Iniciado por
Marco Frei
I shit in all the dead of your genealogical tree and if you also hurry me in the living, fucking amorphous shit I scream you in the street and I sink the hammer hammer, sick ijodelagran whore, if you have children I hope they have some physical disability or Mental or in their defect, they hit a bus, but do not die that they suffer all their fucking life and if you do not have children, it never sounds like it will happen. God bless you with a fat pussy, follapinos hijodelagranputa, as I hear you add me again. With some account like that and I know who you are the interest that I seek, when you find I'm leaving your ridiculous body and I eat them and while I eat shit and I'll make you eat my fucking feces with trozacos of Your skin bathed And when you completely despojas and have made you eat all the shit that you release from my precious and bright ass I will go for your sister and if you do not have sister I will go to the sweat of your mother and if I go inspired I will by the two, the Kidnap them, put them in a van, take them to a room, put their tail through all the holes in their body (yes, it includes nose and ears) I run inside them and wait 9 months To have their daughters born And when I turn 13 years I fuck them too and if even then after that you still have cousins or aunts do the same with them and when I'm tired of fucking all your family of lice cojere a few chains I put in my car and To travel 300 km with all your family hooked to them and if after that someone of the drop someone, the alcohol to make me rage even more pain and after all that I will go to the hospital when you have recovered from the gutting that I did I will take you out Of there will take you to the same room where I fuck all the women of your royal family and those that precede in your genius tree and while I put the videos of how I fucked your mother dare minipollazos in the forehead Until you stay The mark of my great and devastating glans for the rest of your life and so every time you look in the mirror memories those videos and what I did with your family, after that I'll let you go and I'll go back to you at three months , I'll put it back in the room, but this time nothing soft, this time I'll hold your hands and start to get you needles between your nails until the pain level faint and you get up with a defibrillator, you lower your pants and shorts and Start giving you minimatillazos in your balls until little by little they are undoing and your scrotum is completely vain, I imagine that after that you will faint again, then I will use the defibrillator again to get you up and put your feet in a bucket with water , The lake, the claws on the nipples, the penis and the tongue and you dare to discharges until you faint again, when you do you know what the hare .. and I will come back and take some pliers and argue one by one Your whores Nails piece of scum, then I'll lay you down, I'll put a rag on your face and wrath in your mouth little by little you get to drown ... then I'm angry and I'll come back every day to make you a different torture, Once you hear my footsteps approaching the door at different times each day, a fear that you have never experienced, travel through your body and stay in the door pretending that you will have me on top of you, See that you no longer give for more tortures I will let you You'll be cures in a hospital and I'll come back for you when you recover, I'll fuck you and while you burn your eyes with a blowtorch you'll blow you in the nut until you die piece of hijodelagran whore But do not think that everything ends of a hay .. If reincarnation exists, I will reincarnate in any other person and I will make you and your whole new family everything that is done in this life but slower and without killing you so that every time you see a shadow at night, the feed that I am, that I enter into an amazing madness, that you fall into a vegetative state simply from the fear that the motive my presence, if you heal, I will never go to go for you anymore, you will die old, Alone, without eggs, without skin and Hope you do not cut your shit legs