Hello. My name is Ervant and I am from South Africa.
Venga, quiero ahorgarte.
Hello. My name is Ervant and I am from South Africa.
Dear readers,
Let me introduce myself. I am an English teacher from South Africa. My accent sucks and I make basic mistakes such as 'This is my pants', but I do not care because my only mission here is not other than drinking as much as I can. This is, in fact, my only ambition; the one that keeps me alive.
I believe in Mr. Apartheid and I hate this fucking and disgusting nigger activist called Miriam Makeba and the asshole of Madeba who eats kebab in Zanzibar. I am going to snort some masala sauce and lick the plate so that there are not any leftovers left for anybody else.
What do you think about my fucking and disgusting shitty life?
Kanikuly writing on behalf of Ervant, the alcoholic English teacher from South Africa.
Última edición por Kanikuly; 04/01/2020 a las 12:58
Da KingaH
Disociación de personalidad o personalidad múltiple...???
ForoParalelo: Miembro
jelou sudafrican jou ar llou ?
Mi espanix an
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