os propongo un juego para practicar vuestro inglés
ForoParalelo: Miembro
os propongo un juego para practicar vuestro inglés
teneis que terminar una de estas frases
If jews didnt exist ...
If niggas didnt exist...
ForoParalelo: Miembro
If niggas didnt exist who clean my house?

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If niggas didnt exist who clean my house?

Se dice "Who would clean my house?" mindundi
ForoParalelo: Miembro
If niggas didn't exist, Joanito wouldn't have the best avatar in Foroparalelo™
Siento el Picorcito
If niggas didnt exist you would be gipsy like above's shur
If jews didnt exist then this would be a POLE
ForoParalelo: Miembro

Iniciado por
Sr. Barbosa
teneis que terminar una de estas frases
If jews didnt exist ...
If niggas didnt exist...
oh my god, my penis is very erectibol
ForoParalelo: Miembro
If the blacks did not exist who would fuck @Diggernick's mother?
ForoParalelo: Miembro

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Se dice "Who would clean my house?" mindundi
sabia que me faltaba algo desde el princiipio pero no sabia el que, gracias mindundi
Estas bien pinche muerto
At the end of the storm..
If jew's didn't exist refugees wouldn't be welcome
ForoParalelo: Miembro
Granny Skinny Blonde teen young big dick Hidden cam nipples brunette cucklold Mature party es lo único q he aprendido hasta ahora
*G H E TT O * S H I N Y*

Iniciado por
Sr. Barbosa
If the blacks did not exist who would fuck @
Diggernick's mother?
If niggers didn't exist @Sr.Barbosa would only have been corrupted seminal dust in somebody's face.
Buena persona
moro bueno moro muerto
If jews didnt exist ... who would control our puppet leaders?
If niggas didnt exist... KFC profits would drop
Bisagrito,tu forero amigo
My name is Edu
If jews didnt exist but i need you tits pls and cum hard
ForoParalelo: Miembro
If jews didnt exist, the Nazis wouldn't be funny anymore.
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