaties, that would prevent the countries from taking back the utilities, or having any control over rates or service levels.
    - The media say "more rape"
    - The government says "Jail for anyone who is against rape. Opposing rape is hate speech"
    - The public says "no rape"


    If you data mine support for or against particular issues and then cluster them, you end up with "value clusters". When the values of banker or corporate controlled media differ from the public or a sub-group, then it becomes visible.

    - If a person is compelled by violence or force into behaviors against their personal values, that is oppression.
    - People auto-segregate into virtual and real communities, that have aligned values
    - governments and the central power attempts to destroy all alternative value systems and economic arrangement that threaten elite domination and resource extraction from the conquered populations

    Civilization, Mathematics, Spengler: The New Order of the Ages

    state of 2017 (Skycoin, /pol/)

    The new order of the ages and ur-symbol for the emerging civilization appears to be the matrix or the graph, or the bipartite graph.

    The Faustian civilization is dying. It is dead. The westphalian nation state is dead. It is not longer economically, militarily or ideologically defensible.

    The nation state has been in decline since at least the 1920s and possibly since Napoleon.
    - Read Crevald
    - It is not robust against internal destabilization as demonstrated by the Bolsheviks
    - It cannot maintain its own form, without energy inputs from an external empire as demonstrated by Somalia and Yemen
    - it cannot maintain military control of its territory against the onslaught of non-state actors as demonstrated by Mexico and the Middle East
    - it cannot maintain itself against destabilization by foreign military action (airpower, biological, nuclear warfare). External military destabilization has become viable, to the point that both China and Russia are facing external destabilization at the same time the US is facing internal auto-destabilization
    - It cannot maintain ideological legitimacy and voluntary consent. Even single ethnic/cultural nation states with common values are being ruled through divide and conquer as other strategies of social control have simply failed.
    - Every single attempt to establish social control, that is not accepted voluntarily, provokes counter reaction leading to further loss of social control. Even the Chinese regimen is constricted to within the range of control actions, which do not provoke a cycle of counter-resistance. The American and European regimes are already far outside of the regime of governability.
    - Neither is global empire or regionalism are viable in the long term.
    - The SDR is a joke and is mathematically non-viable.
    - The enforcement problems and competition with non-state actors encountered in the nation state all exist, in more severely amplified form in both the regionalist and globalist government structures.
    - return to nationalist structures does not fundamentally address reasons for state collapse

    I think the empire is dead. The question right now, is whether the United States and Europe will go down the Bolshevik route and begin murdering tens of million of their own citizens to maintain power or whether states will undergo devolution, collapse into anarchy like Mexico, civil war or retreat to previous forms, retrenching nationalism.

    States are stable against belief change, but fail or change in form, once the threshold for behavioral change is reached.

    state of 2017 (Skycoin, /pol/)

    I think the US is headed towards crisis and mathematical economic collapse by 2030 at the latest.

    state of 2017 (Skycoin, /pol/)

    There are dozens of trends like this. Suggesting that the political system will collapse by 2035, because of economic factors and unrestrained corporate looting.

    The cost of
    - food
    - land
    - housing/rent
    - medical care
    - commodities
    - fuel/good
    - water
    - electricity
    - education
    - telecommunications

    The cost of the above, cannot continue to increase at several times the rate of inflation, while wages remain constant. However, the policies which have produced these trends, are being exported to every country they can be forced upon! Either through take over of the country through infiltration of the political class through secret societies, rigging voting machines, buying out the media, bribing politicians, international treaties or military conquest.

    The forced bankruptcy of the municipalities in Europe and America and sale of all utility, electricity, water, mineral and land resources to corporations, who can then arbitrarily raise prices, will accelerate the looting and consolidation trend and accelerate the crisis of state legitimacy.

    The nation state is failing, because the countries which are not resilient to infiltration by non-state actors, pushing irrational economic and monetary polices, will simply be eliminated by Darwinian selection. The world can be thought of as a transnational cartel of competing parasites, that use bribery, infiltration and military force to infect and takeover countries and siphon off their resources and the mental and material prosperity of their populations

    We are seeing globalization and parasitic looting, go to its logical extreme. We will inevitable see the rise of authoritarian political and military leaders who - cut off global trade
    - impose capital controls
    - force industrialization through state guided investment
    - execute or imprison business leaders responsible for poisoning populations
    - protect local producers from foreign competitors
    - ban foreign financial firms from siphoning off wealth from national economies
    - reindustrialize and promote investment in machine tools and manufacturing sectors
    - exile non-productive minorities, criminals and citizens which are a net drag upon society
    - establish and enforce shared national values and a sense of shared community
    - eliminate foreign control over currency and establish a sovereign monetary policy
    - promote a strong work ethnic
    - eliminate taxation and drags upon economic activity
    - eliminate financialization and force investments into the real economy and economic production for export

    The Fortune 500 works, by forcing open the country for trade and then a Fortune 500 company comes in and dumps goods in the local economy at lower prices, until the local producers are bankrupt or bought out. Then the Fortune 500 company is free to raise prices to any level and extract resources and labor from the conquered economy.

    Globalization ends, when there is only one giant company that monopolizes every resource needed for human life on earth globally and no one who does not work for that company has money to buy the right to live.

    80% of EU/US production is already monopolized by that group. Nearly 100% of all production. Now the next goal, is to bring all food, land, water, electricity, sewage, garbage utilities under corporate control. Nothing will exist, that humans need for survival, that is not owned and controlled by the cartel.

    The process will be complete when Iran, Israel, Russia and China have been destroyed, destabilized or brought under control through assassination, infiltration, bribery or military and economic force. The ultimate goal, is that there should be no state which exists autonomously and cannot be destroyed or subjugated to the international empire (political, economic, military). That is the "New World Order". It is political, economic and military. It is secular. It is a global empire project, where a group of bankers at the BIS end up dominating and enslaving the world.

    It is mostly falling apart and about a third of the people are completely demoralized right now. They are in a position to do massive damage and kill billions of people through war, famine, nuclear, biological weapons. They are not in a position to consolidate empire.

    The borders and lines drawn on the map, the economic production centers, the specializations and exports of countries, the military pairing, populations and military tech level of nearly every country on Earth was developed for this global empire project.
    - population control in India, China, South East Asia, Africa was about balancing the populations to maintain military balance between countries
    - central bankers controlled the interest rates and foreign investment in various various countries to balance out economic growth, the US was deindustralized and intentionally economically raped since the 80s under CFR policies and its military supply lines spread over fifteen thousand miles for the upcoming conflict (America has no other local, large power to counteract it. It is the king maker, a geopolitical fortress and needs to be weakened, destroyed and held in subjugation).
    - drone and weapon technology development was retarded in the United States, while the technology was pushed to India (counter to China) and Israel (counter to Iran). Some countries that are intended to be destroyed, have only offensive capacities, while defensive capacities were stifled through political process. Look at the US power grid in context of war preparation and compare to Europe.
    - the whole middle east was remodeled, to destroy or move oil pipelines, to isolate Iran and Russia and hold Europe's access to energy resources in a choke-hold and control international prices
    - technology suppression. Movement of billions in money to fusion research that was mathematically proven to never be able to achieve cost parity with coal, while desktop scale fusion research that could research break even quickly, received no funding. Suppression of battery/energy tech, electric vehicles produced and then destroyed, battery patent hoarding for NiCd). Electric cars are literally just a rechargable battery, attached to a motor to make the thing move. We had viable electric cars in the 1920s. There is no technological limitation, it is completely social and political. Stop anything that would reduce or eliminate dependence of centrally controllable energy resources. Buy out, shutdown, destroy clean coal and coal liquefaction approaches that were viable now, or used in South Africa. Buyout and shutdown all technology for small scale, independent energy production (dozens of examples). Stop advancement of nuclear power through regulation and drive up plant costs to make them nonviable. Regulation and land monopolization to prevent development of domestic oil reserves. Ensure sources are foreign and in areas where the supply can be shutoff, controlled and where the profits can be laundered offshore.
    - Mineral, resource and commodity cartels. Monopolize graphite electrode production globally by buying out all competitors and then limiting African steel production by restricting amount of electrodes they can buy. Print money by issuing stocks, buy out competitors, shut them down.

    - development of new entertainment technologies and technologies of monitoring and social control, to keep enslaved populations in check. Voting machines, twitter, facebook, digital television, tracking, mass surveillance, cell phone, smart meters, RFID, biometrics, Brainwave entrainment, neuromarketing, voice to text. There was conscious decision to divert money into technologies of social control and away from technologies of economic production since the 70s. VCs fund companies, then large companies buy out the companies and shut down the technology.

    - "Democracies" hate war causalities and body counts, so emphasize shifted to SOCOM type operations and war automation through infiltration, subversion, assassination and blackmail. "Silent Weapons for Silent Wars". Drones, sensor networks, cancer and heart attack induction agents, biological weapons, directed energy. War is now deniable. The person under attack does not know they are under attack or by who. They cannot retaliate. Fifth generation netwar doctrine. War is between corporations, clandestine networks, non-state actors and not between nation states. The "government" is reality TV show and the military is fake, while the real war is hidden.

    - The number of things that were surveillance related was immense, including buying out, consolidating and shutting down secure linux distro providers. You will not find a distro, router, cell phone, corporate VPN or email solution that is not back doored. You will not find a piece of software for operating a bank on the back end, that does not have so many security holes you can drive a truck through them. If you make poker website accounting software, you are forced to backdoor it under threat of jail by corrupt New York attorney. If a country like Venezuela is running ATM software, just hack the ATM transaction over the wire, flood the country with currency, give the money to rebel groups, cause hyperinflation. Disable the ATMs periodically, undermine confidence. Steal money from other people's accounts to undermine confidence. Exploit banking back doors to cause havoc. Hack SCADA systems, blow up chemical plants, crash aircraft of families you dont like. Just go wide.

    This has been going on since the end of World War II. People should expect they are going to get economically raped. The rape is going to continue daily, until people change their behavior and begin building parallel economic systems (crypto currencies, community credit systems, food production, land, water, electricity, manufacturing, tiny houses, permaculture).

    You have an economic system where 80% of production is controlled by a hand full of people, who can sit together in a single room and decide how badly they are going to fuck you, There are two corporations left in every industry vertical, who are just buying out every competitor and who completely control pricing in their sector.

    Auto Segregation: Resistance Tactics

    Within and between the nation states, we are seeing auto-segregation of communities, by values. The wealthy are retreating into private gated communities and there is reverse urbanization as people flee to rural areas to isolate themselves from financial rape by the oligarchy. Some people are fleeing across national borders to the better areas. The ideological polarization of sub-populations will continue to increase and people will increasing auto-segregate themselves into communities that reflect their culture and values.

    At the same times, many of these communities are aiming for economic autarky. Open source technology is eventually going to be in cross hairs.

    These new communities are going to be governed more by shared values of the communities members and less by money. When people have water, energy, food, housing, heating/cooling and can live comfortably, they usually begin to work on things they are interested in, instead of working for the Fortune 500. We have the technology to produce everything needed, by every member of society, using less than 4% of the societies labor resources. However, scarcity, starvation, debt and absolute levels of poverty must be maintained, to create the labor pool for military, corporations and the Fortune 500.

    British invaded Africa, enslaved the population by monopolizing the food supply and various resources. If you wanted to live, you needed to get money to buy the commodities required for survival. The British directed that labor to building railroads, ports, telegraph lines, extracting gold and silver, growing tea for export, building roads and houses. They elevated the tech level and comfort of the civilization.

    When the British left, the Africans tore out the telegraph lines to sell the wires for scrap metal. The railroads fell into disrepair, the roads destroyed through non-maintenance and everyone went back to eating insects and living in mud huts.

    Money is a system of extracting and organizing labor. Today's leaders in Africa do not spend the money they receive on elevating their societies, building roads, industrial plants, or making their populations self reliant. They spend the money on vacations in Paris, Louis Voulton hand bags and prostitutes and cocaine. The population of the country is just a resource, to be rented out to foreign corporations and the payroll taxes the corporation pays are the serf rental fees to the ruler. "Democracy" is very flexible and can be stretched over an infinite number of different economic realities.

    The tech level and material comfort is not going to be even globally. Absolute inequality is going to increase. Communities, corporations and groups will have, whatever they can produce within the group, limited by their level of organization, knowledge and ability. Robots will replace humans for unskilled labor, which will no longer be scarce. Knowledge about production processes and managing those processes will now be the valuable thing and advanced or superior processes will be jealousy hoarded and monopolized as a source of economic power.

    People would join groups based upon values and upon material offerings (like they join corporations today). This is a movement away from an "open society" (which is a system of slavery) to neo feudalism. There is one group that has accepted a zero marginal cost society, where everything is free. There is another group, that wants to stop that or slow it down, by war if necessary.

    “The COP21 talks will not result in anything. If you hope they will, that hope is a negative thing. In having hope you are still engaging with governments, and in so doing wasting time that can be spent on actual solutions.”

    When you see elites, losing control over resources, normally they start a war or start genociding people. Human history is just genocide, assassination, murder and enslavement. It takes less than two weeks to take a college student off a street and get them to start torturing people like the US treats Gitmo prisoners.

    In the US and EU, you see attempts like Agenda 21, which intend to maintain scarcity, control and class privilege through direct use of military force or "regulations" enforced through military force.

    The parasitic, hereditary, old money, empire obsessed, particularly genocidal elite right now are panicing about losing control over
    - money
    - food
    - water
    - land
    - media / telecommunications
    - energy
    - transportation/shipping/borders
    - medical industry
    - manufacturing
    - government
    - military force

    When people are no longer dependent and desperate, they just ignore the government and collectivism. They have to be kept psychologically and economically dependent or the government will collapse and people will go on with their lives, like they did in Somalia.

    Another factor, leading to state collapse, is the mass import of unassimilated immigrates. States were historically established through ethnic cleansing and genociding anyone in the region, outside of a culture or language group. So what we are seeing is the state building process being run in reverse. I think this is a short term measure by parasitic banks, to bankrupt the member states and drive them into privatizing and selling off all their assets, water, electricity and utility markets. When I look at the graphs, it looks like a bunch of sharks trying to grab the biggest piece of flesh they can and no one cares what happens tomorrow. They are trying to get whole countries to sign economic suicide treaties, while buying property and moving their families to countries who refuse to be part of treaties.

    The same ungrounded groups that today are assimilated by feminism, SJW ideologies are going to be tomorrows facists, gang members, Neo-nazis, Islam, cult members and communist revolutionaries. When you destroy any strong form of values, religion, culture, community in the neo-liberal atomization process, you create an atmosphere ready for an explosion of extremism.

    This will be useless to most people, but may be useful to people who intend to survive on Earth over the next forty years.

    Innovations in Killing:

    Politics is completely irrelevant. The people on television are fake. They are distractions and ultimately anything or any information that does not lead to behavior change, is fake and will not have an effect on the world. What is real is
    - changes in economic production technology
    - changes in military tactics, doctrine. factions. distribution of economic and military power. Nuclear, biological, radiological weapons, death automation, sensor networks, meta data tracking, identify->track->kill loops.
    - We are entering a world within ten years, where anyone can kill anyone with aflatoxin loaded biometric guided nano drones and there will be no ability to identify attacks or trace them back to the attacker. The number of ways of deniably killing or assassinating opponents is increasing and the proliferation of the technologies cannot be stopped and will filter down to lowest level.
    - At the same time killing is being individualized and automated on a massive scale, there are military scenarios that could result in death of 500 million from biological, space and nuclear attacks. The destabilization of Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Iran is just beginning of a larger invisible global war. South East Asia, China, Russia, Iran, Israel may be next.
    - The proliferation of these weapons is going threaten people in the third world and the elite of the elite in the western world. Nuclear weapons, ICBM missiles and weapons that required billions of dollars, enhanced the power of the elite and nation state. Drones, E&M, biological weapons and the new generation is going to reduce threshold for the elite to begin killing each other. There are billionaires in Russia that have their own armies, security services and live in mansion fortresses and they cannot even survive when targeted by mid level groups with last gen tech.
    - We are going from assassination with knives. close range hand gun. throwing people off building, "suiciding them". to sniper/long ranged rifle. gangland slayings. heart attack gun to stop heart. To insect sized $10 drones with needle delivering nano gram payload that will kill target three weeks later.
    - At the high end, you have NSA collecting DNA of political leaders according to wikileaks cable and emerging tech such as synthetic biology and custom biological weapons tailored to targets immune system. Generals, political leaders, business men are just going to be hunted down and eliminated. There is realistically, nothing governments can do to protect their citizens. When they start seeing this, people will change their behavior and begin to adapt volumetric warfare defensive strategies (living in domes, enclosed communities, enclosed in-door car ports, network security, layered defense zones, compartmentalization of offices, electromagnetic shielding to isolate volumetric warfare devices from command and control). In the middle ages, the wealthy lived in castles, fortresses and only left under heavy armed guard and we are returning to that.

    The way war is waged has completely changed. Today war is "full spectrum". World War III began with 9/11 and is perpetual. There is no victory condition, no enemy, no objective and the end will not be within our life times. The war is being fought along a fifth generation doctrine and does not look like a "war" to the public, but is a new type of warfare. Hundreds of million of people may be displaced. Two billion may die of famine in some scenarios.

    The war is corporate, with all intelligence, weapon system and operations increasingly being pushed into the private sector. All of the nuclear, biological, space weapons, drones, NSA have been moved into the private sector. As long as there is money and humans on earth, the war will continue.

    "full spectrum warfare"
    - weather weaponization
    - vaccine weaponization
    - water weaponization
    - food weaponization
    - space weaponizatoin
    - biological weaponization
    - cognitive / psychological warfare
    - economic warfare
    - binary nano/bio
    - chemical
    - biological
    - electromagnetic
    - radiological
    - nuclear
    - kinetic
    - volumetric
    - memetic

    Instead of attacking the enemy,
    - you split the enemy into faction and give them money and guns to kill each other.
    - You surround the territory (volumetric enclosure) and cut off the food supply and starve them to death. You bomb the sewage, water and electricity infrastructure and send them back to the stone age.
    - You put trade sanctions on the country and watch their economy collapse as it cannot get replacement parts for computers, networking equipment, machine tools.
    - You put trade sanction on country and the 30% of people with multiple sclerosis, cancer, Alzheimer, diabetes, enzymes disorders and induced chronic diseases just die.
    - You flood the country with drugs to weaken the population and use the money to fund insurgent groups.
    - You assassinate political leaders
    - hijack planes ,vehicles, hack SCADA systems, ATMs
    - spread engineered diseases in the food and water
    - assassinate generals and political leaders.

    Countries are completely destroyed and hundreds of thousands of citizens, slaughtered without the "enemy" even being known or setting foot in the country. The citizens in the aggressor country or group do not even know the "war" is going on.

    This is not a war of domination or control, but a war of destruction and destabilization of anyone or any group or power structure that can maintain its existence against the central power and empire. Wars are not ideological, they are not about "war on terror" or "They hate our freedoms". Every single war is about
    - projecting domination
    - controlling population centers
    - monopolizing economic resources
    - destroying/destabilizing anyone who can act independently. Making everyone dependent on the central power.

    The Wolfowitz Doctrine. This is one of the three reasons why 9/11 happened.

    I do not want to call this "The United States", because it is not a nation. It is a transnational, non-state actors composed of banking, oil, financial, manufacturing and military interests. Full spectrum military domination
    - control of finances of all nations (banking cartel, central banking, BIS, IMF)
    - control of all manufacturing and international trade (Fortune 500)
    - control over all energy resources (Oil Cartel)
    - control over all food resources (Grain cartel, about 75% of global production)
    - control over all governments (infiltration (recruit members to CFR like groups, then place them in positions of power), blackmail, bribery, assassination, pedo rings, BCCI, ...)
    - control over all mineral resources
    - control over media
    - control over oil production and distribution (control the pipelines)
    - global military domination. Nukes in space. Biological weapons. Kinetic weapons. Drones. Network central warfare.
    - control over the drug trade and international finance (FACTA, GACTA, money "laundering" regulations, SARS)

    There are two objectives
    - maintain military domination over globe. Even if that means destabilizing Russia, China and destroying the nation state and throwing world into global anarchy
    - maintain control and domination of the populations (mass surveillance, license plate readers, cybernetics, preemptive murder of potential dissidents, torture and detainment of thought criminals, tyrannical control over financial system, civilian disarmament, 24/7 continuous tracking of individuals, state control over all transportation, energy, food, water and land resources)

    You have a bunch of new weapons technologies, such as

    The good news is that the advantage is on the defensive
    - a 15 billion dollar satellite can have its sensors destroyed or disabled by a $30 laser pointer

    - Military drones will cost $150,000 each and mounting an anti-material rifle on computer controlled platform that can shoot down one drone per second, to within 2" at 300 meters, costs less than $800. Drones hate buckshot.

    - Chlorine dioxide destroys RNA and nearly all biological weapons. It destroys protein by oxidation particular amino acids and destroys viral RNA. Ten billion dollars in biological weapons research is defensible with 50 cents of sodium chlorite.

    - anti-aircraft radar costs are going down to $15 with SDRs.

    - itching powder and LSD completely disable SWAT teams and riot police

    - IP6 and other chelating agents exist to remove depleted uranium nano-particles from body. Strontium and heavy metals isotopes are locked into the bones by fluoride, which can be removed by borates and iodine.

    - a 50 cent 270 nm UV LED destroys DNA/RNA and sterilizes all known biological weapons from water within seconds

    - adhesive and sand or iron dioxide screws up servos, air intake, sensors. robotic killing machines are only going to be effective in flat, non-urban environments and useless in fortified areas with constriction zones. In Darfur, the day oil was found, genocide began and few hundred thousand people were murdered to get them off the oil. Tomorrow, robotic boxes with guns will roll across the desert at night and just auto-murder thousands of people per hour until they are off the oil. Only fortified , defended and prepared settlements are going to survive. Human rights are a lie. People and communities who cannot defend themselves, do not have an intrinsic right to exist. They are only alive, as long as they are useful slaves to their masters or while no one desires to genocide them. Survival is on a military and economic basis, while human rights are merely political and have no standing in nature.

    - Putting up 600 sq-ft of greenhouse and growing own food is less than a few hundred dollars and will be automated within five years

    - You can produce water from air, by compressing it and lowering the temperature. It is possible to CNC Or 3d print a solar condenser coupled with a turbine attached to a compressor.

    - Open ecology is developing open source dirt compacting machines, that manufacture bricks for fortifications and buildings from local materials.

    - geothermal is just digging a hole and pumping water. you could basicly live underground and grow own food in closed loop if you have to.

    - A turbine generator is just a fan attached to a motor. There are binary phase power generation methods that use lower boiling point liquids than water. Can be 3d printed or CNCed. Can run compressor or air conditioning or condensing water from atmosphere. Can be run off solar concentrator.

    - a motor is just a wire, some magnetic and ball bearings
    - a lead acid battery is just copper plating and sulfuric acid
    - the government is helpless against mathematics and cryptography. If you choose a secret k and append each block x with random number n, and encrypt block by xoring it with SHA256(k,n), the NSA can just cry about it. If you XOR it with two independent pseudo random sequences, it mathematically cannot be weaker than single application.

    So overall, I do not believe global enslavement is viable.

    I think that the United States and Europe will be locked down like concentration camps. At the same time, that countries are being flooded with violent minorities, we will see people stripped of the right to self-defense, to create government control and dependency. We are going to see the same cycle of violence, disarmament, genocide that we have seen over and over again since the end of World War II.

    If people are able to solve their own problems, then government is not necessary. The welfare state, the wars, taxation, terrorism and everything we have seen over the last hundred years, has been a desperate attempt to create and maintain dependence upon an increasingly useless system of domination and oppression. We are only a decade off from government raiding people with SWAT teams to prevent them from growing their own food. There are already laws on the books in the EU and US.

    The clear objective is maintain dependence upon the banks and government at all costs, through military means, if necessary. No economic activity, no act of economic production, no sexual act, no breath shall be taken without without going through the government (a transnational union of corporations, banks and drug cartels who are collectively trying to maintain domination over the subjugated populations).

    When crisis comes, the strong, prepared, informed and motivated will survive. The masses will be demoralized,, passive and will passively march into the incinerator. Less than 1 in 30 Jews left Germany, when Hitler made the option available and it was absolutely clear what was to transpire. The rich, the wealthy, the connected left and the poor and weak submitted to their fate.

    People do not see the genocide, because it is happening overseas and not domestically, yet Reporters who report on it are just killed or kept out of the news. Bloggers blogging about it have their adsense revenue cut off, their youtube channels taken down. Journalists who discuss the fact that non-allied journalists are being targeted for elimination, at Davos, get removed. There is a complete information vacuum, to isolate the people at the top, from what is happening on the ground. People who provide accurate information are simply removed, so that they cannot influence decision makers.

    The only limit is whether it can be applied, while keeping the hierarchy of authority in place without revolt and whether secret coalitions can be suppressed before they reach majority and dispose the psychopaths. That is why the focus has shifted to small special operations teams, drones, assassinations, biological weapons, foreign mercenaries and everything shifted into the private sector. There is an emerging multicultural rainbow of corporations, killing for profit, with allegiance to no flag, no law, no people and no nation. The national militaries are being gradually cut out and turned into a flagless transnational force.

    If Christian morals get in they way of for profit genocide operations or impoverishing millions for profit, then it is the Christian morals that must no. Money has become a higher value, elevated above human life or economic prosperity.

    If the US shut down the military right now, the war would continue. As long as there is oil, resources, weapon manufacturers and corporations, they will keep hiring mercenaries to murder civilians and control oil pipelines. As long as there is money, its just going to continue. Any community, country or group that cannot defend itself, is going to be destroyed or at best, merely allowed to exist.


    We are definately seeing depopulation.
    - cancer rates went from 1 in 60, to 2 in 3. Cancer rates will be 90% soon.
    - Obesity rates are over 70%. Thyroid, parathyroid problems.
    - below replacement level fertility in Europe and America. Declining testosterone levels in men. Feminization of men. Declining sperm counts.
    - dumbing down of population, mercury injections, loss of top 2% of population intelligence curve. 200 point decline in SAT scores that has been hidden. Population dumbed down to third world math and literacy rates.
    - Rash of new diseases that did not exist before. Alzheimer, breast cancer, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, asthma, peanut allergies, diabetes, sudden infant death syndrome. These diseases did not exist a hundred year ago and do not exist in countries that do not have intentional depopulation policies.
    - Radiological slow kill. Spike in infant mortality, spontaneous abortions in Europe and United States after Iraq depleted uranium operations began. Shower the earth with DE nano-particles. Fukushima nano-aerosolized 200 tons of material (how?), according to lab tests. Average person inhales 5 hot particles daily. 100 hot particles induce cancer rate to 50% over 15 years, as nano-particles decay chain proceeds.

    This is log scale. This is not linear

    state of 2017 (Skycoin, /pol/)

    People who do not eat very well and are absolutely obsessed with their health, are going to get fat, get diabetes, their testicles will be neutered and they will be sterilized pretty quickly. They will die of cancer. That is what we are seeing.

    The pesticides that have been used over the last sixty years, do not kill the insect. They subtely exterminate their gene line and make them sterile in four or six generations. Insects tend to eat a single crop and have single pesticide exposure. Humans are eating combinations of hundreds of different chemicals. Some of the chemicals are not reported, none of them are tested and no one has any idea how some of these chemicals are showing up in human blood plasma or where they are coming from. Some of the genetic damage shows up for seven generations in rats. The human species may be reproductibly non-viable within a few generations.

    Totalitarians, believe this is a positive thing, because it will put all human reproduction under government control. It will also produce a stupider, dumber, easier to control population that cannot solve its own problems and which requires a strong controlling government to act as shepard and slave master.

    Women produce all of their eggs at birth. Genetic damage is cumulative over life time and accumulates and is inherited by children
    - pesticides
    - heavy metals. aluminum, fluoride, lead, cadmium
    - nano particles (aluminum, titanium dioxide)
    - gene-line mutations from viral infections and STDs
    - radioisotopes bound in bone, that decay to worse elements over decades, radiological slow kill
    - depleted uranium (seeks out phosphate and destroys DNA)

    Every generation accumulates genetic damage until the species is non-viable. The effects of heavy metal and chemical exposure are multiplicative and often exponential. Exposure to three heavy metals can cause genetic damage that is 10,000 times the damage of any individual compound. The heavy metals and chemical exposure kill off the top 2% of intelligence, making everyone "more equal" by dumbing everyone down to the level of animals. Autism occurs primarily in children of professional families, engineers, executives and people who would otherwise have children with IQs above 130. Mercury injections make everyone "more equal".

    There is a huge segment of the population, who is economically useless and who is considered to just be a threat to the stability of the ruling elite, so everything possible is being done to sterilize or induce chronic illness. Especially targeting the poor and government dependents. The studies were done, the causes are known, no one intends to fix the problem and it is seen as a positive. Five thousand people a day need to be killed off to balance America's social security balance of payments. Whistleblowers have already reported that Britain is already killing 100,000 hospital patients per year with morphine injections (to balance social security payments).

    After Europe is flooded with violent immigrants, the countries will probably be subjected to violence and that will be used as an excuse to lock down the countries like a concentration camp, while the population of useless eaters and dissents is slowly killed off.

    - reduces norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain. Making the population less emotional, less motivated, more obedient to authority and more docile. Induces apathy and kills the human soul
    - decreases intelligence
    - causes 80% inhibition of energy enzymes, causing obesity/diabetes
    - causes cancer. Cancer rates in Beverly Hills doubled when fluoridation began
    - causes permanent germ line mutations, that are inherited by children and are accumulated with each generation
    - the genetic and cognitive damage is at the same lever or higher as lead, arsenic and mercury

    Fluoride is added to salt in Europe. It is sprayed on crops as pesticide, which cannot be washed off and it is bio-accumulated. It is in high levels in even organic food, due do use of cryolite fertilizer.

    Monsanto GMO NK603 crops with or without glyphosate induce tumors in rats. Genetically engineered, spermicidal corn was found in the wild in Mexico. The researcher who reported this was fired. There are several dozen incidents of this sort, that suggest that the food, water and air are being covertly weaponized.

    Control group develops no tumor while all other groups did, and the study specifically mentioned the possibility that the threshold is actually so low that you don’t see a dosage effect.

    The television says "Fluoride is good for your teeth". Everyone should
    - go to the pet store right now
    - buy a Gerber or mouse
    - get sodium fluoride
    - dilute to 40 ppm (40 mg per liter)
    - inject the Gerble subcutaneously with 40 ppm sodium fluoride
    - count the number of injection sites that develop golf ball sized tumors
    - put the golf ball sized tumors on the internet

    The government has been putting 10 ppm in drinking water since end of WWII. The committees were aware of the studies.

    Then there were other whistleblowers who stated that the US government, weaponized the water delivery system under the Bush Bioshield Program. They interviewed people doing the installation of the system on the ground and then when they went to the country to investigate it, they ended up fired from theri job and began to receive government harassment. To allow controlled, selective delivery of biological and chemical agents by neighborhood, building or possibly household.

    - trust nothing. Independent verification. If government says "We are not chemtrailing" or "that is water vapor", go outside with hyper-spectral imaging camera to determine the spectral emission line, use laser to do aerosol count, collect rain samples and run them through a mass spectrometer. Electron microscope image the particles. Do PCR and look for RNA/DNA and do patent search for bioweapons. We have technology to measure elements in the sky of planets in other star systems and the public is too stupid to even determine what is in sky after two decades

    - Go take a blood sample and do PCR and get the DNA sequenced. Then do a patent search and see what is in your blood and who owns the patents on it.

    - primary sources are only valid sources. Secondary source and media are corrupt and lie. Wikipedia is being systematically scrubbed of medical information that leads to determination of the cause of emerging chronic diseases. Articles are being removed from pubmed to keep them from being cited. Doctors and researchers are even being murdered now.

    - Do not expect the government or corporations to stop killing people, after it is demonstrated conclusively that they are intentionally murdering people. Expect denials and the issue to be ignored. It is up to you, to individually and at a community level to protect yourself.

    - The NSA programs were leaked in 2002, definitely in court documents and were completely ignored. The only reason Snowden was given coverage appears to be elite infighting.
    - A lot of whistleblowers die to bring truth to the public and the NYT just burns the documents or when it is released, no one hears about it. The whole medi a is a shilling operation. You can dig for hours on Google and finding high quality primary sources documents is almost impossible. There are many people who on their death bed, released massive document dumps. The government does not even know they exist and cannot find them and media does not care. The government does not even know until they read about it in the media, then they are in damage control mode to shut it down or create disinformation or keep it from going viral.
    - The worst documents and most revealing documents are from the 70s and 80s. They tell you exactly, who is in power, what they want and what their agenda is.

    The bottom line is that this is not merely corporate greed. This is an intentional and asymmetric war. Between 70% and 90% of the population in the United States is going to get cancer and half will die of it. No one cares. The causes are known, it is preventable and it is intentional and no one cares.

    This was the agenda in the 80s and it was carried through. The people who know what is going and take measures, will survive and have working testicles and be thin and beautiful. The idiots who are unable to change their behavior, or seek information (it is readily available) are going to get sterilization, obesity and cancer.


    I think that if your country has a record of running torturing centers overseas, tortures people, murdered tens of millions of people, assassinates people everyday and is building domestic torture centers and rolling out mass surveillance, you should leave the country before you end up in an incinerator like the 29 out of 30 Jews in Nazi Germany who did not understand what was going on.

    It is not worth fighting. You have a better change of survival and affirming western values in the middle of the Syrian genocide zone than in America. The best case for America at this point is that it devolves into a Mexican like state, where the ground is controlled by drug cartels and militia and the government only exists on television. The worse case is genocide.

    Western Civilization and its values cannot be saved or corrected in its current form. The leadership has fallen into depravity and the upper class values that supported civilization are annihilated. You cannot build a moral or sane civilization on a foundation of insane and immoral sociopaths. The current generation of Chinese leadership lived difficult lives and were engineers. They were grounded in reality and not delusion. They built China from nothing to an industrial power, in a single generation. Their children are spoiled and do not understand sacrifice or obligation and as they come to power, you see the steamrolling corruption and the next generation after that will be even worse.

    It is unlikely that the west can emulate China or do anything but commit suicide, because its moral and economic values are at odds with the continued existence of human life on Earth.

    Once a society's elite has lost its moral compass, they cannot hold civilization together or keep it going in a positive direction. It devolves into intentional parasitic destruction and a hatred of humanity itself. The current generation of American leadership (CFR) believes
    - America should be deindustralized and weakend and that it is good. They accomplished that
    - that American education should be dumbed down. They accomplished that
    - that American wages and standard of living are too high and they should be driven down to 3rd world levels and "equalized" and globalized. They are working on that
    - that chronic diseases, cancer, depopulation is a good thing. More profits. More power. Too many people on earth. Too many serfs.
    - that the nation state needs to be destroyed and that flooding it with 3rd world immigrants and injecting people with mercury and other method is acceptable towards this end

    So you have a group of people, with depraved, negative values. They are actually getting worse, every generation since the 90s, to the point that the current generation, appears to be turning into sadomasochistic, coked up pedophiles.

    The emphasis should be on behavior change, escape and creating new civilizations cultures in safe regions. The momentum in the west is towards suicide, self destruction and the thirst for self annihilation.

    There were bankers who
    - quit in mass because they would not carry through with this
    - who were murdered because they refused to go along with the agenda
    - who are going to carry it through for the money, but are prepared to move themselves and their families to safe countries that are rejecting the policies and agendas they are pushing, because they know there is no hope or future here

    I went through several hundred years of primary source documentation and it is just
    - torture
    - assassination
    - governments genociding people
    - political purges
    - murders
    - orchestrated famines

    I am seeing the same behavior repeat today, that has occurred over the last thousand years with endless repetition in every culture, empire, continent and race. The only difference is the people and radiological, biological and nuclear weapon.

    Whatever happens, the strong, the noble, the intelligent, the informed and the prepared will prosper and rise to the top and it will mostly be the stupid, the ignorant, the weak and the losers that are turned in for the slaughter.

    The military psychological operations studies show that the majority of humans are unable to change their beliefs or behavior based upon factual information. They are animals driven by emotion and authority. You just need a man in a suit on television to tell them "Fluoride is good for your teeth" or give them the election "results" and they will believe anything. If reality or experience confront their beliefs, instead of changing the beliefs, they ignore the evidence and the beliefs are reinforced. Attacking beliefs for being in contradiction to reality, amplifies them and gets the person to feel like they are under attack and dig in deeper.

    So the majority of humans are barely above animal level and destined for enslavement to whatever insanity prevails at the moment. The hope for a mass society or progress through politics is insanity. The majority is literally imbued with a slave mentality and needs to seek out a savior or master to become psychologically and physically dependent on. If it was not the government or flag or a sports team, they would become Nazis, communist or SJWs or join a cult. They are going to find something to latch on to and it only has to satisfy their psychological needs for dependency and authority, it does not have to be factual or reality based.

    When communities auto-segregate by values, they can focus on achieving their shared goals, instead of fighting endlessly with sub-humans and trying to convert a majority of people who cannot arrive at reality through a rational process. That is why corporations, secret societies, communities and clandestine groups are effective at coordinated action and mobs are ineffective. The idea of lumping different groups of people with different values together, under a shared government is insanity.

    Do Human Rights Exist?

    "Human Rights" do not exist. They are a weapon the United States uses to morally shame its enemies, while it does far worse things. Populations who are unable or unwilling to defend themselves and their way of life, will ultimately yield to conquest and enslavement by the economically and militarily superior units of organizations. Rights exist through shear power and military force. They are the rules of nature, not man.

    Nation states are being brutally torn apart right now, by superior, more flexible units of organization with greater planning ability and unity of purpose and action. Mexico has already collapsed and that process is moving north into regions of America. The America, European, Australian, Canadian, Japanese, German, French and New Zealand governments have already been complete subverted by non-state actors and clandestine organizations. The role of the drug cartels in Latin American politics is absolute. The nation state as unit of people with common interests and "We The People" has already failed and does not reflect reality.

    The UN signed a "declaration of Human Rights", but here is the UN congo, genocide operation. This is what primary source documents look like

    There was a democratically elected sane leader and the UN helped to overthrow him. Then there was a part of the Congo that was sane and survived the rape and genocide, so UN troops were sent in to kill and indiscriminately murder people. This was the the fax from the UN supported dictator. This is what an IMF/UN operation looks like.

    state of 2017 (Skycoin, /pol/)

    state of 2017 (Skycoin, /pol/)

    There are people who want to give all their guns and nuclear weapons to the UN and they thing "We will have world peace" and history has show, that they will probably be murdered, raped and enslaved by bankers. Once a power center gives up its weapons, it is usually murdered and purged by the disarming power center. The question is not "Why do elites kill each other" but "What stops one group of elites from just killing the others and taking over".

    Earth is a war zone. The enemy of man is man.

    Elite Infighting:

    Wikileaks, Assange and Trump are being used to launder information and maintain a balance of power. There were numerous whistleblowers before Snowden that were just destroyed by corporate controlled media. People at the top, have to make a decision to let the information out, or it goes nowhere and is just covered up and forgotten.

    There is a lot of momentum, going in same direction, for over a hundred twenty years. Its not going to reverse direction, until the economic interests pushing in that direction are completely destroyed and dismantled. The FED and oil interests.

    There is not just the TPP. There are three treaties. If you read the treaties, I do not understand why people are not rioting in the street or lynching bankers yet. People have not been given enough mercury injection to accept this kind of financial enslavement and rape. The treaties take all of law and government, out of hands of elected government and put it into hands of the corporate lawyers for Fortune 500. The only way to repeal the treaty is military force and the only way to enforce the treaty, is by military force and economic sanction.

    Hungary put up walls, so they herded a bunch of angry Muslims to the border with NGOs and then provoked a riot. The weaker countries, who cannot keep the Muslims out, will be first country to go bankrupt from welfare payments and these countries are already in bankruptcy and austerity, with massive unemployment. Just get out of there. Just flee. If people are this stupid, then humanity deserves slavery.

    We are in middle of complete collapse of legitimacy of the western nation states and their political systems. Last time this happened, there was a major world war and a few hundred million died, between the internal power seizures, purges and the serfs that were sent to kill each other. However this is great for Bitcoin/Skycoin.


    Open source and automate
    - food production
    - water production
    - building materials, housing (dirt compacting brick machine, 3d printed glass, materials)
    - heating and cooling systems
    - telecommunications
    - transportation
    - finance
    - defense
    - CNCing, 3 to 5 axis
    - assembly

    This is the only way out. All dependencies must be eliminated. This is what is going to break the cycle of bullshit and the only hope for real change in the world. Politics is a dead end.

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    Good News:

    Human civilization might survive on earth for another decade!

    Hacker groups and anon have more information about what is actually going on the physical ground, than the top people in Pentagon and the intelligence analysts are required to lie or distort reality, to bias decision making.
    - the Pentagon thinks they are "fighting ISIS" when talking to policy makers
    - in reality you have other group "managing ISIS"
    - then you have "moderate rebels" which are foreign mercenaries from Turkey and Yemen and they are being paid by someone (Oil Companies?)

    You can be at the top and have all the data and reality does not make sense. There were groups that were just making things up.
    - They choose the decision that benefits them, behind closed doors
    - Then they create the information that supports making that decision in the public policy apparatus

    The top level is a cult. They have people talking about preemptive nuclear attacks on Russia and if you are not for preemptively nuking Russia, they just get rid of you. It is an eco chamber of insanity. It is literally like scientology. No one can explain why particular countries are being invaded. They are just told to do it and if they disagree, they are just removed. There is a whole shadow government pushing the public government into doing things that do not make any sense and have no justification.

    For instance, the 80s CFR mandate to deindustralize the United States, cover up the deindustrialization, destroy the machine tools sector, cook economic numbers and switch the United States to a "Service Economy". So the American people elect the government, but all the appointments come out a CFR group, that wants to destroy America and its really a global empire project and everyone they appoint is agreed on pursuing policies that no American supports or benefits from.

    Or in Europe, to flood the country with millions of 3rd world immigrants, who are causing crime waves, burning police cars, rioting and raping women. They put in 2 million of them and were planning for another 30 million. This is coming out of BIS, Goldman Saches and the bankers.

    - The political parties are completely controlled and were controlled by the same group, for decades
    - There are groups like the CFR, that recruit people, indoctrinate them and then place them into positions of power. 80% of the administration is often from these groups.
    - There are groups like the CFR and trilateral in every country. Australia, China, Europe, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico. They take over the governments by subversion and the public does not even know.
    - The corporate owned media is in on this and does not talk about the upper level politics. There are three levels of politics above the public governments, then there is secret society network on the side, which is information exchange for the rich people.
    - Bilderbergs, Davos is for business leaders and to get their buy in. There are multiple groups to get business leader buy in
    - There is a network of NGOs, tied into oil interests that are absolutely sociopathic. They fund Palestine terror groups to do attacks and then fund the NGOs that protest the Israeli response to the attacks.
    - When Rockefeller Standard Oil monopoly was shut down, it moved off shore and still operates today. There is an interlocking financial ownership structure that is blatantly obvious. They control multiple non-profits and NGOs. They bought into banks like Chase bank and City of London, to move profits offshore and escape taxation and regulation. Once the money flows were transnational, they could not be traced and ownership was obscured. Oil pipeline wars. Mass genocide, assassinations, overthrowing governments to maintain network. This group has most money/power because they have direct or indirect global control over the energy resources required for industrial civilization.
    - There is an anglo saxon financial network out of City of London, that keeps trying to start a war between Israel and Iran and Iran and Iraq. Planned and carried out World War I and World War II. World War I to destroy industry in Europe and destroy railroads to preserve Basicly controls FED. Goldman Sachs and NY. Associated to the IMF/BIS network. British East Indies Company. Publishes all the anti-Semitic stuff. Hates Blacks, Jews and Catholics. Anglo Saxon race patriots. Closest group to global hegemony. Conquered Africa, India, China, America. Allied with oil interests, neocons and NGO network. Funded Bolsheviks to kill off Russian aristocracy, steal all of Russia's gold from Church and had it shipped to London. Overlaps with oil interests. Involved in every US presidential assassination.
    - There is a group of anglo saxons WASP old money families in US, often called "Pilgrims Society", who took over the government by 1906 and used regulation and the court system to destroy their competitions. Medical cartel, Monsanto, FED, SEC. Interstate commerce commission.
    - There is the Carlyle group and Wakenhut. This is the neo-con cluster. They are the ones who own and run the US nuclear weapon supply chain after it was privatized, own Sequoia Voting Systems, PROMIS scandal, private prison industry, Iran Contra, biological weapons, nukes in space.This group is related to but did not anthrax the senator opposing the Patriot Act.
    - Defense Contractor Industry. Lockheed Martin (overlap with Carlyle group)
    - Black Sheep New Money Families. Have no idea what is going on but are involved at level 2.
    - The Israeli lobby. Jewish diaspora
    - European Old Money Elites.
    - Together, there appear to be about 35 highly intermarried families that control about 80% of global production. There is a complex web of interlocking ownership and financial intermediaries, delegates and offshore financial holdings to evade governments. All of the corporations, industry, metal, steel, coal, gold, silver, manufacturing, oil, media. The Fortune 500. Ownership increased from 60% of EU/American economic production to 80%, since the 80s.
    - Drug Money families. Prohibition, Heroin/Opium, soft drugs controlled by different racial/religious groups.
    - China appears to be owned by 8 families, "The Eight Immortals" who nominate and control the Chinese party. The Chinese party committee appoints the lower party members and the lower party appoints the government and uses the party control of regulation to keep the businesses and districts under control. They are engineers, who lived through Mao and had difficult lives and guided China through a different transition. They did a very good job in China with economic development,. Their children are spoiled and corrupt and may end up destroying the country within two generations.
    - French Aristocracy and Oil interests. 700 billion dollars a year. Still has colonies in Africa.
    - CIA, oil/mineral/drug cartels/private army, PMC nexus. Pushed into private sector after 60s.
    - groups like SJWs who started as controlled opposition groups, but gained their own resources and went on rampage. Autonomous political parties. Some crazy socialist groups with large membership here, who will wait for instability and then kill off opposition and seize power if allowed.
    - pedophile networks. Hacked email servers in anon ops, show that the majority of British Politicians appear to be members of pedogroups. The emails suggests that members are invited in first and then promoted to positions of political power later by other group members. Criminal activity or embarrassing rituals are often used to cement bonds between secret society members and this is normal.
    - Euclidean/Pythagorean type study groups and secret science societies.
    - BASF Chemical Cartel, Alcoa, Nazi industrialists. Hydra. Put fluoride in Americas water after the war, after effects validated in Jewish concentration camps.
    - US military aristocracy. Christian. RAND corporation. Report From Iron Mountain. Technocracy. Logistics. Overlaps with Fortune 500 central planning groups. Protects US economic interests abroad. Reads Spengler. Cybernetics, Linear Algebra. Sane people with insane masters.

    This is partial list of the gods.

    1. The news is worthless
    2. Primary sources are reality. The further you get from primary sources, the more bullshit and politicized reality becomes
    3. Most of the power groups do not have names. You have to create a Tuple -base and dump all the data in. "slot_name, type, value". "slot_name: person_name, type:text, value: George Washington". You have 1-ary data, such as "name" of person. Attributes of person or event. Then you have 2-ary data, such as "person X belongs to group Y". "John Boehner is a republican". "Then you have events "Speaker of House John Boehner resigned as republican speaker of the house". "Speaker John Boehner was outed as speaker of the house". "John Boehner supports the TPP treaty".
    4. Then you have to data mine it. If you do the cluster analysis, you see the clusters. In personality exams, a psychologists created thousands of questions where the answer was "-1 to 1" on a five point scale from strongly disagree to agree, such as "I often fight with my roommates" or "I am a happy person". Then they construct the covariance matrix. Then they extract the eigenvectors from the matrix. Those are the "personality factors", which anyone's personality can be discomposed to best summarized over. Then the psychologist, tries to name the factors. That is how the NEO-PI was created.
    5. If you data mine the members and group membership, you get very strong clusters. The clusters overlap and change in size and relative power over time.

    - When you map this out, you see that the groups are allied or in opposition to each other.
    - Over time, the cluster membership size decreases or increases (as members join, age or die).
    - the groups are hierarchically clustered. There is a macro-group, with two "opposed" Hegelian dialectic groups. The same group under the CFR appears to control both the democratic and republican party and their members are always in power, no matter who "wins".
    - The clusters gang up on and try to destroy smaller clusters. Like globalist faction using IRS to attack libertarian groups.
    - Once a cluster becomes powerful enough, it starts murdering or purging the other power centers by force. Once any group comes to power, the first thing they do is purge the other political parties, ban organized religion, destroy the bourgeoisie small business owners, attack secret society members and dismantlement all opposing organized groups.
    - The groups vary in their use of assassination and murder. Some groups do not have military force ability. Those groups who have military force ability, use it, when it can be deployed deniably.

    The other interesting thing, is that none of the power groups are public. Everything is behind closed doors. The public government only exists to manipulate, lie and control the public through propaganda. The flow of power and decision is top down. The public can only oppose, but all of the direct action steps are controlled by other groups (except for complaining and protesting).

    Decisions are decided by "Who is more powerful".

    The groups are ranked by power index and the groups for and against are lined up and the most powerful coalition wins. The issues of values or objectives is never raised.

    This type of objective, numerical analysis is important, because
    - if the SEC is run by Goldman Sachs lawyers
    - if the FED is run by members of Goldman Sachs
    - then the FED, SEC and Goldman Sachs are the same. They are not independent.
    The most important conclusion however, that this type of analysis reveals is that
    - if you match people up by "agrees with or opposes" each issue
    - there are two distinct clusters of people. sane people and corporate shills
    - the two groups are cleanly separable and can be identified mathematically


    There are currently two groups in Europe
    - one group wants to flood the country with third world immigrants who will bankrupt countries welfare system and who are raping women
    - the other group, does not want the third world immigrants in their country
    - The bankers, say 'more immigrants, more rape'. They already have plan to bankrupt the nations, to force the governments to privatize their water, garbage, sewage and electricity services and sell them to the bankers. Who will then increase the price of these services at three times the rate of inflation (this is way of pulling cash out of circulation and destroying economy, while consolidating economic and political control). They are pushing three international treaties, that would prevent the countries from taking back the utilities, or having any control over rates or service levels.
    - The media say "more rape"
    - The government says "Jail for anyone who is against rape. Opposing rape is hate speech"
    - The public says "no rape"


    If you data mine support for or against particular issues and then cluster them, you end up with "value clusters". When the values of banker or corporate controlled media differ from the public or a sub-group, then it becomes visible.

    - If a person is compelled by violence or force into behaviors against their personal values, that is oppression.
    - People auto-segregate into virtual and real communities, that have aligned values
    - governments and the central power attempts to destroy all alternative value systems and economic arrangement that threaten elite domination and resource extraction from the conquered populations

    Civilization, Mathematics, Spengler: The New Order of the Ages

    state of 2017 (Skycoin, /pol/)

    The new order of the ages and ur-symbol for the emerging civilization appears to be the matrix or the graph, or the bipartite graph.

    The Faustian civilization is dying. It is dead. The westphalian nation state is dead. It is not longer economically, militarily or ideologically defensible.

    The nation state has been in decline since at least the 1920s and possibly since Napoleon.
    - Read Crevald
    - It is not robust against internal destabilization as demonstrated by the Bolsheviks
    - It cannot maintain its own form, without energy inputs from an external empire as demonstrated by Somalia and Yemen
    - it cannot maintain military control of its territory against the onslaught of non-state actors as demonstrated by Mexico and the Middle East
    - it cannot maintain itself against destabilization by foreign military action (airpower, biological, nuclear warfare). External military destabilization has become viable, to the point that both China and Russia are facing external destabilization at the same time the US is facing internal auto-destabilization
    - It cannot maintain ideological legitimacy and voluntary consent. Even single ethnic/cultural nation states with common values are being ruled through divide and conquer as other strategies of social control have simply failed.
    - Every single attempt to establish social control, that is not accepted voluntarily, provokes counter reaction leading to further loss of social control. Even the Chinese regimen is constricted to within the range of control actions, which do not provoke a cycle of counter-resistance. The American and European regimes are already far outside of the regime of governability.
    - Neither is global empire or regionalism are viable in the long term.
    - The SDR is a joke and is mathematically non-viable.
    - The enforcement problems and competition with non-state actors encountered in the nation state all exist, in more severely amplified form in both the regionalist and globalist government structures.
    - return to nationalist structures does not fundamentally address reasons for state collapse

    I think the empire is dead. The question right now, is whether the United States and Europe will go down the Bolshevik route and begin murdering tens of million of their own citizens to maintain power or whether states will undergo devolution, collapse into anarchy like Mexico, civil war or retreat to previous forms, retrenching nationalism.

    States are stable against belief change, but fail or change in form, once the threshold for behavioral change is reached.

    state of 2017 (Skycoin, /pol/)

    I think the US is headed towards crisis and mathematical economic collapse by 2030 at the latest.

    state of 2017 (Skycoin, /pol/)

    There are dozens of trends like this. Suggesting that the political system will collapse by 2035, because of economic factors and unrestrained corporate looting.

    The cost of
    - food
    - land
    - housing/rent
    - medical care
    - commodities
    - fuel/good
    - water
    - electricity
    - education
    - telecommunications

    The cost of the above, cannot continue to increase at several times the rate of inflation, while wages remain constant. However, the policies which have produced these trends, are being exported to every country they can be forced upon! Either through take over of the country through infiltration of the political class through secret societies, rigging voting machines, buying out the media, bribing politicians, international treaties or military conquest.

    The forced bankruptcy of the municipalities in Europe and America and sale of all utility, electricity, water, mineral and land resources to corporations, who can then arbitrarily raise prices, will accelerate the looting and consolidation trend and accelerate the crisis of state legitimacy.

    The nation state is failing, because the countries which are not resilient to infiltration by non-state actors, pushing irrational economic and monetary polices, will simply be eliminated by Darwinian selection. The world can be thought of as a transnational cartel of competing parasites, that use bribery, infiltration and military force to infect and takeover countries and siphon off their resources and the mental and material prosperity of their populations

    We are seeing globalization and parasitic looting, go to its logical extreme. We will inevitable see the rise of authoritarian political and military leaders who - cut off global trade
    - impose capital controls
    - force industrialization through state guided investment
    - execute or imprison business leaders responsible for poisoning populations
    - protect local producers from foreign competitors
    - ban foreign financial firms from siphoning off wealth from national economies
    - reindustrialize and promote investment in machine tools and manufacturing sectors
    - exile non-productive minorities, criminals and citizens which are a net drag upon society
    - establish and enforce shared national values and a sense of shared community
    - eliminate foreign control over currency and establish a sovereign monetary policy
    - promote a strong work ethnic
    - eliminate taxation and drags upon economic activity
    - eliminate financialization and force investments into the real economy and economic production for export

    The Fortune 500 works, by forcing open the country for trade and then a Fortune 500 company comes in and dumps goods in the local economy at lower prices, until the local producers are bankrupt or bought out. Then the Fortune 500 company is free to raise prices to any level and extract resources and labor from the conquered economy.

    Globalization ends, when there is only one giant company that monopolizes every resource needed for human life on earth globally and no one who does not work for that company has money to buy the right to live.

    80% of EU/US production is already monopolized by that group. Nearly 100% of all production. Now the next goal, is to bring all food, land, water, electricity, sewage, garbage utilities under corporate control. Nothing will exist, that humans need for survival, that is not owned and controlled by the cartel.

    The process will be complete when Iran, Israel, Russia and China have been destroyed, destabilized or brought under control through assassination, infiltration, bribery or military and economic force. The ultimate goal, is that there should be no state which exists autonomously and cannot be destroyed or subjugated to the international empire (political, economic, military). That is the "New World Order". It is political, economic and military. It is secular. It is a global empire project, where a group of bankers at the BIS end up dominating and enslaving the world.

    It is mostly falling apart and about a third of the people are completely demoralized right now. They are in a position to do massive damage and kill billions of people through war, famine, nuclear, biological weapons. They are not in a position to consolidate empire.

    The borders and lines drawn on the map, the economic production centers, the specializations and exports of countries, the military pairing, populations and military tech level of nearly every country on Earth was developed for this global empire project.
    - population control in India, China, South East Asia, Africa was about balancing the populations to maintain military balance between countries
    - central bankers controlled the interest rates and foreign investment in various various countries to balance out economic growth, the US was deindustralized and intentionally economically raped since the 80s under CFR policies and its military supply lines spread over fifteen thousand miles for the upcoming conflict (America has no other local, large power to counteract it. It is the king maker, a geopolitical fortress and needs to be weakened, destroyed and held in subjugation).
    - drone and weapon technology development was retarded in the United States, while the technology was pushed to India (counter to China) and Israel (counter to Iran). Some countries that are intended to be destroyed, have only offensive capacities, while defensive capacities were stifled through political process. Look at the US power grid in context of war preparation and compare to Europe.
    - the whole middle east was remodeled, to destroy or move oil pipelines, to isolate Iran and Russia and hold Europe's access to energy resources in a choke-hold and control international prices
    - technology suppression. Movement of billions in money to fusion research that was mathematically proven to never be able to achieve cost parity with coal, while desktop scale fusion research that could research break even quickly, received no funding. Suppression of battery/energy tech, electric vehicles produced and then destroyed, battery patent hoarding for NiCd). Electric cars are literally just a rechargable battery, attached to a motor to make the thing move. We had viable electric cars in the 1920s. There is no technological limitation, it is completely social and political. Stop anything that would reduce or eliminate dependence of centrally controllable energy resources. Buy out, shutdown, destroy clean coal and coal liquefaction approaches that were viable now, or used in South Africa. Buyout and shutdown all technology for small scale, independent energy production (dozens of examples). Stop advancement of nuclear power through regulation and drive up plant costs to make them nonviable. Regulation and land monopolization to prevent development of domestic oil reserves. Ensure sources are foreign and in areas where the supply can be shutoff, controlled and where the profits can be laundered offshore.
    - Mineral, resource and commodity cartels. Monopolize graphite electrode production globally by buying out all competitors and then limiting African steel production by restricting amount of electrodes they can buy. Print money by issuing stocks, buy out competitors, shut them down.

    - development of new entertainment technologies and technologies of monitoring and social control, to keep enslaved populations in check. Voting machines, twitter, facebook, digital television, tracking, mass surveillance, cell phone, smart meters, RFID, biometrics, Brainwave entrainment, neuromarketing, voice to text. There was conscious decision to divert money into technologies of social control and away from technologies of economic production since the 70s. VCs fund companies, then large companies buy out the companies and shut down the technology.

    - "Democracies" hate war causalities and body counts, so emphasize shifted to SOCOM type operations and war automation through infiltration, subversion, assassination and blackmail. "Silent Weapons for Silent Wars". Drones, sensor networks, cancer and heart attack induction agents, biological weapons, directed energy. War is now deniable. The person under attack does not know they are under attack or by who. They cannot retaliate. Fifth generation netwar doctrine. War is between corporations, clandestine networks, non-state actors and not between nation states. The "government" is reality TV show and the military is fake, while the real war is hidden.

    - The number of things that were surveillance related was immense, including buying out, consolidating and shutting down secure linux distro providers. You will not find a distro, router, cell phone, corporate VPN or email solution that is not back doored. You will not find a piece of software for operating a bank on the back end, that does not have so many security holes you can drive a truck through them. If you make poker website accounting software, you are forced to backdoor it under threat of jail by corrupt New York attorney. If a country like Venezuela is running ATM software, just hack the ATM transaction over the wire, flood the country with currency, give the money to rebel groups, cause hyperinflation. Disable the ATMs periodically, undermine confidence. Steal money from other people's accounts to undermine confidence. Exploit banking back doors to cause havoc. Hack SCADA systems, blow up chemical plants, crash aircraft of families you dont like. Just go wide.

    This has been going on since the end of World War II. People should expect they are going to get economically raped. The rape is going to continue daily, until people change their behavior and begin building parallel economic systems (crypto currencies, community credit systems, food production, land, water, electricity, manufacturing, tiny houses, permaculture).

    You have an economic system where 80% of production is controlled by a hand full of people, who can sit together in a single room and decide how badly they are going to fuck you, There are two corporations left in every industry vertical, who are just buying out every competitor and who completely control pricing in their sector.

    Auto Segregation: Resistance Tactics

    Within and between the nation states, we are seeing auto-segregation of communities, by values. The wealthy are retreating into private gated communities and there is reverse urbanization as people flee to rural areas to isolate themselves from financial rape by the oligarchy. Some people are fleeing across national borders to the better areas. The ideological polarization of sub-populations will continue to increase and people will increasing auto-segregate themselves into communities that reflect their culture and values.

    At the same times, many of these communities are aiming for economic autarky. Open source technology is eventually going to be in cross hairs.

    These new communities are going to be governed more by shared values of the communities members and less by money. When people have water, energy, food, housing, heating/cooling and can live comfortably, they usually begin to work on things they are interested in, instead of working for the Fortune 500. We have the technology to produce everything needed, by every member of society, using less than 4% of the societies labor resources. However, scarcity, starvation, debt and absolute levels of poverty must be maintained, to create the labor pool for military, corporations and the Fortune 500.

    British invaded Africa, enslaved the population by monopolizing the food supply and various resources. If you wanted to live, you needed to get money to buy the commodities required for survival. The British directed that labor to building railroads, ports, telegraph lines, extracting gold and silver, growing tea for export, building roads and houses. They elevated the tech level and comfort of the civilization.

    When the British left, the Africans tore out the telegraph lines to sell the wires for scrap metal. The railroads fell into disrepair, the roads destroyed through non-maintenance and everyone went back to eating insects and living in mud huts.

    Money is a system of extracting and organizing labor. Today's leaders in Africa do not spend the money they receive on elevating their societies, building roads, industrial plants, or making their populations self reliant. They spend the money on vacations in Paris, Louis Voulton hand bags and prostitutes and cocaine. The population of the country is just a resource, to be rented out to foreign corporations and the payroll taxes the corporation pays are the serf rental fees to the ruler. "Democracy" is very flexible and can be stretched over an infinite number of different economic realities.

    The tech level and material comfort is not going to be even globally. Absolute inequality is going to increase. Communities, corporations and groups will have, whatever they can produce within the group, limited by their level of organization, knowledge and ability. Robots will replace humans for unskilled labor, which will no longer be scarce. Knowledge about production processes and managing those processes will now be the valuable thing and advanced or superior processes will be jealousy hoarded and monopolized as a source of economic power.

    People would join groups based upon values and upon material offerings (like they join corporations today). This is a movement away from an "open society" (which is a system of slavery) to neo feudalism. There is one group that has accepted a zero marginal cost society, where everything is free. There is another group, that wants to stop that or slow it down, by war if necessary.

    “The COP21 talks will not result in anything. If you hope they will, that hope is a negative thing. In having hope you are still engaging with governments, and in so doing wasting time that can be spent on actual solutions.”

    When you see elites, losing control over resources, normally they start a war or start genociding people. Human history is just genocide, assassination, murder and enslavement. It takes less than two weeks to take a college student off a street and get them to start torturing people like the US treats Gitmo prisoners.

    In the US and EU, you see attempts like Agenda 21, which intend to maintain scarcity, control and class privilege through direct use of military force or "regulations" enforced through military force.

    The parasitic, hereditary, old money, empire obsessed, particularly genocidal elite right now are panicing about losing control over
    - money
    - food
    - water
    - land
    - media / telecommunications
    - energy
    - transportation/shipping/borders
    - medical industry
    - manufacturing
    - government
    - military force

    When people are no longer dependent and desperate, they just ignore the government and collectivism. They have to be kept psychologically and economically dependent or the government will collapse and people will go on with their lives, like they did in Somalia.

    Another factor, leading to state collapse, is the mass import of unassimilated immigrates. States were historically established through ethnic cleansing and genociding anyone in the region, outside of a culture or language group. So what we are seeing is the state building process being run in reverse. I think this is a short term measure by parasitic banks, to bankrupt the member states and drive them into privatizing and selling off all their assets, water, electricity and utility markets. When I look at the graphs, it looks like a bunch of sharks trying to grab the biggest piece of flesh they can and no one cares what happens tomorrow. They are trying to get whole countries to sign economic suicide treaties, while buying property and moving their families to countries who refuse to be part of treaties.

    The same ungrounded groups that today are assimilated by feminism, SJW ideologies are going to be tomorrows facists, gang members, Neo-nazis, Islam, cult members and communist revolutionaries. When you destroy any strong form of values, religion, culture, community in the neo-liberal atomization process, you create an atmosphere ready for an explosion of extremism.

    This will be useless to most people, but may be useful to people who intend to survive on Earth over the next forty years.

    Innovations in Killing:

    Politics is completely irrelevant. The people on television are fake. They are distractions and ultimately anything or any information that does not lead to behavior change, is fake and will not have an effect on the world. What is real is
    - changes in economic production technology
    - changes in military tactics, doctrine. factions. distribution of economic and military power. Nuclear, biological, radiological weapons, death automation, sensor networks, meta data tracking, identify->track->kill loops.
    - We are entering a world within ten years, where anyone can kill anyone with aflatoxin loaded biometric guided nano drones and there will be no ability to identify attacks or trace them back to the attacker. The number of ways of deniably killing or assassinating opponents is increasing and the proliferation of the technologies cannot be stopped and will filter down to lowest level.
    - At the same time killing is being individualized and automated on a massive scale, there are military scenarios that could result in death of 500 million from biological, space and nuclear attacks. The destabilization of Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Iran is just beginning of a larger invisible global war. South East Asia, China, Russia, Iran, Israel may be next.
    - The proliferation of these weapons is going threaten people in the third world and the elite of the elite in the western world. Nuclear weapons, ICBM missiles and weapons that required billions of dollars, enhanced the power of the elite and nation state. Drones, E&M, biological weapons and the new generation is going to reduce threshold for the elite to begin killing each other. There are billionaires in Russia that have their own armies, security services and live in mansion fortresses and they cannot even survive when targeted by mid level groups with last gen tech.
    - We are going from assassination with knives. close range hand gun. throwing people off building, "suiciding them". to sniper/long ranged rifle. gangland slayings. heart attack gun to stop heart. To insect sized $10 drones with needle delivering nano gram payload that will kill target three weeks later.
    - At the high end, you have NSA collecting DNA of political leaders according to wikileaks cable and emerging tech such as synthetic biology and custom biological weapons tailored to targets immune system. Generals, political leaders, business men are just going to be hunted down and eliminated. There is realistically, nothing governments can do to protect their citizens. When they start seeing this, people will change their behavior and begin to adapt volumetric warfare defensive strategies (living in domes, enclosed communities, enclosed in-door car ports, network security, layered defense zones, compartmentalization of offices, electromagnetic shielding to isolate volumetric warfare devices from command and control). In the middle ages, the wealthy lived in castles, fortresses and only left under heavy armed guard and we are returning to that.

    The way war is waged has completely changed. Today war is "full spectrum". World War III began with 9/11 and is perpetual. There is no victory condition, no enemy, no objective and the end will not be within our life times. The war is being fought along a fifth generation doctrine and does not look like a "war" to the public, but is a new type of warfare. Hundreds of million of people may be displaced. Two billion may die of famine in some scenarios.

    The war is corporate, with all intelligence, weapon system and operations increasingly being pushed into the private sector. All of the nuclear, biological, space weapons, drones, NSA have been moved into the private sector. As long as there is money and humans on earth, the war will continue.

    "full spectrum warfare"
    - weather weaponization
    - vaccine weaponization
    - water weaponization
    - food weaponization
    - space weaponizatoin
    - biological weaponization
    - cognitive / psychological warfare
    - economic warfare
    - binary nano/bio
    - chemical
    - biological
    - electromagnetic
    - radiological
    - nuclear
    - kinetic
    - volumetric
    - memetic

    Instead of attacking the enemy,
    - you split the enemy into faction and give them money and guns to kill each other.
    - You surround the territory (volumetric enclosure) and cut off the food supply and starve them to death. You bomb the sewage, water and electricity infrastructure and send them back to the stone age.
    - You put trade sanctions on the country and watch their economy collapse as it cannot get replacement parts for computers, networking equipment, machine tools.
    - You put trade sanction on country and the 30% of people with multiple sclerosis, cancer, Alzheimer, diabetes, enzymes disorders and induced chronic diseases just die.
    - You flood the country with drugs to weaken the population and use the money to fund insurgent groups.
    - You assassinate political leaders
    - hijack planes ,vehicles, hack SCADA systems, ATMs
    - spread engineered diseases in the food and water
    - assassinate generals and political leaders.

    Countries are completely destroyed and hundreds of thousands of citizens, slaughtered without the "enemy" even being known or setting foot in the country. The citizens in the aggressor country or group do not even know the "war" is going on.

    This is not a war of domination or control, but a war of destruction and destabilization of anyone or any group or power structure that can maintain its existence against the central power and empire. Wars are not ideological, they are not about "war on terror" or "They hate our freedoms". Every single war is about
    - projecting domination
    - controlling population centers
    - monopolizing economic resources
    - destroying/destabilizing anyone who can act independently. Making everyone dependent on the central power.

    The Wolfowitz Doctrine. This is one of the three reasons why 9/11 happened.

    I do not want to call this "The United States", because it is not a nation. It is a transnational, non-state actors composed of banking, oil, financial, manufacturing and military interests. Full spectrum military domination
    - control of finances of all nations (banking cartel, central banking, BIS, IMF)
    - control of all manufacturing and international trade (Fortune 500)
    - control over all energy resources (Oil Cartel)
    - control over all food resources (Grain cartel, about 75% of global production)
    - control over all governments (infiltration (recruit members to CFR like groups, then place them in positions of power), blackmail, bribery, assassination, pedo rings, BCCI, ...)
    - control over all mineral resources
    - control over media
    - control over oil production and distribution (control the pipelines)
    - global military domination. Nukes in space. Biological weapons. Kinetic weapons. Drones. Network central warfare.
    - control over the drug trade and international finance (FACTA, GACTA, money "laundering" regulations, SARS)

    There are two objectives
    - maintain military domination over globe. Even if that means destabilizing Russia, China and destroying the nation state and throwing world into global anarchy
    - maintain control and domination of the populations (mass surveillance, license plate readers, cybernetics, preemptive murder of potential dissidents, torture and detainment of thought criminals, tyrannical control over financial system, civilian disarmament, 24/7 continuous tracking of individuals, state control over all transportation, energy, food, water and land resources)

    You have a bunch of new weapons technologies, such as

    The good news is that the advantage is on the defensive
    - a 15 billion dollar satellite can have its sensors destroyed or disabled by a $30 laser pointer

    - Military drones will cost $150,000 each and mounting an anti-material rifle on computer controlled platform that can shoot down one drone per second, to within 2" at 300 meters, costs less than $800. Drones hate buckshot.

    - Chlorine dioxide destroys RNA and nearly all biological weapons. It destroys protein by oxidation particular amino acids and destroys viral RNA. Ten billion dollars in biological weapons research is defensible with 50 cents of sodium chlorite.

    - anti-aircraft radar costs are going down to $15 with SDRs.

    - itching powder and LSD completely disable SWAT teams and riot police

    - IP6 and other chelating agents exist to remove depleted uranium nano-particles from body. Strontium and heavy metals isotopes are locked into the bones by fluoride, which can be removed by borates and iodine.

    - a 50 cent 270 nm UV LED destroys DNA/RNA and sterilizes all known biological weapons from water within seconds

    - adhesive and sand or iron dioxide screws up servos, air intake, sensors. robotic killing machines are only going to be effective in flat, non-urban environments and useless in fortified areas with constriction zones. In Darfur, the day oil was found, genocide began and few hundred thousand people were murdered to get them off the oil. Tomorrow, robotic boxes with guns will roll across the desert at night and just auto-murder thousands of people per hour until they are off the oil. Only fortified , defended and prepared settlements are going to survive. Human rights are a lie. People and communities who cannot defend themselves, do not have an intrinsic right to exist. They are only alive, as long as they are useful slaves to their masters or while no one desires to genocide them. Survival is on a military and economic basis, while human rights are merely political and have no standing in nature.

    - Putting up 600 sq-ft of greenhouse and growing own food is less than a few hundred dollars and will be automated within five years

    - You can produce water from air, by compressing it and lowering the temperature. It is possible to CNC Or 3d print a solar condenser coupled with a turbine attached to a compressor.

    - Open ecology is developing open source dirt compacting machines, that manufacture bricks for fortifications and buildings from local materials.

    - geothermal is just digging a hole and pumping water. you could basicly live underground and grow own food in closed loop if you have to.

    - A turbine generator is just a fan attached to a motor. There are binary phase power generation methods that use lower boiling point liquids than water. Can be 3d printed or CNCed. Can run compressor or air conditioning or condensing water from atmosphere. Can be run off solar concentrator.

    - a motor is just a wire, some magnetic and ball bearings
    - a lead acid battery is just copper plating and sulfuric acid
    - the government is helpless against mathematics and cryptography. If you choose a secret k and append each block x with random number n, and encrypt block by xoring it with SHA256(k,n), the NSA can just cry about it. If you XOR it with two independent pseudo random sequences, it mathematically cannot be weaker than single application.

    So overall, I do not believe global enslavement is viable.

    I think that the United States and Europe will be locked down like concentration camps. At the same time, that countries are being flooded with violent minorities, we will see people stripped of the right to self-defense, to create government control and dependency. We are going to see the same cycle of violence, disarmament, genocide that we have seen over and over again since the end of World War II.

    If people are able to solve their own problems, then government is not necessary. The welfare state, the wars, taxation, terrorism and everything we have seen over the last hundred years, has been a desperate attempt to create and maintain dependence upon an increasingly useless system of domination and oppression. We are only a decade off from government raiding people with SWAT teams to prevent them from growing their own food. There are already laws on the books in the EU and US.

    The clear objective is maintain dependence upon the banks and government at all costs, through military means, if necessary. No economic activity, no act of economic production, no sexual act, no breath shall be taken without without going through the government (a transnational union of corporations, banks and drug cartels who are collectively trying to maintain domination over the subjugated populations).

    When crisis comes, the strong, prepared, informed and motivated will survive. The masses will be demoralized,, passive and will passively march into the incinerator. Less than 1 in 30 Jews left Germany, when Hitler made the option available and it was absolutely clear what was to transpire. The rich, the wealthy, the connected left and the poor and weak submitted to their fate.

    People do not see the genocide, because it is happening overseas and not domestically, yet Reporters who report on it are just killed or kept out of the news. Bloggers blogging about it have their adsense revenue cut off, their youtube channels taken down. Journalists who discuss the fact that non-allied journalists are being targeted for elimination, at Davos, get removed. There is a complete information vacuum, to isolate the people at the top, from what is happening on the ground. People who provide accurate information are simply removed, so that they cannot influence decision makers.

    The only limit is whether it can be applied, while keeping the hierarchy of authority in place without revolt and whether secret coalitions can be suppressed before they reach majority and dispose the psychopaths. That is why the focus has shifted to small special operations teams, drones, assassinations, biological weapons, foreign mercenaries and everything shifted into the private sector. There is an emerging multicultural rainbow of corporations, killing for profit, with allegiance to no flag, no law, no people and no nation. The national militaries are being gradually cut out and turned into a flagless transnational force.

    If Christian morals get in they way of for profit genocide operations or impoverishing millions for profit, then it is the Christian morals that must no. Money has become a higher value, elevated above human life or economic prosperity.

    If the US shut down the military right now, the war would continue. As long as there is oil, resources, weapon manufacturers and corporations, they will keep hiring mercenaries to murder civilians and control oil pipelines. As long as there is money, its just going to continue. Any community, country or group that cannot defend itself, is going to be destroyed or at best, merely allowed to exist.


    We are definately seeing depopulation.
    - cancer rates went from 1 in 60, to 2 in 3. Cancer rates will be 90% soon.
    - Obesity rates are over 70%. Thyroid, parathyroid problems.
    - below replacement level fertility in Europe and America. Declining testosterone levels in men. Feminization of men. Declining sperm counts.
    - dumbing down of population, mercury injections, loss of top 2% of population intelligence curve. 200 point decline in SAT scores that has been hidden. Population dumbed down to third world math and literacy rates.
    - Rash of new diseases that did not exist before. Alzheimer, breast cancer, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, asthma, peanut allergies, diabetes, sudden infant death syndrome. These diseases did not exist a hundred year ago and do not exist in countries that do not have intentional depopulation policies.
    - Radiological slow kill. Spike in infant mortality, spontaneous abortions in Europe and United States after Iraq depleted uranium operations began. Shower the earth with DE nano-particles. Fukushima nano-aerosolized 200 tons of material (how?), according to lab tests. Average person inhales 5 hot particles daily. 100 hot particles induce cancer rate to 50% over 15 years, as nano-particles decay chain proceeds.

    This is log scale. This is not linear

    state of 2017 (Skycoin, /pol/)

    People who do not eat very well and are absolutely obsessed with their health, are going to get fat, get diabetes, their testicles will be neutered and they will be sterilized pretty quickly. They will die of cancer. That is what we are seeing.

    The pesticides that have been used over the last sixty years, do not kill the insect. They subtely exterminate their gene line and make them sterile in four or six generations. Insects tend to eat a single crop and have single pesticide exposure. Humans are eating combinations of hundreds of different chemicals. Some of the chemicals are not reported, none of them are tested and no one has any idea how some of these chemicals are showing up in human blood plasma or where they are coming from. Some of the genetic damage shows up for seven generations in rats. The human species may be reproductibly non-viable within a few generations.

    Totalitarians, believe this is a positive thing, because it will put all human reproduction under government control. It will also produce a stupider, dumber, easier to control population that cannot solve its own problems and which requires a strong controlling government to act as shepard and slave master.

    Women produce all of their eggs at birth. Genetic damage is cumulative over life time and accumulates and is inherited by children
    - pesticides
    - heavy metals. aluminum, fluoride, lead, cadmium
    - nano particles (aluminum, titanium dioxide)
    - gene-line mutations from viral infections and STDs
    - radioisotopes bound in bone, that decay to worse elements over decades, radiological slow kill
    - depleted uranium (seeks out phosphate and destroys DNA)

    Every generation accumulates genetic damage until the species is non-viable. The effects of heavy metal and chemical exposure are multiplicative and often exponential. Exposure to three heavy metals can cause genetic damage that is 10,000 times the damage of any individual compound. The heavy metals and chemical exposure kill off the top 2% of intelligence, making everyone "more equal" by dumbing everyone down to the level of animals. Autism occurs primarily in children of professional families, engineers, executives and people who would otherwise have children with IQs above 130. Mercury injections make everyone "more equal".

    There is a huge segment of the population, who is economically useless and who is considered to just be a threat to the stability of the ruling elite, so everything possible is being done to sterilize or induce chronic illness. Especially targeting the poor and government dependents. The studies were done, the causes are known, no one intends to fix the problem and it is seen as a positive. Five thousand people a day need to be killed off to balance America's social security balance of payments. Whistleblowers have already reported that Britain is already killing 100,000 hospital patients per year with morphine injections (to balance social security payments).

    After Europe is flooded with violent immigrants, the countries will probably be subjected to violence and that will be used as an excuse to lock down the countries like a concentration camp, while the population of useless eaters and dissents is slowly killed off.

    - reduces norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain. Making the population less emotional, less motivated, more obedient to authority and more docile. Induces apathy and kills the human soul
    - decreases intelligence
    - causes 80% inhibition of energy enzymes, causing obesity/diabetes
    - causes cancer. Cancer rates in Beverly Hills doubled when fluoridation began
    - causes permanent germ line mutations, that are inherited by children and are accumulated with each generation
    - the genetic and cognitive damage is at the same lever or higher as lead, arsenic and mercury

    Fluoride is added to salt in Europe. It is sprayed on crops as pesticide, which cannot be washed off and it is bio-accumulated. It is in high levels in even organic food, due do use of cryolite fertilizer.

    Monsanto GMO NK603 crops with or without glyphosate induce tumors in rats. Genetically engineered, spermicidal corn was found in the wild in Mexico. The researcher who reported this was fired. There are several dozen incidents of this sort, that suggest that the food, water and air are being covertly weaponized.

    Control group develops no tumor while all other groups did, and the study specifically mentioned the possibility that the threshold is actually so low that you don’t see a dosage effect.

    The television says "Fluoride is good for your teeth". Everyone should
    - go to the pet store right now
    - buy a Gerber or mouse
    - get sodium fluoride
    - dilute to 40 ppm (40 mg per liter)
    - inject the Gerble subcutaneously with 40 ppm sodium fluoride
    - count the number of injection sites that develop golf ball sized tumors
    - put the golf ball sized tumors on the internet

    The government has been putting 10 ppm in drinking water since end of WWII. The committees were aware of the studies.

    Then there were other whistleblowers who stated that the US government, weaponized the water delivery system under the Bush Bioshield Program. They interviewed people doing the installation of the system on the ground and then when they went to the country to investigate it, they ended up fired from theri job and began to receive government harassment. To allow controlled, selective delivery of biological and chemical agents by neighborhood, building or possibly household.

    - trust nothing. Independent verification. If government says "We are not chemtrailing" or "that is water vapor", go outside with hyper-spectral imaging camera to determine the spectral emission line, use laser to do aerosol count, collect rain samples and run them through a mass spectrometer. Electron microscope image the particles. Do PCR and look for RNA/DNA and do patent search for bioweapons. We have technology to measure elements in the sky of planets in other star systems and the public is too stupid to even determine what is in sky after two decades

    - Go take a blood sample and do PCR and get the DNA sequenced. Then do a patent search and see what is in your blood and who owns the patents on it.

    - primary sources are only valid sources. Secondary source and media are corrupt and lie. Wikipedia is being systematically scrubbed of medical information that leads to determination of the cause of emerging chronic diseases. Articles are being removed from pubmed to keep them from being cited. Doctors and researchers are even being murdered now.

    - Do not expect the government or corporations to stop killing people, after it is demonstrated conclusively that they are intentionally murdering people. Expect denials and the issue to be ignored. It is up to you, to individually and at a community level to protect yourself.

    - The NSA programs were leaked in 2002, definitely in court documents and were completely ignored. The only reason Snowden was given coverage appears to be elite infighting.
    - A lot of whistleblowers die to bring truth to the public and the NYT just burns the documents or when it is released, no one hears about it. The whole medi a is a shilling operation. You can dig for hours on Google and finding high quality primary sources documents is almost impossible. There are many people who on their death bed, released massive document dumps. The government does not even know they exist and cannot find them and media does not care. The government does not even know until they read about it in the media, then they are in damage control mode to shut it down or create disinformation or keep it from going viral.
    - The worst documents and most revealing documents are from the 70s and 80s. They tell you exactly, who is in power, what they want and what their agenda is.

    The bottom line is that this is not merely corporate greed. This is an intentional and asymmetric war. Between 70% and 90% of the population in the United States is going to get cancer and half will die of it. No one cares. The causes are known, it is preventable and it is intentional and no one cares.

    This was the agenda in the 80s and it was carried through. The people who know what is going and take measures, will survive and have working testicles and be thin and beautiful. The idiots who are unable to change their behavior, or seek information (it is readily available) are going to get sterilization, obesity and cancer.


    I think that if your country has a record of running torturing centers overseas, tortures people, murdered tens of millions of people, assassinates people everyday and is building domestic torture centers and rolling out mass surveillance, you should leave the country before you end up in an incinerator like the 29 out of 30 Jews in Nazi Germany who did not understand what was going on.

    It is not worth fighting. You have a better change of survival and affirming western values in the middle of the Syrian genocide zone than in America. The best case for America at this point is that it devolves into a Mexican like state, where the ground is controlled by drug cartels and militia and the government only exists on television. The worse case is genocide.

    Western Civilization and its values cannot be saved or corrected in its current form. The leadership has fallen into depravity and the upper class values that supported civilization are annihilated. You cannot build a moral or sane civilization on a foundation of insane and immoral sociopaths. The current generation of Chinese leadership lived difficult lives and were engineers. They were grounded in reality and not delusion. They built China from nothing to an industrial power, in a single generation. Their children are spoiled and do not understand sacrifice or obligation and as they come to power, you see the steamrolling corruption and the next generation after that will be even worse.

    It is unlikely that the west can emulate China or do anything but commit suicide, because its moral and economic values are at odds with the continued existence of human life on Earth.

    Once a society's elite has lost its moral compass, they cannot hold civilization together or keep it going in a positive direction. It devolves into intentional parasitic destruction and a hatred of humanity itself. The current generation of American leadership (CFR) believes
    - America should be deindustralized and weakend and that it is good. They accomplished that
    - that American education should be dumbed down. They accomplished that
    - that American wages and standard of living are too high and they should be driven down to 3rd world levels and "equalized" and globalized. They are working on that
    - that chronic diseases, cancer, depopulation is a good thing. More profits. More power. Too many people on earth. Too many serfs.
    - that the nation state needs to be destroyed and that flooding it with 3rd world immigrants and injecting people with mercury and other method is acceptable towards this end

    So you have a group of people, with depraved, negative values. They are actually getting worse, every generation since the 90s, to the point that the current generation, appears to be turning into sadomasochistic, coked up pedophiles.

    The emphasis should be on behavior change, escape and creating new civilizations cultures in safe regions. The momentum in the west is towards suicide, self destruction and the thirst for self annihilation.

    There were bankers who
    - quit in mass because they would not carry through with this
    - who were murdered because they refused to go along with the agenda
    - who are going to carry it through for the money, but are prepared to move themselves and their families to safe countries that are rejecting the policies and agendas they are pushing, because they know there is no hope or future here

    I went through several hundred years of primary source documentation and it is just
    - torture
    - assassination
    - governments genociding people
    - political purges
    - murders
    - orchestrated famines

    I am seeing the same behavior repeat today, that has occurred over the last thousand years with endless repetition in every culture, empire, continent and race. The only difference is the people and radiological, biological and nuclear weapon.

    Whatever happens, the strong, the noble, the intelligent, the informed and the prepared will prosper and rise to the top and it will mostly be the stupid, the ignorant, the weak and the losers that are turned in for the slaughter.

    The military psychological operations studies show that the majority of humans are unable to change their beliefs or behavior based upon factual information. They are animals driven by emotion and authority. You just need a man in a suit on television to tell them "Fluoride is good for your teeth" or give them the election "results" and they will believe anything. If reality or experience confront their beliefs, instead of changing the beliefs, they ignore the evidence and the beliefs are reinforced. Attacking beliefs for being in contradiction to reality, amplifies them and gets the person to feel like they are under attack and dig in deeper.

    So the majority of humans are barely above animal level and destined for enslavement to whatever insanity prevails at the moment. The hope for a mass society or progress through politics is insanity. The majority is literally imbued with a slave mentality and needs to seek out a savior or master to become psychologically and physically dependent on. If it was not the government or flag or a sports team, they would become Nazis, communist or SJWs or join a cult. They are going to find something to latch on to and it only has to satisfy their psychological needs for dependency and authority, it does not have to be factual or reality based.

    When communities auto-segregate by values, they can focus on achieving their shared goals, instead of fighting endlessly with sub-humans and trying to convert a majority of people who cannot arrive at reality through a rational process. That is why corporations, secret societies, communities and clandestine groups are effective at coordinated action and mobs are ineffective. The idea of lumping different groups of people with different values together, under a shared government is insanity.

    Do Human Rights Exist?

    "Human Rights" do not exist. They are a weapon the United States uses to morally shame its enemies, while it does far worse things. Populations who are unable or unwilling to defend themselves and their way of life, will ultimately yield to conquest and enslavement by the economically and militarily superior units of organizations. Rights exist through shear power and military force. They are the rules of nature, not man.

    Nation states are being brutally torn apart right now, by superior, more flexible units of organization with greater planning ability and unity of purpose and action. Mexico has already collapsed and that process is moving north into regions of America. The America, European, Australian, Canadian, Japanese, German, French and New Zealand governments have already been complete subverted by non-state actors and clandestine organizations. The role of the drug cartels in Latin American politics is absolute. The nation state as unit of people with common interests and "We The People" has already failed and does not reflect reality.

    The UN signed a "declaration of Human Rights", but here is the UN congo, genocide operation. This is what primary source documents look like

    There was a democratically elected sane leader and the UN helped to overthrow him. Then there was a part of the Congo that was sane and survived the rape and genocide, so UN troops were sent in to kill and indiscriminately murder people. This was the the fax from the UN supported dictator. This is what an IMF/UN operation looks like.

    state of 2017 (Skycoin, /pol/)

    state of 2017 (Skycoin, /pol/)

    There are people who want to give all their guns and nuclear weapons to the UN and they thing "We will have world peace" and history has show, that they will probably be murdered, raped and enslaved by bankers. Once a power center gives up its weapons, it is usually murdered and purged by the disarming power center. The question is not "Why do elites kill each other" but "What stops one group of elites from just killing the others and taking over".

    Earth is a war zone. The enemy of man is man.

    Elite Infighting:

    Wikileaks, Assange and Trump are being used to launder information and maintain a balance of power. There were numerous whistleblowers before Snowden that were just destroyed by corporate controlled media. People at the top, have to make a decision to let the information out, or it goes nowhere and is just covered up and forgotten.

    There is a lot of momentum, going in same direction, for over a hundred twenty years. Its not going to reverse direction, until the economic interests pushing in that direction are completely destroyed and dismantled. The FED and oil interests.

    There is not just the TPP. There are three treaties. If you read the treaties, I do not understand why people are not rioting in the street or lynching bankers yet. People have not been given enough mercury injection to accept this kind of financial enslavement and rape. The treaties take all of law and government, out of hands of elected government and put it into hands of the corporate lawyers for Fortune 500. The only way to repeal the treaty is military force and the only way to enforce the treaty, is by military force and economic sanction.

    Hungary put up walls, so they herded a bunch of angry Muslims to the border with NGOs and then provoked a riot. The weaker countries, who cannot keep the Muslims out, will be first country to go bankrupt from welfare payments and these countries are already in bankruptcy and austerity, with massive unemployment. Just get out of there. Just flee. If people are this stupid, then humanity deserves slavery.

    We are in middle of complete collapse of legitimacy of the western nation states and their political systems. Last time this happened, there was a major world war and a few hundred million died, between the internal power seizures, purges and the serfs that were sent to kill each other. However this is great for Bitcoin/Skycoin.


    Open source and automate
    - food production
    - water production
    - building materials, housing (dirt compacting brick machine, 3d printed glass, materials)
    - heating and cooling systems
    - telecommunications
    - transportation
    - finance
    - defense
    - CNCing, 3 to 5 axis
    - assembly

    This is the only way out. All dependencies must be eliminated. This is what is going to break the cycle of bullshit and the only hope for real change in the world. Politics is a dead end.
    A ver, desarróllamelo.

  5. #5
    Liker Avatar de Benedicto Camela
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    Good News:

    Human civilization might survive on earth for another decade!

    Hacker groups and anon have more information about what is actually going on the physical ground, than the top people in Pentagon and the intelligence analysts are required to lie or distort reality, to bias decision making.
    - the Pentagon thinks they are "fighting ISIS" when talking to policy makers
    - in reality you have other group "managing ISIS"
    - then you have "moderate rebels" which are foreign mercenaries from Turkey and Yemen and they are being paid by someone (Oil Companies?)

    You can be at the top and have all the data and reality does not make sense. There were groups that were just making things up.
    - They choose the decision that benefits them, behind closed doors
    - Then they create the information that supports making that decision in the public policy apparatus

    The top level is a cult. They have people talking about preemptive nuclear attacks on Russia and if you are not for preemptively nuking Russia, they just get rid of you. It is an eco chamber of insanity. It is literally like scientology. No one can explain why particular countries are being invaded. They are just told to do it and if they disagree, they are just removed. There is a whole shadow government pushing the public government into doing things that do not make any sense and have no justification.

    For instance, the 80s CFR mandate to deindustralize the United States, cover up the deindustrialization, destroy the machine tools sector, cook economic numbers and switch the United States to a "Service Economy". So the American people elect the government, but all the appointments come out a CFR group, that wants to destroy America and its really a global empire project and everyone they appoint is agreed on pursuing policies that no American supports or benefits from.

    Or in Europe, to flood the country with millions of 3rd world immigrants, who are causing crime waves, burning police cars, rioting and raping women. They put in 2 million of them and were planning for another 30 million. This is coming out of BIS, Goldman Saches and the bankers.

    - The political parties are completely controlled and were controlled by the same group, for decades
    - There are groups like the CFR, that recruit people, indoctrinate them and then place them into positions of power. 80% of the administration is often from these groups.
    - There are groups like the CFR and trilateral in every country. Australia, China, Europe, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico. They take over the governments by subversion and the public does not even know.
    - The corporate owned media is in on this and does not talk about the upper level politics. There are three levels of politics above the public governments, then there is secret society network on the side, which is information exchange for the rich people.
    - Bilderbergs, Davos is for business leaders and to get their buy in. There are multiple groups to get business leader buy in
    - There is a network of NGOs, tied into oil interests that are absolutely sociopathic. They fund Palestine terror groups to do attacks and then fund the NGOs that protest the Israeli response to the attacks.
    - When Rockefeller Standard Oil monopoly was shut down, it moved off shore and still operates today. There is an interlocking financial ownership structure that is blatantly obvious. They control multiple non-profits and NGOs. They bought into banks like Chase bank and City of London, to move profits offshore and escape taxation and regulation. Once the money flows were transnational, they could not be traced and ownership was obscured. Oil pipeline wars. Mass genocide, assassinations, overthrowing governments to maintain network. This group has most money/power because they have direct or indirect global control over the energy resources required for industrial civilization.
    - There is an anglo saxon financial network out of City of London, that keeps trying to start a war between Israel and Iran and Iran and Iraq. Planned and carried out World War I and World War II. World War I to destroy industry in Europe and destroy railroads to preserve Basicly controls FED. Goldman Sachs and NY. Associated to the IMF/BIS network. British East Indies Company. Publishes all the anti-Semitic stuff. Hates Blacks, Jews and Catholics. Anglo Saxon race patriots. Closest group to global hegemony. Conquered Africa, India, China, America. Allied with oil interests, neocons and NGO network. Funded Bolsheviks to kill off Russian aristocracy, steal all of Russia's gold from Church and had it shipped to London. Overlaps with oil interests. Involved in every US presidential assassination.
    - There is a group of anglo saxons WASP old money families in US, often called "Pilgrims Society", who took over the government by 1906 and used regulation and the court system to destroy their competitions. Medical cartel, Monsanto, FED, SEC. Interstate commerce commission.
    - There is the Carlyle group and Wakenhut. This is the neo-con cluster. They are the ones who own and run the US nuclear weapon supply chain after it was privatized, own Sequoia Voting Systems, PROMIS scandal, private prison industry, Iran Contra, biological weapons, nukes in space.This group is related to but did not anthrax the senator opposing the Patriot Act.
    - Defense Contractor Industry. Lockheed Martin (overlap with Carlyle group)
    - Black Sheep New Money Families. Have no idea what is going on but are involved at level 2.
    - The Israeli lobby. Jewish diaspora
    - European Old Money Elites.
    - Together, there appear to be about 35 highly intermarried families that control about 80% of global production. There is a complex web of interlocking ownership and financial intermediaries, delegates and offshore financial holdings to evade governments. All of the corporations, industry, metal, steel, coal, gold, silver, manufacturing, oil, media. The Fortune 500. Ownership increased from 60% of EU/American economic production to 80%, since the 80s.
    - Drug Money families. Prohibition, Heroin/Opium, soft drugs controlled by different racial/religious groups.
    - China appears to be owned by 8 families, "The Eight Immortals" who nominate and control the Chinese party. The Chinese party committee appoints the lower party members and the lower party appoints the government and uses the party control of regulation to keep the businesses and districts under control. They are engineers, who lived through Mao and had difficult lives and guided China through a different transition. They did a very good job in China with economic development,. Their children are spoiled and corrupt and may end up destroying the country within two generations.
    - French Aristocracy and Oil interests. 700 billion dollars a year. Still has colonies in Africa.
    - CIA, oil/mineral/drug cartels/private army, PMC nexus. Pushed into private sector after 60s.
    - groups like SJWs who started as controlled opposition groups, but gained their own resources and went on rampage. Autonomous political parties. Some crazy socialist groups with large membership here, who will wait for instability and then kill off opposition and seize power if allowed.
    - pedophile networks. Hacked email servers in anon ops, show that the majority of British Politicians appear to be members of pedogroups. The emails suggests that members are invited in first and then promoted to positions of political power later by other group members. Criminal activity or embarrassing rituals are often used to cement bonds between secret society members and this is normal.
    - Euclidean/Pythagorean type study groups and secret science societies.
    - BASF Chemical Cartel, Alcoa, Nazi industrialists. Hydra. Put fluoride in Americas water after the war, after effects validated in Jewish concentration camps.
    - US military aristocracy. Christian. RAND corporation. Report From Iron Mountain. Technocracy. Logistics. Overlaps with Fortune 500 central planning groups. Protects US economic interests abroad. Reads Spengler. Cybernetics, Linear Algebra. Sane people with insane masters.

    This is partial list of the gods.

    1. The news is worthless
    2. Primary sources are reality. The further you get from primary sources, the more bullshit and politicized reality becomes
    3. Most of the power groups do not have names. You have to create a Tuple -base and dump all the data in. "slot_name, type, value". "slot_name: person_name, type:text, value: George Washington". You have 1-ary data, such as "name" of person. Attributes of person or event. Then you have 2-ary data, such as "person X belongs to group Y". "John Boehner is a republican". "Then you have events "Speaker of House John Boehner resigned as republican speaker of the house". "Speaker John Boehner was outed as speaker of the house". "John Boehner supports the TPP treaty".
    4. Then you have to data mine it. If you do the cluster analysis, you see the clusters. In personality exams, a psychologists created thousands of questions where the answer was "-1 to 1" on a five point scale from strongly disagree to agree, such as "I often fight with my roommates" or "I am a happy person". Then they construct the covariance matrix. Then they extract the eigenvectors from the matrix. Those are the "personality factors", which anyone's personality can be discomposed to best summarized over. Then the psychologist, tries to name the factors. That is how the NEO-PI was created.
    5. If you data mine the members and group membership, you get very strong clusters. The clusters overlap and change in size and relative power over time.

    - When you map this out, you see that the groups are allied or in opposition to each other.
    - Over time, the cluster membership size decreases or increases (as members join, age or die).
    - the groups are hierarchically clustered. There is a macro-group, with two "opposed" Hegelian dialectic groups. The same group under the CFR appears to control both the democratic and republican party and their members are always in power, no matter who "wins".
    - The clusters gang up on and try to destroy smaller clusters. Like globalist faction using IRS to attack libertarian groups.
    - Once a cluster becomes powerful enough, it starts murdering or purging the other power centers by force. Once any group comes to power, the first thing they do is purge the other political parties, ban organized religion, destroy the bourgeoisie small business owners, attack secret society members and dismantlement all opposing organized groups.
    - The groups vary in their use of assassination and murder. Some groups do not have military force ability. Those groups who have military force ability, use it, when it can be deployed deniably.

    The other interesting thing, is that none of the power groups are public. Everything is behind closed doors. The public government only exists to manipulate, lie and control the public through propaganda. The flow of power and decision is top down. The public can only oppose, but all of the direct action steps are controlled by other groups (except for complaining and protesting).

    Decisions are decided by "Who is more powerful".

    The groups are ranked by power index and the groups for and against are lined up and the most powerful coalition wins. The issues of values or objectives is never raised.

    This type of objective, numerical analysis is important, because
    - if the SEC is run by Goldman Sachs lawyers
    - if the FED is run by members of Goldman Sachs
    - then the FED, SEC and Goldman Sachs are the same. They are not independent.
    The most important conclusion however, that this type of analysis reveals is that
    - if you match people up by "agrees with or opposes" each issue
    - there are two distinct clusters of people. sane people and corporate shills
    - the two groups are cleanly separable and can be identified mathematically


    There are currently two groups in Europe
    - one group wants to flood the country with third world immigrants who will bankrupt countries welfare system and who are raping women
    - the other group, does not want the third world immigrants in their country
    - The bankers, say 'more immigrants, more rape'. They already have plan to bankrupt the nations, to force the governments to privatize their water, garbage, sewage and electricity services and sell them to the bankers. Who will then increase the price of these services at three times the rate of inflation (this is way of pulling cash out of circulation and destroying economy, while consolidating economic and political control). They are pushing three international treaties, that would prevent the countries from taking back the utilities, or having any control over rates or service levels.
    - The media say "more rape"
    - The government says "Jail for anyone who is against rape. Opposing rape is hate speech"
    - The public says "no rape"


    If you data mine support for or against particular issues and then cluster them, you end up with "value clusters". When the values of banker or corporate controlled media differ from the public or a sub-group, then it becomes visible.

    - If a person is compelled by violence or force into behaviors against their personal values, that is oppression.
    - People auto-segregate into virtual and real communities, that have aligned values
    - governments and the central power attempts to destroy all alternative value systems and economic arrangement that threaten elite domination and resource extraction from the conquered populations

    Civilization, Mathematics, Spengler: The New Order of the Ages

    state of 2017 (Skycoin, /pol/)

    The new order of the ages and ur-symbol for the emerging civilization appears to be the matrix or the graph, or the bipartite graph.

    The Faustian civilization is dying. It is dead. The westphalian nation state is dead. It is not longer economically, militarily or ideologically defensible.

    The nation state has been in decline since at least the 1920s and possibly since Napoleon.
    - Read Crevald
    - It is not robust against internal destabilization as demonstrated by the Bolsheviks
    - It cannot maintain its own form, without energy inputs from an external empire as demonstrated by Somalia and Yemen
    - it cannot maintain military control of its territory against the onslaught of non-state actors as demonstrated by Mexico and the Middle East
    - it cannot maintain itself against destabilization by foreign military action (airpower, biological, nuclear warfare). External military destabilization has become viable, to the point that both China and Russia are facing external destabilization at the same time the US is facing internal auto-destabilization
    - It cannot maintain ideological legitimacy and voluntary consent. Even single ethnic/cultural nation states with common values are being ruled through divide and conquer as other strategies of social control have simply failed.
    - Every single attempt to establish social control, that is not accepted voluntarily, provokes counter reaction leading to further loss of social control. Even the Chinese regimen is constricted to within the range of control actions, which do not provoke a cycle of counter-resistance. The American and European regimes are already far outside of the regime of governability.
    - Neither is global empire or regionalism are viable in the long term.
    - The SDR is a joke and is mathematically non-viable.
    - The enforcement problems and competition with non-state actors encountered in the nation state all exist, in more severely amplified form in both the regionalist and globalist government structures.
    - return to nationalist structures does not fundamentally address reasons for state collapse

    I think the empire is dead. The question right now, is whether the United States and Europe will go down the Bolshevik route and begin murdering tens of million of their own citizens to maintain power or whether states will undergo devolution, collapse into anarchy like Mexico, civil war or retreat to previous forms, retrenching nationalism.

    States are stable against belief change, but fail or change in form, once the threshold for behavioral change is reached.

    state of 2017 (Skycoin, /pol/)

    I think the US is headed towards crisis and mathematical economic collapse by 2030 at the latest.

    state of 2017 (Skycoin, /pol/)

    There are dozens of trends like this. Suggesting that the political system will collapse by 2035, because of economic factors and unrestrained corporate looting.

    The cost of
    - food
    - land
    - housing/rent
    - medical care
    - commodities
    - fuel/good
    - water
    - electricity
    - education
    - telecommunications

    The cost of the above, cannot continue to increase at several times the rate of inflation, while wages remain constant. However, the policies which have produced these trends, are being exported to every country they can be forced upon! Either through take over of the country through infiltration of the political class through secret societies, rigging voting machines, buying out the media, bribing politicians, international treaties or military conquest.

    The forced bankruptcy of the municipalities in Europe and America and sale of all utility, electricity, water, mineral and land resources to corporations, who can then arbitrarily raise prices, will accelerate the looting and consolidation trend and accelerate the crisis of state legitimacy.

    The nation state is failing, because the countries which are not resilient to infiltration by non-state actors, pushing irrational economic and monetary polices, will simply be eliminated by Darwinian selection. The world can be thought of as a transnational cartel of competing parasites, that use bribery, infiltration and military force to infect and takeover countries and siphon off their resources and the mental and material prosperity of their populations

    We are seeing globalization and parasitic looting, go to its logical extreme. We will inevitable see the rise of authoritarian political and military leaders who - cut off global trade
    - impose capital controls
    - force industrialization through state guided investment
    - execute or imprison business leaders responsible for poisoning populations
    - protect local producers from foreign competitors
    - ban foreign financial firms from siphoning off wealth from national economies
    - reindustrialize and promote investment in machine tools and manufacturing sectors
    - exile non-productive minorities, criminals and citizens which are a net drag upon society
    - establish and enforce shared national values and a sense of shared community
    - eliminate foreign control over currency and establish a sovereign monetary policy
    - promote a strong work ethnic
    - eliminate taxation and drags upon economic activity
    - eliminate financialization and force investments into the real economy and economic production for export

    The Fortune 500 works, by forcing open the country for trade and then a Fortune 500 company comes in and dumps goods in the local economy at lower prices, until the local producers are bankrupt or bought out. Then the Fortune 500 company is free to raise prices to any level and extract resources and labor from the conquered economy.

    Globalization ends, when there is only one giant company that monopolizes every resource needed for human life on earth globally and no one who does not work for that company has money to buy the right to live.

    80% of EU/US production is already monopolized by that group. Nearly 100% of all production. Now the next goal, is to bring all food, land, water, electricity, sewage, garbage utilities under corporate control. Nothing will exist, that humans need for survival, that is not owned and controlled by the cartel.

    The process will be complete when Iran, Israel, Russia and China have been destroyed, destabilized or brought under control through assassination, infiltration, bribery or military and economic force. The ultimate goal, is that there should be no state which exists autonomously and cannot be destroyed or subjugated to the international empire (political, economic, military). That is the "New World Order". It is political, economic and military. It is secular. It is a global empire project, where a group of bankers at the BIS end up dominating and enslaving the world.

    It is mostly falling apart and about a third of the people are completely demoralized right now. They are in a position to do massive damage and kill billions of people through war, famine, nuclear, biological weapons. They are not in a position to consolidate empire.

    The borders and lines drawn on the map, the economic production centers, the specializations and exports of countries, the military pairing, populations and military tech level of nearly every country on Earth was developed for this global empire project.
    - population control in India, China, South East Asia, Africa was about balancing the populations to maintain military balance between countries
    - central bankers controlled the interest rates and foreign investment in various various countries to balance out economic growth, the US was deindustralized and intentionally economically raped since the 80s under CFR policies and its military supply lines spread over fifteen thousand miles for the upcoming conflict (America has no other local, large power to counteract it. It is the king maker, a geopolitical fortress and needs to be weakened, destroyed and held in subjugation).
    - drone and weapon technology development was retarded in the United States, while the technology was pushed to India (counter to China) and Israel (counter to Iran). Some countries that are intended to be destroyed, have only offensive capacities, while defensive capacities were stifled through political process. Look at the US power grid in context of war preparation and compare to Europe.
    - the whole middle east was remodeled, to destroy or move oil pipelines, to isolate Iran and Russia and hold Europe's access to energy resources in a choke-hold and control international prices
    - technology suppression. Movement of billions in money to fusion research that was mathematically proven to never be able to achieve cost parity with coal, while desktop scale fusion research that could research break even quickly, received no funding. Suppression of battery/energy tech, electric vehicles produced and then destroyed, battery patent hoarding for NiCd). Electric cars are literally just a rechargable battery, attached to a motor to make the thing move. We had viable electric cars in the 1920s. There is no technological limitation, it is completely social and political. Stop anything that would reduce or eliminate dependence of centrally controllable energy resources. Buy out, shutdown, destroy clean coal and coal liquefaction approaches that were viable now, or used in South Africa. Buyout and shutdown all technology for small scale, independent energy production (dozens of examples). Stop advancement of nuclear power through regulation and drive up plant costs to make them nonviable. Regulation and land monopolization to prevent development of domestic oil reserves. Ensure sources are foreign and in areas where the supply can be shutoff, controlled and where the profits can be laundered offshore.
    - Mineral, resource and commodity cartels. Monopolize graphite electrode production globally by buying out all competitors and then limiting African steel production by restricting amount of electrodes they can buy. Print money by issuing stocks, buy out competitors, shut them down.

    - development of new entertainment technologies and technologies of monitoring and social control, to keep enslaved populations in check. Voting machines, twitter, facebook, digital television, tracking, mass surveillance, cell phone, smart meters, RFID, biometrics, Brainwave entrainment, neuromarketing, voice to text. There was conscious decision to divert money into technologies of social control and away from technologies of economic production since the 70s. VCs fund companies, then large companies buy out the companies and shut down the technology.

    - "Democracies" hate war causalities and body counts, so emphasize shifted to SOCOM type operations and war automation through infiltration, subversion, assassination and blackmail. "Silent Weapons for Silent Wars". Drones, sensor networks, cancer and heart attack induction agents, biological weapons, directed energy. War is now deniable. The person under attack does not know they are under attack or by who. They cannot retaliate. Fifth generation netwar doctrine. War is between corporations, clandestine networks, non-state actors and not between nation states. The "government" is reality TV show and the military is fake, while the real war is hidden.

    - The number of things that were surveillance related was immense, including buying out, consolidating and shutting down secure linux distro providers. You will not find a distro, router, cell phone, corporate VPN or email solution that is not back doored. You will not find a piece of software for operating a bank on the back end, that does not have so many security holes you can drive a truck through them. If you make poker website accounting software, you are forced to backdoor it under threat of jail by corrupt New York attorney. If a country like Venezuela is running ATM software, just hack the ATM transaction over the wire, flood the country with currency, give the money to rebel groups, cause hyperinflation. Disable the ATMs periodically, undermine confidence. Steal money from other people's accounts to undermine confidence. Exploit banking back doors to cause havoc. Hack SCADA systems, blow up chemical plants, crash aircraft of families you dont like. Just go wide.

    This has been going on since the end of World War II. People should expect they are going to get economically raped. The rape is going to continue daily, until people change their behavior and begin building parallel economic systems (crypto currencies, community credit systems, food production, land, water, electricity, manufacturing, tiny houses, permaculture).

    You have an economic system where 80% of production is controlled by a hand full of people, who can sit together in a single room and decide how badly they are going to fuck you, There are two corporations left in every industry vertical, who are just buying out every competitor and who completely control pricing in their sector.

    Auto Segregation: Resistance Tactics

    Within and between the nation states, we are seeing auto-segregation of communities, by values. The wealthy are retreating into private gated communities and there is reverse urbanization as people flee to rural areas to isolate themselves from financial rape by the oligarchy. Some people are fleeing across national borders to the better areas. The ideological polarization of sub-populations will continue to increase and people will increasing auto-segregate themselves into communities that reflect their culture and values.

    At the same times, many of these communities are aiming for economic autarky. Open source technology is eventually going to be in cross hairs.

    These new communities are going to be governed more by shared values of the communities members and less by money. When people have water, energy, food, housing, heating/cooling and can live comfortably, they usually begin to work on things they are interested in, instead of working for the Fortune 500. We have the technology to produce everything needed, by every member of society, using less than 4% of the societies labor resources. However, scarcity, starvation, debt and absolute levels of poverty must be maintained, to create the labor pool for military, corporations and the Fortune 500.

    British invaded Africa, enslaved the population by monopolizing the food supply and various resources. If you wanted to live, you needed to get money to buy the commodities required for survival. The British directed that labor to building railroads, ports, telegraph lines, extracting gold and silver, growing tea for export, building roads and houses. They elevated the tech level and comfort of the civilization.

    When the British left, the Africans tore out the telegraph lines to sell the wires for scrap metal. The railroads fell into disrepair, the roads destroyed through non-maintenance and everyone went back to eating insects and living in mud huts.

    Money is a system of extracting and organizing labor. Today's leaders in Africa do not spend the money they receive on elevating their societies, building roads, industrial plants, or making their populations self reliant. They spend the money on vacations in Paris, Louis Voulton hand bags and prostitutes and cocaine. The population of the country is just a resource, to be rented out to foreign corporations and the payroll taxes the corporation pays are the serf rental fees to the ruler. "Democracy" is very flexible and can be stretched over an infinite number of different economic realities.

    The tech level and material comfort is not going to be even globally. Absolute inequality is going to increase. Communities, corporations and groups will have, whatever they can produce within the group, limited by their level of organization, knowledge and ability. Robots will replace humans for unskilled labor, which will no longer be scarce. Knowledge about production processes and managing those processes will now be the valuable thing and advanced or superior processes will be jealousy hoarded and monopolized as a source of economic power.

    People would join groups based upon values and upon material offerings (like they join corporations today). This is a movement away from an "open society" (which is a system of slavery) to neo feudalism. There is one group that has accepted a zero marginal cost society, where everything is free. There is another group, that wants to stop that or slow it down, by war if necessary.

    “The COP21 talks will not result in anything. If you hope they will, that hope is a negative thing. In having hope you are still engaging with governments, and in so doing wasting time that can be spent on actual solutions.”

    When you see elites, losing control over resources, normally they start a war or start genociding people. Human history is just genocide, assassination, murder and enslavement. It takes less than two weeks to take a college student off a street and get them to start torturing people like the US treats Gitmo prisoners.

    In the US and EU, you see attempts like Agenda 21, which intend to maintain scarcity, control and class privilege through direct use of military force or "regulations" enforced through military force.

    The parasitic, hereditary, old money, empire obsessed, particularly genocidal elite right now are panicing about losing control over
    - money
    - food
    - water
    - land
    - media / telecommunications
    - energy
    - transportation/shipping/borders
    - medical industry
    - manufacturing
    - government
    - military force

    When people are no longer dependent and desperate, they just ignore the government and collectivism. They have to be kept psychologically and economically dependent or the government will collapse and people will go on with their lives, like they did in Somalia.

    Another factor, leading to state collapse, is the mass import of unassimilated immigrates. States were historically established through ethnic cleansing and genociding anyone in the region, outside of a culture or language group. So what we are seeing is the state building process being run in reverse. I think this is a short term measure by parasitic banks, to bankrupt the member states and drive them into privatizing and selling off all their assets, water, electricity and utility markets. When I look at the graphs, it looks like a bunch of sharks trying to grab the biggest piece of flesh they can and no one cares what happens tomorrow. They are trying to get whole countries to sign economic suicide treaties, while buying property and moving their families to countries who refuse to be part of treaties.

    The same ungrounded groups that today are assimilated by feminism, SJW ideologies are going to be tomorrows facists, gang members, Neo-nazis, Islam, cult members and communist revolutionaries. When you destroy any strong form of values, religion, culture, community in the neo-liberal atomization process, you create an atmosphere ready for an explosion of extremism.

    This will be useless to most people, but may be useful to people who intend to survive on Earth over the next forty years.

    Innovations in Killing:

    Politics is completely irrelevant. The people on television are fake. They are distractions and ultimately anything or any information that does not lead to behavior change, is fake and will not have an effect on the world. What is real is
    - changes in economic production technology
    - changes in military tactics, doctrine. factions. distribution of economic and military power. Nuclear, biological, radiological weapons, death automation, sensor networks, meta data tracking, identify->track->kill loops.
    - We are entering a world within ten years, where anyone can kill anyone with aflatoxin loaded biometric guided nano drones and there will be no ability to identify attacks or trace them back to the attacker. The number of ways of deniably killing or assassinating opponents is increasing and the proliferation of the technologies cannot be stopped and will filter down to lowest level.
    - At the same time killing is being individualized and automated on a massive scale, there are military scenarios that could result in death of 500 million from biological, space and nuclear attacks. The destabilization of Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Iran is just beginning of a larger invisible global war. South East Asia, China, Russia, Iran, Israel may be next.
    - The proliferation of these weapons is going threaten people in the third world and the elite of the elite in the western world. Nuclear weapons, ICBM missiles and weapons that required billions of dollars, enhanced the power of the elite and nation state. Drones, E&M, biological weapons and the new generation is going to reduce threshold for the elite to begin killing each other. There are billionaires in Russia that have their own armies, security services and live in mansion fortresses and they cannot even survive when targeted by mid level groups with last gen tech.
    - We are going from assassination with knives. close range hand gun. throwing people off building, "suiciding them". to sniper/long ranged rifle. gangland slayings. heart attack gun to stop heart. To insect sized $10 drones with needle delivering nano gram payload that will kill target three weeks later.
    - At the high end, you have NSA collecting DNA of political leaders according to wikileaks cable and emerging tech such as synthetic biology and custom biological weapons tailored to targets immune system. Generals, political leaders, business men are just going to be hunted down and eliminated. There is realistically, nothing governments can do to protect their citizens. When they start seeing this, people will change their behavior and begin to adapt volumetric warfare defensive strategies (living in domes, enclosed communities, enclosed in-door car ports, network security, layered defense zones, compartmentalization of offices, electromagnetic shielding to isolate volumetric warfare devices from command and control). In the middle ages, the wealthy lived in castles, fortresses and only left under heavy armed guard and we are returning to that.

    The way war is waged has completely changed. Today war is "full spectrum". World War III began with 9/11 and is perpetual. There is no victory condition, no enemy, no objective and the end will not be within our life times. The war is being fought along a fifth generation doctrine and does not look like a "war" to the public, but is a new type of warfare. Hundreds of million of people may be displaced. Two billion may die of famine in some scenarios.

    The war is corporate, with all intelligence, weapon system and operations increasingly being pushed into the private sector. All of the nuclear, biological, space weapons, drones, NSA have been moved into the private sector. As long as there is money and humans on earth, the war will continue.

    "full spectrum warfare"
    - weather weaponization
    - vaccine weaponization
    - water weaponization
    - food weaponization
    - space weaponizatoin
    - biological weaponization
    - cognitive / psychological warfare
    - economic warfare
    - binary nano/bio
    - chemical
    - biological
    - electromagnetic
    - radiological
    - nuclear
    - kinetic
    - volumetric
    - memetic

    Instead of attacking the enemy,
    - you split the enemy into faction and give them money and guns to kill each other.
    - You surround the territory (volumetric enclosure) and cut off the food supply and starve them to death. You bomb the sewage, water and electricity infrastructure and send them back to the stone age.
    - You put trade sanctions on the country and watch their economy collapse as it cannot get replacement parts for computers, networking equipment, machine tools.
    - You put trade sanction on country and the 30% of people with multiple sclerosis, cancer, Alzheimer, diabetes, enzymes disorders and induced chronic diseases just die.
    - You flood the country with drugs to weaken the population and use the money to fund insurgent groups.
    - You assassinate political leaders
    - hijack planes ,vehicles, hack SCADA systems, ATMs
    - spread engineered diseases in the food and water
    - assassinate generals and political leaders.

    Countries are completely destroyed and hundreds of thousands of citizens, slaughtered without the "enemy" even being known or setting foot in the country. The citizens in the aggressor country or group do not even know the "war" is going on.

    This is not a war of domination or control, but a war of destruction and destabilization of anyone or any group or power structure that can maintain its existence against the central power and empire. Wars are not ideological, they are not about "war on terror" or "They hate our freedoms". Every single war is about
    - projecting domination
    - controlling population centers
    - monopolizing economic resources
    - destroying/destabilizing anyone who can act independently. Making everyone dependent on the central power.

    The Wolfowitz Doctrine. This is one of the three reasons why 9/11 happened.

    I do not want to call this "The United States", because it is not a nation. It is a transnational, non-state actors composed of banking, oil, financial, manufacturing and military interests. Full spectrum military domination
    - control of finances of all nations (banking cartel, central banking, BIS, IMF)
    - control of all manufacturing and international trade (Fortune 500)
    - control over all energy resources (Oil Cartel)
    - control over all food resources (Grain cartel, about 75% of global production)
    - control over all governments (infiltration (recruit members to CFR like groups, then place them in positions of power), blackmail, bribery, assassination, pedo rings, BCCI, ...)
    - control over all mineral resources
    - control over media
    - control over oil production and distribution (control the pipelines)
    - global military domination. Nukes in space. Biological weapons. Kinetic weapons. Drones. Network central warfare.
    - control over the drug trade and international finance (FACTA, GACTA, money "laundering" regulations, SARS)

    There are two objectives
    - maintain military domination over globe. Even if that means destabilizing Russia, China and destroying the nation state and throwing world into global anarchy
    - maintain control and domination of the populations (mass surveillance, license plate readers, cybernetics, preemptive murder of potential dissidents, torture and detainment of thought criminals, tyrannical control over financial system, civilian disarmament, 24/7 continuous tracking of individuals, state control over all transportation, energy, food, water and land resources)

    You have a bunch of new weapons technologies, such as

    The good news is that the advantage is on the defensive
    - a 15 billion dollar satellite can have its sensors destroyed or disabled by a $30 laser pointer

    - Military drones will cost $150,000 each and mounting an anti-material rifle on computer controlled platform that can shoot down one drone per second, to within 2" at 300 meters, costs less than $800. Drones hate buckshot.

    - Chlorine dioxide destroys RNA and nearly all biological weapons. It destroys protein by oxidation particular amino acids and destroys viral RNA. Ten billion dollars in biological weapons research is defensible with 50 cents of sodium chlorite.

    - anti-aircraft radar costs are going down to $15 with SDRs.

    - itching powder and LSD completely disable SWAT teams and riot police

    - IP6 and other chelating agents exist to remove depleted uranium nano-particles from body. Strontium and heavy metals isotopes are locked into the bones by fluoride, which can be removed by borates and iodine.

    - a 50 cent 270 nm UV LED destroys DNA/RNA and sterilizes all known biological weapons from water within seconds

    - adhesive and sand or iron dioxide screws up servos, air intake, sensors. robotic killing machines are only going to be effective in flat, non-urban environments and useless in fortified areas with constriction zones. In Darfur, the day oil was found, genocide began and few hundred thousand people were murdered to get them off the oil. Tomorrow, robotic boxes with guns will roll across the desert at night and just auto-murder thousands of people per hour until they are off the oil. Only fortified , defended and prepared settlements are going to survive. Human rights are a lie. People and communities who cannot defend themselves, do not have an intrinsic right to exist. They are only alive, as long as they are useful slaves to their masters or while no one desires to genocide them. Survival is on a military and economic basis, while human rights are merely political and have no standing in nature.

    - Putting up 600 sq-ft of greenhouse and growing own food is less than a few hundred dollars and will be automated within five years

    - You can produce water from air, by compressing it and lowering the temperature. It is possible to CNC Or 3d print a solar condenser coupled with a turbine attached to a compressor.

    - Open ecology is developing open source dirt compacting machines, that manufacture bricks for fortifications and buildings from local materials.

    - geothermal is just digging a hole and pumping water. you could basicly live underground and grow own food in closed loop if you have to.

    - A turbine generator is just a fan attached to a motor. There are binary phase power generation methods that use lower boiling point liquids than water. Can be 3d printed or CNCed. Can run compressor or air conditioning or condensing water from atmosphere. Can be run off solar concentrator.

    - a motor is just a wire, some magnetic and ball bearings
    - a lead acid battery is just copper plating and sulfuric acid
    - the government is helpless against mathematics and cryptography. If you choose a secret k and append each block x with random number n, and encrypt block by xoring it with SHA256(k,n), the NSA can just cry about it. If you XOR it with two independent pseudo random sequences, it mathematically cannot be weaker than single application.

    So overall, I do not believe global enslavement is viable.

    I think that the United States and Europe will be locked down like concentration camps. At the same time, that countries are being flooded with violent minorities, we will see people stripped of the right to self-defense, to create government control and dependency. We are going to see the same cycle of violence, disarmament, genocide that we have seen over and over again since the end of World War II.

    If people are able to solve their own problems, then government is not necessary. The welfare state, the wars, taxation, terrorism and everything we have seen over the last hundred years, has been a desperate attempt to create and maintain dependence upon an increasingly useless system of domination and oppression. We are only a decade off from government raiding people with SWAT teams to prevent them from growing their own food. There are already laws on the books in the EU and US.

    The clear objective is maintain dependence upon the banks and government at all costs, through military means, if necessary. No economic activity, no act of economic production, no sexual act, no breath shall be taken without without going through the government (a transnational union of corporations, banks and drug cartels who are collectively trying to maintain domination over the subjugated populations).

    When crisis comes, the strong, prepared, informed and motivated will survive. The masses will be demoralized,, passive and will passively march into the incinerator. Less than 1 in 30 Jews left Germany, when Hitler made the option available and it was absolutely clear what was to transpire. The rich, the wealthy, the connected left and the poor and weak submitted to their fate.

    People do not see the genocide, because it is happening overseas and not domestically, yet Reporters who report on it are just killed or kept out of the news. Bloggers blogging about it have their adsense revenue cut off, their youtube channels taken down. Journalists who discuss the fact that non-allied journalists are being targeted for elimination, at Davos, get removed. There is a complete information vacuum, to isolate the people at the top, from what is happening on the ground. People who provide accurate information are simply removed, so that they cannot influence decision makers.

    The only limit is whether it can be applied, while keeping the hierarchy of authority in place without revolt and whether secret coalitions can be suppressed before they reach majority and dispose the psychopaths. That is why the focus has shifted to small special operations teams, drones, assassinations, biological weapons, foreign mercenaries and everything shifted into the private sector. There is an emerging multicultural rainbow of corporations, killing for profit, with allegiance to no flag, no law, no people and no nation. The national militaries are being gradually cut out and turned into a flagless transnational force.

    If Christian morals get in they way of for profit genocide operations or impoverishing millions for profit, then it is the Christian morals that must no. Money has become a higher value, elevated above human life or economic prosperity.

    If the US shut down the military right now, the war would continue. As long as there is oil, resources, weapon manufacturers and corporations, they will keep hiring mercenaries to murder civilians and control oil pipelines. As long as there is money, its just going to continue. Any community, country or group that cannot defend itself, is going to be destroyed or at best, merely allowed to exist.


    We are definately seeing depopulation.
    - cancer rates went from 1 in 60, to 2 in 3. Cancer rates will be 90% soon.
    - Obesity rates are over 70%. Thyroid, parathyroid problems.
    - below replacement level fertility in Europe and America. Declining testosterone levels in men. Feminization of men. Declining sperm counts.
    - dumbing down of population, mercury injections, loss of top 2% of population intelligence curve. 200 point decline in SAT scores that has been hidden. Population dumbed down to third world math and literacy rates.
    - Rash of new diseases that did not exist before. Alzheimer, breast cancer, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, asthma, peanut allergies, diabetes, sudden infant death syndrome. These diseases did not exist a hundred year ago and do not exist in countries that do not have intentional depopulation policies.
    - Radiological slow kill. Spike in infant mortality, spontaneous abortions in Europe and United States after Iraq depleted uranium operations began. Shower the earth with DE nano-particles. Fukushima nano-aerosolized 200 tons of material (how?), according to lab tests. Average person inhales 5 hot particles daily. 100 hot particles induce cancer rate to 50% over 15 years, as nano-particles decay chain proceeds.

    This is log scale. This is not linear

    state of 2017 (Skycoin, /pol/)

    People who do not eat very well and are absolutely obsessed with their health, are going to get fat, get diabetes, their testicles will be neutered and they will be sterilized pretty quickly. They will die of cancer. That is what we are seeing.

    The pesticides that have been used over the last sixty years, do not kill the insect. They subtely exterminate their gene line and make them sterile in four or six generations. Insects tend to eat a single crop and have single pesticide exposure. Humans are eating combinations of hundreds of different chemicals. Some of the chemicals are not reported, none of them are tested and no one has any idea how some of these chemicals are showing up in human blood plasma or where they are coming from. Some of the genetic damage shows up for seven generations in rats. The human species may be reproductibly non-viable within a few generations.

    Totalitarians, believe this is a positive thing, because it will put all human reproduction under government control. It will also produce a stupider, dumber, easier to control population that cannot solve its own problems and which requires a strong controlling government to act as shepard and slave master.

    Women produce all of their eggs at birth. Genetic damage is cumulative over life time and accumulates and is inherited by children
    - pesticides
    - heavy metals. aluminum, fluoride, lead, cadmium
    - nano particles (aluminum, titanium dioxide)
    - gene-line mutations from viral infections and STDs
    - radioisotopes bound in bone, that decay to worse elements over decades, radiological slow kill
    - depleted uranium (seeks out phosphate and destroys DNA)

    Every generation accumulates genetic damage until the species is non-viable. The effects of heavy metal and chemical exposure are multiplicative and often exponential. Exposure to three heavy metals can cause genetic damage that is 10,000 times the damage of any individual compound. The heavy metals and chemical exposure kill off the top 2% of intelligence, making everyone "more equal" by dumbing everyone down to the level of animals. Autism occurs primarily in children of professional families, engineers, executives and people who would otherwise have children with IQs above 130. Mercury injections make everyone "more equal".

    There is a huge segment of the population, who is economically useless and who is considered to just be a threat to the stability of the ruling elite, so everything possible is being done to sterilize or induce chronic illness. Especially targeting the poor and government dependents. The studies were done, the causes are known, no one intends to fix the problem and it is seen as a positive. Five thousand people a day need to be killed off to balance America's social security balance of payments. Whistleblowers have already reported that Britain is already killing 100,000 hospital patients per year with morphine injections (to balance social security payments).

    After Europe is flooded with violent immigrants, the countries will probably be subjected to violence and that will be used as an excuse to lock down the countries like a concentration camp, while the population of useless eaters and dissents is slowly killed off.

    - reduces norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain. Making the population less emotional, less motivated, more obedient to authority and more docile. Induces apathy and kills the human soul
    - decreases intelligence
    - causes 80% inhibition of energy enzymes, causing obesity/diabetes
    - causes cancer. Cancer rates in Beverly Hills doubled when fluoridation began
    - causes permanent germ line mutations, that are inherited by children and are accumulated with each generation
    - the genetic and cognitive damage is at the same lever or higher as lead, arsenic and mercury

    Fluoride is added to salt in Europe. It is sprayed on crops as pesticide, which cannot be washed off and it is bio-accumulated. It is in high levels in even organic food, due do use of cryolite fertilizer.

    Monsanto GMO NK603 crops with or without glyphosate induce tumors in rats. Genetically engineered, spermicidal corn was found in the wild in Mexico. The researcher who reported this was fired. There are several dozen incidents of this sort, that suggest that the food, water and air are being covertly weaponized.

    Control group develops no tumor while all other groups did, and the study specifically mentioned the possibility that the threshold is actually so low that you don’t see a dosage effect.

    The television says "Fluoride is good for your teeth". Everyone should
    - go to the pet store right now
    - buy a Gerber or mouse
    - get sodium fluoride
    - dilute to 40 ppm (40 mg per liter)
    - inject the Gerble subcutaneously with 40 ppm sodium fluoride
    - count the number of injection sites that develop golf ball sized tumors
    - put the golf ball sized tumors on the internet

    The government has been putting 10 ppm in drinking water since end of WWII. The committees were aware of the studies.

    Then there were other whistleblowers who stated that the US government, weaponized the water delivery system under the Bush Bioshield Program. They interviewed people doing the installation of the system on the ground and then when they went to the country to investigate it, they ended up fired from theri job and began to receive government harassment. To allow controlled, selective delivery of biological and chemical agents by neighborhood, building or possibly household.

    - trust nothing. Independent verification. If government says "We are not chemtrailing" or "that is water vapor", go outside with hyper-spectral imaging camera to determine the spectral emission line, use laser to do aerosol count, collect rain samples and run them through a mass spectrometer. Electron microscope image the particles. Do PCR and look for RNA/DNA and do patent search for bioweapons. We have technology to measure elements in the sky of planets in other star systems and the public is too stupid to even determine what is in sky after two decades

    - Go take a blood sample and do PCR and get the DNA sequenced. Then do a patent search and see what is in your blood and who owns the patents on it.

    - primary sources are only valid sources. Secondary source and media are corrupt and lie. Wikipedia is being systematically scrubbed of medical information that leads to determination of the cause of emerging chronic diseases. Articles are being removed from pubmed to keep them from being cited. Doctors and researchers are even being murdered now.

    - Do not expect the government or corporations to stop killing people, after it is demonstrated conclusively that they are intentionally murdering people. Expect denials and the issue to be ignored. It is up to you, to individually and at a community level to protect yourself.

    - The NSA programs were leaked in 2002, definitely in court documents and were completely ignored. The only reason Snowden was given coverage appears to be elite infighting.
    - A lot of whistleblowers die to bring truth to the public and the NYT just burns the documents or when it is released, no one hears about it. The whole medi a is a shilling operation. You can dig for hours on Google and finding high quality primary sources documents is almost impossible. There are many people who on their death bed, released massive document dumps. The government does not even know they exist and cannot find them and media does not care. The government does not even know until they read about it in the media, then they are in damage control mode to shut it down or create disinformation or keep it from going viral.
    - The worst documents and most revealing documents are from the 70s and 80s. They tell you exactly, who is in power, what they want and what their agenda is.

    The bottom line is that this is not merely corporate greed. This is an intentional and asymmetric war. Between 70% and 90% of the population in the United States is going to get cancer and half will die of it. No one cares. The causes are known, it is preventable and it is intentional and no one cares.

    This was the agenda in the 80s and it was carried through. The people who know what is going and take measures, will survive and have working testicles and be thin and beautiful. The idiots who are unable to change their behavior, or seek information (it is readily available) are going to get sterilization, obesity and cancer.


    I think that if your country has a record of running torturing centers overseas, tortures people, murdered tens of millions of people, assassinates people everyday and is building domestic torture centers and rolling out mass surveillance, you should leave the country before you end up in an incinerator like the 29 out of 30 Jews in Nazi Germany who did not understand what was going on.

    It is not worth fighting. You have a better change of survival and affirming western values in the middle of the Syrian genocide zone than in America. The best case for America at this point is that it devolves into a Mexican like state, where the ground is controlled by drug cartels and militia and the government only exists on television. The worse case is genocide.

    Western Civilization and its values cannot be saved or corrected in its current form. The leadership has fallen into depravity and the upper class values that supported civilization are annihilated. You cannot build a moral or sane civilization on a foundation of insane and immoral sociopaths. The current generation of Chinese leadership lived difficult lives and were engineers. They were grounded in reality and not delusion. They built China from nothing to an industrial power, in a single generation. Their children are spoiled and do not understand sacrifice or obligation and as they come to power, you see the steamrolling corruption and the next generation after that will be even worse.

    It is unlikely that the west can emulate China or do anything but commit suicide, because its moral and economic values are at odds with the continued existence of human life on Earth.

    Once a society's elite has lost its moral compass, they cannot hold civilization together or keep it going in a positive direction. It devolves into intentional parasitic destruction and a hatred of humanity itself. The current generation of American leadership (CFR) believes
    - America should be deindustralized and weakend and that it is good. They accomplished that
    - that American education should be dumbed down. They accomplished that
    - that American wages and standard of living are too high and they should be driven down to 3rd world levels and "equalized" and globalized. They are working on that
    - that chronic diseases, cancer, depopulation is a good thing. More profits. More power. Too many people on earth. Too many serfs.
    - that the nation state needs to be destroyed and that flooding it with 3rd world immigrants and injecting people with mercury and other method is acceptable towards this end

    So you have a group of people, with depraved, negative values. They are actually getting worse, every generation since the 90s, to the point that the current generation, appears to be turning into sadomasochistic, coked up pedophiles.

    The emphasis should be on behavior change, escape and creating new civilizations cultures in safe regions. The momentum in the west is towards suicide, self destruction and the thirst for self annihilation.

    There were bankers who
    - quit in mass because they would not carry through with this
    - who were murdered because they refused to go along with the agenda
    - who are going to carry it through for the money, but are prepared to move themselves and their families to safe countries that are rejecting the policies and agendas they are pushing, because they know there is no hope or future here

    I went through several hundred years of primary source documentation and it is just
    - torture
    - assassination
    - governments genociding people
    - political purges
    - murders
    - orchestrated famines

    I am seeing the same behavior repeat today, that has occurred over the last thousand years with endless repetition in every culture, empire, continent and race. The only difference is the people and radiological, biological and nuclear weapon.

    Whatever happens, the strong, the noble, the intelligent, the informed and the prepared will prosper and rise to the top and it will mostly be the stupid, the ignorant, the weak and the losers that are turned in for the slaughter.

    The military psychological operations studies show that the majority of humans are unable to change their beliefs or behavior based upon factual information. They are animals driven by emotion and authority. You just need a man in a suit on television to tell them "Fluoride is good for your teeth" or give them the election "results" and they will believe anything. If reality or experience confront their beliefs, instead of changing the beliefs, they ignore the evidence and the beliefs are reinforced. Attacking beliefs for being in contradiction to reality, amplifies them and gets the person to feel like they are under attack and dig in deeper.

    So the majority of humans are barely above animal level and destined for enslavement to whatever insanity prevails at the moment. The hope for a mass society or progress through politics is insanity. The majority is literally imbued with a slave mentality and needs to seek out a savior or master to become psychologically and physically dependent on. If it was not the government or flag or a sports team, they would become Nazis, communist or SJWs or join a cult. They are going to find something to latch on to and it only has to satisfy their psychological needs for dependency and authority, it does not have to be factual or reality based.

    When communities auto-segregate by values, they can focus on achieving their shared goals, instead of fighting endlessly with sub-humans and trying to convert a majority of people who cannot arrive at reality through a rational process. That is why corporations, secret societies, communities and clandestine groups are effective at coordinated action and mobs are ineffective. The idea of lumping different groups of people with different values together, under a shared government is insanity.

    Do Human Rights Exist?

    "Human Rights" do not exist. They are a weapon the United States uses to morally shame its enemies, while it does far worse things. Populations who are unable or unwilling to defend themselves and their way of life, will ultimately yield to conquest and enslavement by the economically and militarily superior units of organizations. Rights exist through shear power and military force. They are the rules of nature, not man.

    Nation states are being brutally torn apart right now, by superior, more flexible units of organization with greater planning ability and unity of purpose and action. Mexico has already collapsed and that process is moving north into regions of America. The America, European, Australian, Canadian, Japanese, German, French and New Zealand governments have already been complete subverted by non-state actors and clandestine organizations. The role of the drug cartels in Latin American politics is absolute. The nation state as unit of people with common interests and "We The People" has already failed and does not reflect reality.

    The UN signed a "declaration of Human Rights", but here is the UN congo, genocide operation. This is what primary source documents look like

    There was a democratically elected sane leader and the UN helped to overthrow him. Then there was a part of the Congo that was sane and survived the rape and genocide, so UN troops were sent in to kill and indiscriminately murder people. This was the the fax from the UN supported dictator. This is what an IMF/UN operation looks like.

    state of 2017 (Skycoin, /pol/)

    state of 2017 (Skycoin, /pol/)

    There are people who want to give all their guns and nuclear weapons to the UN and they thing "We will have world peace" and history has show, that they will probably be murdered, raped and enslaved by bankers. Once a power center gives up its weapons, it is usually murdered and purged by the disarming power center. The question is not "Why do elites kill each other" but "What stops one group of elites from just killing the others and taking over".

    Earth is a war zone. The enemy of man is man.

    Elite Infighting:

    Wikileaks, Assange and Trump are being used to launder information and maintain a balance of power. There were numerous whistleblowers before Snowden that were just destroyed by corporate controlled media. People at the top, have to make a decision to let the information out, or it goes nowhere and is just covered up and forgotten.

    There is a lot of momentum, going in same direction, for over a hundred twenty years. Its not going to reverse direction, until the economic interests pushing in that direction are completely destroyed and dismantled. The FED and oil interests.

    There is not just the TPP. There are three treaties. If you read the treaties, I do not understand why people are not rioting in the street or lynching bankers yet. People have not been given enough mercury injection to accept this kind of financial enslavement and rape. The treaties take all of law and government, out of hands of elected government and put it into hands of the corporate lawyers for Fortune 500. The only way to repeal the treaty is military force and the only way to enforce the treaty, is by military force and economic sanction.

    Hungary put up walls, so they herded a bunch of angry Muslims to the border with NGOs and then provoked a riot. The weaker countries, who cannot keep the Muslims out, will be first country to go bankrupt from welfare payments and these countries are already in bankruptcy and austerity, with massive unemployment. Just get out of there. Just flee. If people are this stupid, then humanity deserves slavery.

    We are in middle of complete collapse of legitimacy of the western nation states and their political systems. Last time this happened, there was a major world war and a few hundred million died, between the internal power seizures, purges and the serfs that were sent to kill each other. However this is great for Bitcoin/Skycoin.


    Open source and automate
    - food production
    - water production
    - building materials, housing (dirt compacting brick machine, 3d printed glass, materials)
    - heating and cooling systems
    - telecommunications
    - transportation
    - finance
    - defense
    - CNCing, 3 to 5 axis
    - assembly

    This is the only way out. All dependencies must be eliminated. This is what is going to break the cycle of bullshit and the only hope for real change in the world. Politics is a dead end.
    Didnt read lol.jpg

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