If true love doesn't exist, why do people continue to seek love?
Foroparalelo: Presidente
If true love doesn't exist, why do people continue to seek love?
Most humans seek "love" because we follow biological urges spurring us to do so. There is no why. Much of human society is built around channeling and restricting those urges to prevent people from hurting one another, and even more of society is built around ways to improve one's chances at finding "love."
I'm glad you realized that idealized "love"/soulmate/there's someone special for everyone is a delusion. It's a lie we comfort ourselves with. The fact is, there's no such thing as a perfect mate. But there's also no reason to expect a mate to be perfect. Relationships can be wonderful with suitable mates. Whatever love is, it isn't perfect. Love is good enough. Until it isn't.
There isn't a single person out there for each of us. There are lots of people who'd make great mates for each of us. And our biological urges don't stop just because we've satisfied them with one person. We keep having crushes, we keep falling in love even (most people, at least). But we resist those urges, generally. Either to avoid hurting people we love, or for other reasons.
Maybe one day your next lover will leave you. Maybe you'll leave your next lover. Les histoires d'amour finissent mal en général, as the song goes. Maybe neither of you will ever leave the other except when called by death. But as long as you feel the urge to continue looking, and you don't see the harm in doing so, there's no reason not to go for it.
If you don't feel the urge, or you don't see the benefit in following it, there's no reason to go for it.
It's as one likes.
Of course
Alma atormentada
ForoParalelo: Miembro
who says that true love does not exist?
Foroparalelo: Presidente

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who says that true love does not exist?
me , for instance.
ForoParalelo: Miembro

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me , for instance.
A single sign does not prove anything, although your point is, in any case, upstanding.
Foroparalelo: Presidente

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A single sign does not prove anything, although your point is, in any case, upstanding.
do you think i am the only one that comes up with this conclusion? Damn.. you are either dellusional or plainly stupid
ForoParalelo: Miembro

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do you think i am the only one that comes up with this conclusion? Damn.. you are either dellusional or plainly stupid
If you've been dumped by your wife, get over it, parguela.
Foroparalelo: Presidente

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If you've been dumped by your wife, get over it, parguela.
it has been confirmed, you are a moron.
ForoParalelo: Miembro
ForoParalelo: Miembro
ForoParalelo: Miembro
ForoParalelo: Führer
Why do you keep posting on ForoParalelo when nobody is interested in the things you say?
ForoParalelo: Miembro
Por que hablais en subnormal?
Venid a Prix D ami
Foroparalelo: Presidente

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Por que hablais en subnormal?
because you stroke it every night
ForoParalelo: Miembro

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because you stroke it every night
Guardate el vasco para la intimidad
ForoParalelo: Miembro

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Most humans seek "love" because we follow biological urges spurring us to do so. There is no why. Much of human society is built around channeling and restricting those urges to prevent people from hurting one another, and even more of society is built around ways to improve one's chances at finding "love."
I'm glad you realized that idealized "love"/soulmate/there's someone special for everyone is a delusion. It's a lie we comfort ourselves with. The fact is, there's no such thing as a perfect mate. But there's also no reason to expect a mate to be perfect. Relationships can be wonderful with suitable mates. Whatever love is, it isn't perfect. Love is good enough. Until it isn't.
There isn't a single person out there for each of us. There are lots of people who'd make great mates for each of us. And our biological urges don't stop just because we've satisfied them with one person. We keep having crushes, we keep falling in love even (most people, at least). But we resist those urges, generally. Either to avoid hurting people we love, or for other reasons.
Maybe one day your next lover will leave you. Maybe you'll leave your next lover. Les histoires d'amour finissent mal en général, as the song goes. Maybe neither of you will ever leave the other except when called by death. But as long as you feel the urge to continue looking, and you don't see the harm in doing so, there's no reason not to go for it.
If you don't feel the urge, or you don't see the benefit in following it, there's no reason to go for it.
It's as one likes.
Oh my GOD that’s true
Forero Sensato
That's like everything.
ForoParalelo: Miembro

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it has been confirmed, you are a moron.
de la frontera

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Por que hablais en subnormal?
No es subnormal, es el idioma de los piratas.
ForoParalelo: Miembro
Estando prácticamente de acuerdo con el excepto en una cosa, este es de los que se creen que pueden ir a tu casa e imponerte lo que ellos piensan, chato si estás, vas o resides en España, habla en español, si entras en un sitio donde hablen español, habla español, si te jode me la pela, habla español, a los ingleses o americanos cuando vas a sus respectivos países no te hacen caso si no hablas en inglés y te recalcan que hables en inglés, aquí es lo mismo, donde fueres haz lo que vieres, el comentario que has echo es perfecto, pero habla en español que estamos en España. En español joder.
Foroparalelo: Presidente

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Grano verde
Estando prácticamente de acuerdo con el excepto en una cosa, este es de los que se creen que pueden ir a tu casa e imponerte lo que ellos piensan, chato si estás, vas o resides en España, habla en español, si entras en un sitio donde hablen español, habla español, si te jode me la pela, habla español, a los ingleses o americanos cuando vas a sus respectivos países no te hacen caso si no hablas en inglés y te recalcan que hables en inglés, aquí es lo mismo, donde fueres haz lo que vieres, el comentario que has echo es perfecto, pero habla en español que estamos en España. En español joder.
we are on the internet mohhfoker
ForoParalelo: Miembro
Shut the fuck up you fuckin' shit eater
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