Narcissism: The evil within.
Venga, quiero ahorgarte.
Narcissism: The evil within.
Nowadays the field of psichiatry has been able to diagnose thousands of mental disorders and diseases that were impossible to imagine they existed long time ago. Well known specialists have been carrying out research on finding the best treatments to some of these diseases, since some of them still remain incurable. Indeed, there is still a relatively known issue going on in our society that cannot even be considered a disease as such, but a disorder; a social disorder triggered by emotional childhood neglect combined with a cocktail of negative circumstances surrounding the individual that suffers from this disorder.
Its origins date back in the Classic Age with the myth of Narcissus. Narcissus was a very attractive fellow who fell in love with himself when looking himself in a lake on the surface of the water as a mirror and he drowned into the water blinded by his own obsession with his beauty. I am referring to one of the least known disorders of the 21st century; the one of narcissism. Narcissism can be defined as a social induced disorder in which the individual thinks the whole world revolts around him and only him all the time. He thinks he is the only one and the only player in his game where he can do to others what he feels. A narcissist, as these individuals are called, presents the following features:
-Grandiosity: He thinks he is a superior being who deserves to be recognized, admired and envied by the ones surrounding him. The worst outcome that a narcissist can get when he is showing off is to be ignored and show some kind of indifference.
-Complex of inferiority concealed within a complex of superiority: A narcissist is no more no less than an individual who went through either a traumatic experience or received too much positive praising during his childhood or adolescence. Hence he needs to draw others' attention to feed himself on such, otherwise he feels like a dying flame without oxygen.
And so many things I do not remember right now.
Weapons of the narcissist.
-Gaslighthing: gaslighting can be defined as a mirroring weapon in which the narcissist projects his flaws on somebody else blaming him or her for his disgraces or misfortunes. Such 'technique' can weaken and undermine the narcissist's target easily provided that the victim does not know how to deal with it.
-Manipulation: combining lies and truths is one of the best known weapons of the narcissist.
And so many things I do not remember right now.
PS: I have a class right now, so I have to prepare some flashcards in advance.
Venga, quiero ahorgarte.
Pole narcisista!!! Otro exito al bote @Kanikuly!
ForoParalelo: Miembro
ForoParalelo: Miembro
Los narcisistas son personas con una autoimagen deplorable, y para evitar el autoreconocimiento de todo aquello que no les gusta de si mismos proyectan hacia los demás sus miserias.
Buscan a gente débil a quien trasladar las partes negativas de su ser y mediante la proyección a los demás de aquello que no les gusta de ellos mismos consiguen calmar el psiquismo, y aumentar su autovaloración.
En algún momento de sus vidas se produce la llamada ``herida narcisista´´ y muchos no se recuperan y caen en depresiones muy gordas, porque han vivido toda su vida engañados con respecto a si mismos.
Vete a Instagram y veras much@s. Por ejemplo Rafa mora es un gran ejemplo de narcisista
y pa que chingadas putas madres escrive en gringo? pinchi pendejo aqui ningun pinchi mugroso ba a entender....
chingue a su puta madre
el webon del danmakina es asi lo cache lellendole uno de sus posteoa....
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