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ForoParalelo: Miembro
Putos alis, tuvieron a nuestros compañeros orcos en campos de concentración. Cogeremos esas cabrillas llamadas draenei y las violaremos
PD: elfos de sangre mariposónes
ForoParalelo: Miembro
Aaauuuuu au auuuu auuuh uh
Crows, I have just been woken up by a flock of crows, and I'm pretty sure a monkey. (Outside my window) what the hell LA!!???!
ForoParalelo: Miembro

Iniciado por
heil hitler
Quiero tu culo nazi, te voy a dar una lección trasera
ForoParalelo: Miembro
ForoMiembro: Paralelo
Soy el del avatar
Wisel Wisel
ForoParalelo: Miembro
It's time the tale were told
Of how you took a child
And you made him old
It's time the tale were told
Of how you took a child
And you made him old
You made him old
Reel around the fountain
Slap me on the patio
I'll take it now
Oh ...
Fifteen minutes with you
Well, I wouldn't say no
Oh, people said that you were virtually dead
And they were so wrong
Fifteen minutes with you
Oh, well, I wouldn't say no
Oh, people said that you were easily led
And they were half-right
Oh, they ... oh, they were half-right, oh
It's time the tale were told
Of how you took a child
And you made him old
It's time that the tale were told
Of how you took a child
And you made him old
You made him old
Oh, reel around the fountain
Slap me on the patio
I'll take it now
Ah ... oh ...
Fifteen minutes with you
Oh, I wouldn't say no
Oh, people see no worth in you
Oh, but I do.
Fifteen minutes with you
Oh, I wouldn't say no
Oh, people see no worth in you
I do.
Oh, I ... oh, I do
Oh ...
I dreamt about you last night
And I fell out of bed twice
You can pin and mount me like a butterfly
But "take me to the haven of your bed"
Was something that you never said
Two lumps, please
You're the bee's knees
But so am I
Oh, meet me at the fountain
Shove me on the patio
I'll take it slowly
Oh ...
Fifteen minutes with you
Oh, I wouldn't say no
Oh, people see no worth in you
Oh, but I do.
Fifteen minutes with you
Oh, no, I wouldn't say no
Oh, people see no worth in you
I do.
Oh, I ... I do
Oh, I do
Oh, I do
Oh, I do
Me patrocina tu madre
ForoParalelo: Miembro
Perdónalas padre porque no saben cómo friegan!!
Os pongo cachondos a todos y lo sé.
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