10 películas donde la pareja protagonista no termine junta
1. Al final de la escapada
2. Casablanca
3. Origen
4. Los paraguas de Cherburgo
5. Ten cuidado con lo que deseas
6. La venganza de los Sith
7. La Terminal
8. La Teoría del Todo
Ahhhh esa me la leí, ok no está mal para empezar, alguna sugerencia más?El mensaje está oculto porque el usuario está en tu lista de ignorados.
La parte que está en cursiva es un cortapega shur, aunque desconocía lo que me comenta.El mensaje está oculto porque el usuario está en tu lista de ignorados.
Me recomienda alguna obra?
Tu lo has querido:
Sub MainMenu
; menu HideEUO
menu Clear
menu Window Title EUOMenu1
menu Window Color Silver
menu Window Size 410 300
menu Font Transparent #true
menu Font Name Times New Roman
menu Font Color Maroon
menu Window Title SuperBob v3.0
menu Font BGColor Silver
menu Font Color Maroon
Menu Font Align Center
menu Font Size 22
menu Text title 140 10 Super Bob
menu Font Size 14
Menu Text title 122 40 A Multi-Skill Trainer
Menu Shape TopGrey 8 8 394 2 4 7 1 White 5 White
menu Shape WhiteBottom 8 65 394 2 4 7 1 Gray 5 Gray
Menu Shape LeftSide 8 8 2 59 4 7 1 White 5 White
Menu Shape LeftSide 400 8 2 59 4 7 1 Gray 5 Gray
Menu Font Aligh Right
menu Font Name Times New Roman
menu Font Size 13
menu Text txt 300 80 Select a Skill:
menu Font BGColor Silver
menu Font Color Maroon
menu Font Size 11
menu Combo Create Select 296 100 105
menu Combo Add Select Anatomy
menu Combo Add Select Animal Lore
menu Combo Add Select Arms Lore
menu Combo Add Select Bushido
menu Combo Add Select Camping
menu Combo Add Select Cartography
menu Combo Add Select Chivalry
menu Combo Add Select Detect Hidden
menu Combo Add Select Discordance
menu Combo Add Select Eval Intel
menu Combo Add Select Healing
menu Combo Add Select Herding
menu Combo Add Select Hiding
menu Combo Add Select Magery
menu Combo Add Select Meditation
menu Combo Add Select Musianship
menu Combo Add Select Necromancy
menu Combo Add Select Ninjitsu
menu Combo Add Select Peacemaking
menu Combo Add Select Poisoning
menu Combo Add Select Provocation
; menu Combo Add Select Snooping
menu Combo Add Select Spirit Speak
; menu Combo Add Select Stealing
menu Combo Add Select Stealth
menu Combo Add Select Tracking
menu Font Size 14
menu Font Color Maroon
menu Text txt1 72 77 About This Script:
menu Font Size 10
menu Font BGColor Silver
menu Font Color Maroon
menu List Create Box 8 100 280 188
menu List Add Box This script is so smart, it is just like working with
menu List Add Box a real person! Because of this I shall call him BOB!
menu List Add Box
menu List Add Box Bob will train a varity of skills from 25 to your cap
menu List Add Box Select the skill from the pull down to learn more.
menu List Add Box Bob tracks your skill points, gains and total time.
menu List Add Box
menu List Add Box Bob believes in fast training, so bob will adjust
menu List Add Box casting speeds so your training as fast as possible
menu List Add Box
menu List Add Box So what are you waiting for?
menu List Add Box Pick a skill and get started!
menu Font BGColor Silver
menu Font Color Black
menu Button Quit 296 268 103 25 Quit
menu Show
Set #menuButton N/A
if #menuButton = Quit
Set #menuButton N/A
Display ok Thank you for using Guadah's Multi-Skill Trainer.$
+Script is Halting$
if #menuButton = %Start
GoSub %Start
menu get Select
if #menuRes = 1 && !old_menures <> #menuRes
set !old_menures #menuRes
GoSub AnatMenu
if #menuRes = 2 && !old_menures <> #menuRes
set !old_menures #menuRes
GoSub AnilMenu
if #menuRes = 3 && !old_menures <> #menuRes
set !old_menures #menuRes
GoSub ArmsMenu
if #menuRes = 4 && !old_menures <> #menuRes
set !old_menures #menuRes
GoSub BushMenu
if #menuRes = 5 && !old_menures <> #menuRes
set !old_menures #menuRes
GoSub CampMenu
if #menuRes = 6 && !old_menures <> #menuRes
set !old_menures #menuRes
GoSub CartMenu
if #menuRes = 7 && !old_menures <> #menuRes
set !old_menures #menuRes
GoSub ChivMenu
if #menuRes = 8 && !old_menures <> #menuRes
set !old_menures #menuRes
GoSub DeteMenu
if #menuRes = 9 && !old_menures <> #menuRes
set !old_menures #menuRes
GoSub DiscMenu
if #menuRes = 10 && !old_menures <> #menuRes
set !old_menures #menuRes
GoSub EvalMenu
if #menuRes = 11 && !old_menures <> #menuRes
set !old_menures #menuRes
GoSub HealMenu
if #menuRes = 12 && !old_menures <> #menuRes
set !old_menures #menuRes
GoSub HerdMenu
if #menuRes = 13 && !old_menures <> #menuRes
set !old_menures #menuRes
GoSub HidiMenu
if #menuRes = 14 && !old_menures <> #menuRes
set !old_menures #menuRes
GoSub MageMenu
if #menuRes = 15 && !old_menures <> #menuRes
set !old_menures #menuRes
GoSub MediMenu
if #menuRes = 16 && !old_menures <> #menuRes
set !old_menures #menuRes
GoSub MusiMenu
if #menuRes = 17 && !old_menures <> #menuRes
set !old_menures #menuRes
GoSub NecrMenu
if #menuRes = 18 && !old_menures <> #menuRes
set !old_menures #menuRes
GoSub NinjMenu
if #menuRes = 19 && !old_menures <> #menuRes
set !old_menures #menuRes
GoSub PeacMenu
if #menuRes = 20 && !old_menures <> #menuRes
set !old_menures #menuRes
GoSub PoisMenu
if #menuRes = 21 && !old_menures <> #menuRes
set !old_menures #menuRes
GoSub ProvMenu
; if #menuRes = 22 && !old_menures <> #menuRes
; {
; set !old_menures #menuRes
; GoSub SnopMenu
; }
if #menuRes = 22 && !old_menures <> #menuRes
set !old_menures #menuRes
GoSub SpirMenu
; if #menuRes = 23 && !old_menures <> #menuRes
; {
; set !old_menures #menuRes
; GoSub SteaMenu
; }
if #menuRes = 23 && !old_menures <> #menuRes
set !old_menures #menuRes
GoSub StltMenu
if #menuRes = 24 && !old_menures <> #menuRes
set !old_menures #menuRes
GoSub TracMenu
goto mainloop
; #########################################
; ############# ANATOMY MENU ##############
; #########################################
Sub AnatMenu
menu Delete Box
menu Delete txt1
menu Delete %Image
Menu Delete %Start
set %Start AnatTraining
menu Font Size 14
menu Font Color Maroon
menu Font Align Center
menu Text txt1 100 77 Anatomy:
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Font BGColor Window
menu Font Size 10
menu Font BGColor Silver
menu Font Color Maroon
menu List Create Box 8 100 280 188
menu List Add Box Requirements:
menu List Add Box * Ghost to Heal
menu List Add Box * Bandaids
menu List Add Box * Your Time!
menu List Add Box
menu List Add Box This script trains Anatomy by healing a ghost and
menu list add box performs the anatomy skill on mobiles while your
menu list add box waiting for your bandage to complete.
menu list add box
menu List Add Box You do NOT need the Healing Skill to gain.
Menu Font Color Black
menu image create %Image 0 0 410 300
menu image file %Image 310 150 skill_images/Anatomy.gif
Menu Button %Start 296 240 103 25 Start
Set #menuButton N/A
; ###########################################
; ############# ANIMAL LORE MENU ############
; ###########################################
Sub AnilMenu
menu Delete Box
menu Delete txt1
menu Delete %Image
Menu Delete %Start
set %Start AnilTraining
menu Font Size 14
menu Font Color Maroon
menu Font Align Center
menu Text txt1 100 77 Animal Lore:
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Font BGColor Window
menu Font Size 10
menu Font BGColor Silver
menu Font Color Maroon
menu List Create Box 8 100 280 188
menu List Add Box Requirements:
menu List Add Box * At least one (1) Pet to Lore.
menu List Add Box * Your Time!
Menu Font Color Black
menu image create %Image 0 0 410 300
menu image file %Image 310 150 skill_images/AnimalLore.gif
Menu Button %Start 296 240 103 25 Start
; #########################################
; ############# ARMS LORE MENU ############
; #########################################
Sub ArmsMenu
menu Delete Box
menu Delete txt1
menu Delete %Image
Menu Delete %Start
set %Start ArmsTraining
menu Font Size 14
menu Font Color Maroon
menu Font Align Center
menu Text txt1 100 77 Arms Lore:
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Font BGColor Window
menu Font Size 10
menu Font BGColor Silver
menu Font Color Maroon
menu List Create Box 8 100 280 188
menu List Add Box Requirements:
menu List Add Box * At least one (1) Item to Lore.
menu List Add Box * Item should be in your pack.
menu List Add Box * Your Time!
menu List Add Box
menu List Add Box This script trains Arms Lore at lightening speed!
menu List Add Box
menu List Add Box Bob will ask you to target an item to Lore, from
menu List Add Box that point just sit back and watch the gains fly.
Menu Font Color Black
menu image create %Image 0 0 410 300
menu image file %Image 310 150 skill_images/ArmsLore.gif
Menu Button %Start 296 240 103 25 Start
; #########################################
; ############# BUSHIDO MENU ##############
; #########################################
Sub BushMenu
menu Delete Box
menu Delete txt1
menu Delete %Image
Menu Delete %Start
set %Start BushTraining
menu Font Size 14
menu Font Color Maroon
menu Font Align Center
menu Text txt1 100 77 Bushido:
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Font BGColor Window
menu Font Size 10
menu Font BGColor Silver
menu Font Color Maroon
menu List Create Box 8 100 280 188
menu List Add Box Requirements:
menu List Add Box * Quick Weapon (faster the better)
menu List Add Box * Unguilded Character (This is a MUST)
menu List Add Box * A Ridable Mount (Horse, Llama, Ostard...)
menu List Add Box * Your Time
menu List Add Box
menu List Add Box This script has a anti-log method, so you can
menu List Add Box train from the comfort of your own home! Just be
menu List Add Box standing next to the animal your going to train
menu List Add Box with and click play, the script will do the rest.
menu List Add Box Good Luck!
Menu Font Color Black
menu image create %Image 0 0 410 300
menu image file %Image 310 150 skill_images/Bushido.gif
Menu Button %Start 296 240 103 25 Start
Set #menuButton N/A
; #########################################
; ############# CAMPING MENU ##############
; #########################################
Sub CampMenu
menu Delete Box
menu Delete txt1
menu Delete %Image
Menu Delete %Start
set %Start CampTraining
menu Font Size 14
menu Font Color Maroon
menu Font Align Center
menu Text txt1 100 77 Camping:
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Font BGColor Window
menu Font Size 10
menu Font BGColor Silver
menu Font Color Maroon
menu List Create Box 8 100 280 188
menu List Add Box Requirements:
menu List Add Box * A Dagger (in your main pack)
menu List Add Box * A Tree (not in your pack)
menu List Add Box * Your Time
menu List Add Box
menu List Add Box This script will grab kindling from a tree located
menu List Add Box within ONE (1) tile of your location then attempt to
menu List Add Box light the kindling over and over!
menu List Add Box
menu List Add Box Why your training Camping... nobody knows.
menu List Add Box
menu List Add Box Good luck!
Menu Font Color Black
menu image create %Image 0 0 410 300
menu image file %Image 310 150 skill_images/Camping.gif
Menu Button %Start 296 240 103 25 Start
Set #menuButton N/A
; #########################################
; ############# CAMPING MENU ##############
; #########################################
Sub CartMenu
menu Delete Box
menu Delete txt1
menu Delete %Image
Menu Delete %Start
set %Start CartTraining
menu Font Size 14
menu Font Color Maroon
menu Font Align Center
menu Text txt1 100 77 Cartography:
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Font BGColor Window
menu Font Size 10
menu Font BGColor Silver
menu Font Color Maroon
menu List Create Box 8 100 280 188
menu List Add Box Requirements:
menu List Add Box * A secure container inside your house
menu List Add Box * A tool bag inside your secure container
menu List Add Box * A Trash Barrel (All within reach)
menu List Add Box * Approx 5000 scrolls and 30 Exceptional pens!
menu List Add Box ___________ (Trains from 0 to 99.5) ___________
menu List Add Box This script uses blank scrolls and mapmakers pens
menu List Add Box from a resource chest and tool bag you select.
menu List Add Box Your tool bag needs to be within your resource
menu List Add Box chest, this script DOES NOT craft pens!
menu List Add Box
menu List Add Box Happy Treasure Hunting!
Menu Font Color Black
menu image create %Image 0 0 410 300
menu image file %Image 310 150 skill_images/Cartography.gif
Menu Button %Start 296 240 103 25 Start
Set #menuButton N/A
; #########################################
; ############# CHIVALRY MENU ############
; #########################################
Sub ChivMenu
menu Delete Box
menu Delete txt1
menu Delete %Image
Menu Delete %Start
set %Start ChivTraining
menu Font Size 14
menu Font Color Maroon
menu Font Align Center
menu Text txt1 100 77 Chivalry:
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Font BGColor Window
menu Font Size 10
menu Font BGColor Silver
menu Font Color Maroon
menu List Create Box 8 100 280 188
menu List Add Box Requirements:
menu List Add Box * 100% LRC Suit or Lots of Tilthing Points
menu List Add Box * Positive Karma
menu List Add Box * Your Time!
menu List Add Box
menu List Add Box This script trains Chivalry at lightening speed!
menu List Add Box
menu List Add Box Bob will adjust your FC & FCR Speeds
menu List Add Box depending on your suits statistics, to give you
menu List Add Box the fastest possible casting times.
menu List Add Box
menu List Add Box If you have low or negative Karma, you will fail
menu List Add Box some castings. This will inhibit your training.
Menu Font Color Black
menu image create %Image 0 0 410 300
menu image file %Image 310 150 skill_images/Chivalry.gif
Menu Button %Start 296 240 103 25 Start
; ##########################################
; ########## DETECT HIDDEN MENU ##########
; ##########################################
Sub DeteMenu
menu Delete Box
menu Delete txt1
menu Delete %Image
Menu Delete %Start
set %Start DeteTraining
menu Font Size 14
menu Font Color Maroon
menu Font Align Center
menu Text txt1 100 77 Detect Hidden:
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Font BGColor Window
menu Font Size 10
menu Font BGColor Silver
menu Font Color Maroon
menu List Create Box 8 100 280 188
menu List Add Box Requirements:
menu List Add Box * 20 Detect Hidden from the NPC Guildmaster
menu List Add Box * Unpicked trapped spawning boxes on the ground.
menu List Add Box * Your Time
menu List Add Box
menu List Add Box You can train this anywhere, where there are
menu list add box trapped, unpicked boxes on the ground.
menu list Add box i.e. Vesper Bank, Vesper Crypts, Dungeons
menu list Add box
menu list add box Note: Dungeons are are not recommended
Menu Font Color Black
menu image create %Image 0 0 410 300
menu image file %Image 310 150 skill_images/Detect.gif
Menu Button %Start 296 240 103 25 Start
; #########################################
; ############# DISCORD MENU ##############
; #########################################
Sub DiscMenu
set %targets 0
menu Delete Box
menu Delete txt1
menu Delete %Image
Menu Delete %Start
set %Start DiscTraining
menu Font Size 14
menu Font Color Maroon
menu Font Align Center
menu Text txt1 100 77 Discordance:
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Font BGColor Window
menu Font Size 10
menu Font BGColor Silver
menu Font Color Maroon
menu List Create Box 8 100 280 188
menu List Add Box Requirements:
menu List Add Box * Skill trained from an NPC
menu List Add Box * A TON of Musical Instruments
menu List Add Box * Animals in a closed area.
menu list add box
menu list add box Gather together as many animals in a closed area
menu list add box that you can pack in. Once you are finished
menu list add box click start and go to something that is entertaining.
menu List Add Box
menu List Add Box Good Luck!
Menu Font Color Black
menu image create %Image 0 0 410 300
menu image file %Image 310 150 skill_images/Discord.gif
Menu Button %Start 296 240 103 25 Start
Set #menuButton N/A
; #########################################
; ############ EVAL INT MENU ##############
; #########################################
Sub EvalMenu
menu Delete Box
menu Delete txt1
menu Delete %Image
Menu Delete %Start
set %Start EvalTraining
menu Font Size 14
menu Font Color Maroon
menu Font Align Center
menu Text txt1 70 77 Evaluating Intelligence:
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Font BGColor Window
menu Font Size 10
menu Font BGColor Silver
menu Font Color Maroon
menu List Create Box 8 100 280 188
menu List Add Box Requirements:
menu List Add Box * 100% LRC Suit
menu List Add Box * Your Time!
menu List Add Box
menu List Add Box This script trains Eval Intel at lightening speed!
menu List Add Box
menu List Add Box Bob will spam a list of lower spells casted upon
menu List Add Box yourself.
Menu Font Color Black
menu image create %Image 0 0 410 300
menu image file %Image 310 150 skill_images/Eval.gif
Menu Button %Start 296 240 103 25 Start
; #########################################
; ############# HEALING MENU ##############
; #########################################
Sub HealMenu
menu Delete Box
menu Delete txt1
menu Delete %Image
Menu Delete %Start
set %Start HealTraining
menu Font Size 14
menu Font Color Maroon
menu Font Align Center
menu Text txt1 100 77 Healing:
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Font BGColor Window
menu Font Size 10
menu Font BGColor Silver
menu Font Color Maroon
menu List Create Box 8 100 280 188
menu List Add Box Requirements:
menu List Add Box * 80.0 Chivalry or a Ghost
menu List Add Box * Trapped Box
menu List Add Box * Bandages
menu List Add Box
menu List Add Box This script gives you the option to train using
menu List Add Box Chivalry, Trapped Boxes or Healing a Ghost.
menu List Add Box
menu List Add Box More information about Set-up will be viewed
menu List Add Box when you click Start.
Menu Font Color Black
menu image create %Image 0 0 410 300
menu image file %Image 310 150 skill_images/Healing.gif
Menu Button %Start 296 240 103 25 Start
Sub NecrMenu
menu Delete Box
menu Delete txt1
menu Delete %Image
Menu Delete %Start
set %Start NecrTraining
menu Font Size 14
menu Font Color Maroon
menu Font Align Center
menu Text txt1 100 77 Necromancy:
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Font BGColor Window
menu Font Size 10
menu Font BGColor Silver
menu Font Color Maroon
menu List Create Box 8 100 280 188
menu List Add Box Requirements:
menu List Add Box * 100% LRC Suit
menu List Add Box * 25.0 Necro from the NPC
menu List Add Box * A Weapon for low level training
menu List Add Box * Your Time
menu List Add Box
menu List Add Box Hint: You can train up to 40.0 in New Haven.
menu List Add Box
Menu Font Color Black
menu image create %Image 0 0 410 300
menu image file %Image 310 150 skill_images/Necro.gif
Menu Button %Start 296 240 103 25 Start
Set #menuButton N/A
; ##########################################
; ############# NINJITSU MENU ##############
; ##########################################
Sub NinjMenu
menu Delete Box
menu Delete txt1
menu Delete %Image
Menu Delete %Start
set %Start NinjTraining
menu Font Size 14
menu Font Color Maroon
menu Font Align Center
menu Text txt1 100 77 Ninjitsu:
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Font BGColor Window
menu Font Size 10
menu Font BGColor Silver
menu Font Color Maroon
menu List Create Box 8 100 280 188
menu List Add Box Requirements:
menu List Add Box * Quick Weapon (faster the better)
menu List Add Box * Unguilded Character (This is a MUST)
menu List Add Box * A Ridable Mount (Horse, Llama, Ostard...)
menu List Add Box * You must be in a TRAMMEL ruleset facet!
menu List Add Box * Your Time
menu List Add Box
menu List Add Box NOTE!
menu List Add Box Once you reach 70.0 Ninjitsu, you MUST get
menu List Add Box a set of jewelry that will bring you up to 85.0
menu List Add Box
menu List Add Box Tips:
menu List Add Box - You can train to 40.0 in New Haven
menu List Add Box - Wear Mana Regen Armor (max out if possible)
menu List Add Box
menu List Add Box This script has a anti-log method, so you can
menu List Add Box train from the comfort of your own home! Just
menu List Add Box stand next to the animal your going to train
menu List Add Box with and click play, the script will do the rest.
menu List Add Box
menu List Add Box Good Luck!
Menu Font Color Black
menu image create %Image 0 0 410 300
menu image file %Image 310 150 skill_images/Ninjitsu.gif
Menu Button %Start 296 240 103 25 Start
Set #menuButton N/A
; menu Font Color WindowText
; menu Font BGColor Window
; menu Font Size 10
; menu Font BGColor Silver
; menu Font Color Maroon
; menu List Create Box 8 100 280 188
; menu List Add Box Coming Soon!
; Menu Font Color Black
; menu image create %Image 0 0 410 300
; menu image file %Image 310 150 skill_images/Stealing.gif
; Menu Button %Start 296 240 103 25 Start
; Set #menuButton N/A
; #########################################
; ############# STEALTH MENU ##############
; #########################################
Sub StltMenu
menu Delete Box
menu Delete txt1
menu Delete %Image
Menu Delete %Start
set %Start StltTraining
menu Font Size 14
menu Font Color Maroon
menu Font Align Center
menu Text txt1 100 77 Stealth:
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Font BGColor Window
menu Font Size 10
menu Font BGColor Silver
menu Font Color Maroon
menu List Create Box 8 100 280 188
menu List Add Box Requirements:
menu List Add Box * 50.0 Hiding Skill
menu List Add Box * 25.0 Stealth trained from the Theif Guildmaster
menu List Add Box
menu List Add Box This script trains Stealth by walking E to W
menu List Add Box 3 tiles each way.
menu List Add Box
menu List Add Box 00-25 Train from Theif Guildmaster NPC
menu List Add Box 25-57 Leather Gorget, Gloves
menu List Add Box 65-84 Ringmail Gloves, Ringmail Sleeves,
menu List Add Box Leather Gorget
menu List Add Box 84-95 Ringmail Legs, Leather Tunic,
menu List Add Box Studded Sleeves, Studded Gorget
menu List Add Box 95-GM Leather Legs, Leather Cap, Chain Tunic,
menu List Add Box Ringmail Sleeves, Studded Gorget
menu List Add Box
menu List Add Box This will ensure that you fail at your attempts
menu List Add Box to stealth, giving you more chances at skill gains.
Menu Font Color Black
menu image create %Image 0 0 410 300
menu image file %Image 310 150 skill_images/Stealth.gif
Menu Button %Start 296 240 103 25 Start
; ##########################################
; ############# TRACKING MENU ##############
; ##########################################
Sub TracMenu
menu Delete Box
menu Delete txt1
menu Delete %Image
Menu Delete %Start
set %Start TracTraining
menu Font Size 14
menu Font Color Maroon
menu Font Align Center
menu Text txt1 100 77 Tracking:
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Font BGColor Window
menu Font Size 10
menu Font BGColor Silver
menu Font Color Maroon
menu List Create Box 8 100 280 188
menu List Add Box Requirements:
menu List Add Box * 25 Tracking from the NPC Guildmaster
menu List Add Box * Your Time
menu List Add Box
menu List Add Box Good Luck!
Menu Font Color Black
menu image create %Image 0 0 410 300
menu image file %Image 310 150 skill_images/Tracking.gif
Menu Button %Start 296 240 103 25 Start
; ################################################## ########################
; ###### ##########
; ###### ##########
; ################################################## ########################
Sub MenuSetup
menu clear
menu delete %Image
menu Window Color Silver
menu Window Size 410 300
menu Font Transparent #true
menu Font Name Times New Roman
menu Window Title SuperBob v3.0
menu Font Name Times New Roman
menu Font Color Maroon
menu Window Title SuperBob v3.0
menu Font BGColor Silver
menu Font Color Maroon
Menu Font Align Center
menu Font Size 22
menu Text title 140 10 Super Bob
menu Font Size 14
Menu Text title 122 40 A Multi-Skill Trainer
Menu Shape TopGrey 8 8 394 2 4 7 1 White 5 White
menu Shape WhiteBottom 8 65 394 2 4 7 1 Gray 5 Gray
Menu Shape LeftSide 8 8 2 59 4 7 1 White 5 White
Menu Shape LeftSide 400 8 2 59 4 7 1 Gray 5 Gray
menu Text txt1 100 77 %Skill
Menu Delete %Start
Menu Delete Box
GoSub Set_variables
Set %start_time #scnt
Menu Font Transparent #true
Menu Font Align Right
; Top Left Skill Tracking Box
Menu Font Size 13
Menu Font Color Black
Menu Text SkillTitle 132 109 Skill Status
Menu Shape TopGrey 6 128 172 2 4 7 1 Gray 5 Gray
Menu Shape LeftSide 6 128 2 65 4 7 1 Gray 5 Gray
menu Shape RightSide 178 130 2 64 4 7 1 White 5 White
menu Shape WhiteBottom 8 193 171 2 4 7 1 White 5 White
; Status Box
Menu Font Size 13
Menu Font Color Black
Menu Text ScriptTitle 137 205 Script Status
Menu Font Size 11
Menu Font Color Maroon
menu Shape GrayTop 8 223 172 2 4 7 1 Gray 5 Gray
menu Shape GreyTop2 178 265 112 2 4 7 1 Gray 5 Gray
Menu Shape WhiteBottom 6 290 283 2 4 7 1 White 5 White
Menu Shape GreyLeft 6 223 2 69 4 7 1 Gray 5 Gray
menu Shape RightSideLong 178 223 2 43 4 7 1 White 5 White
Menu Shape WhiteRightSmall 288 266 2 25 4 7 1 White 5 White
Menu Font Size 11
Menu Font Color Maroon
Menu Text txt2 95 133 Starting Skill:
Menu Text txt2 95 152 Current Skill:
Menu Text txt2 95 171 Total Gains:
Menu Text txt2 95 226 Total Time:
Menu Text txt2 95 247 Attempts:
Menu Text txt2 95 268 Status:
Menu Font Size 11
Menu Font Color Maroon
Menu Shape Upper 190 128 200 2 4 7 1 Gray 5 Gray
menu Shape Lower 190 214 200 2 4 7 1 White 5 White
Menu Shape Right 390 129 2 86 4 7 1 White 5 White
menu Shape Left_ 190 130 2 86 4 7 1 Gray 5 Gray
menu text stattxt 300 195 Last Gain:
menu font align left
Menu Font Size 11
Set %hours 00 , :
Set %mins 00 , :
Set %secs 00
Set %total_time %hours , %mins , %secs
menu Text TotalTime 110 226 %total_time
chooseskill %SkillCheck real
set %startingskill #skill
set %currentskill #skill
str len %startingskill
str ins %startingskill #dot #strRes
menu Delete startingskill
menu Text startingskill 110 133 #strRes
str len %currentskill
str ins %currentskill #dot #strRes
menu delete currentskill
menu text currentskill 110 152 #strRes
set %totalgains %currentskill - %startingskill
str len %totalgains
str ins %totalgains #dot #strRes
menu Text totalgains 110 171 #strRes
Menu Font Size 10
Menu Font Color Black
menu text website 190 235 www.easyuo.com
Menu Button Pause 296 240 103 25 Pause
Menu Button Quit 296 268 103 25 Quit
chooseSkill %SkillCheck
if #skilllock <> up
set %skill_direction #skilllock
Display yesno Your %Skill skill is in the %skill_direction position. $
+ I can correct your error for you.$
+ Would you like me to do so?$
if #dispres = yes
exevent skilllock arms up
if #dispres = no 2
display OK... Script is Halting!!!$
if #skill < 200
display Your %Skill is under 20.0!$$
+ You should really train your %Skill up to most NPC's Train.$
+ You may find that your skill locks at 25.0,$
+ If this happens, please train your skill with the$
+ %Skill NPC and restart the script.$$
+ Good Luck!$
; ################################################
; ############ Anatomy Training Sub ##############
; ################################################
Sub AnatTraining
Set %SkillCheck anat
Set %Skill Anatomy
Set %bandaids ZLF
set %training_cost 0
GoSub MenuSetup
menu image create anatomy 0 0 410 300
menu image file anatomy 200 75 skill_images/Anatomy.gif
; Anatomy Specific Menu
menu font align right
menu font color maroon
Menu Text stattxt 300 135 Aids Remaining:
menu text stattxt 300 155 Cost of Training:
Menu Font Align Left
finditem %bandaids C_ , #backpackid
if #FINDCNT > 0
set %aid_count %aid_count + #FINDSTACK
Menu Text aid_count 305 135 %aid_count
menu text training_cost 305 155 %training_cost , #spc , gp
Set %start_time #scnt
Set %hours 00
Set %mins 00
Set %secs 00
Set %last_gain %hours , : , %mins , : , %secs , #spc , %ap
menu Text LastGain 305 195 %last_gain
menu delete scriptstatus
Menu Font Color Maroon
Menu Font Size 11
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Please Target your Ghost
Display ok Target your Ghost.
Set #targCurs 1
if #targCurs = 1
goto SetTarget
Set %Target #LTargetID
set #ltargetkind 1
menu delete scriptstatus
Menu Font Color Maroon
Menu Font Size 11
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Training Skill
Set %bandage ZLF
FindItem %bandage C_ , #BackpackID
if #findkind = -1
Display ok Unable to locate your Bandages.$
+Please ensure they are in your MAIN backpack.$
+If you are out, please get more, then restart script.$
+Script has Halted!$
Event Macro 17 0 ; Finds and uses Bandage
Event Macro 22 0 ; Targets Ghost
GoSub AddAttempts
GoSub Update_Bandage_Count
GoSub Anatomy_Training_Cost
GoSub CheckPause
GoSub Calc_Time
gosub TM_AdvJournalSync resurrection 100
GoSub waiting_for_bandage
GoSub SkillCheck
goto AnatTrainingLoop
Sub waiting_for_bandage
gosub TM_AdvJournalScan resurrection VALID You_are_unable You_are_able You_finish_applying
event macro 13 1
event macro 22 0
wait 30
GoSub Calc_Time
gosub waiting_for_bandage
Sub Update_Bandage_Count
menu delete aid_count
set %aid_count 0
finditem ZLF C_ , #backpackid
if #FINDCNT > 0
set %aid_count %aid_count + #FINDSTACK
Menu Text aid_count 305 135 %aid_count
Sub Anatomy_Training_Cost
Menu Delete training_cost
Set %training_cost %training_cost + 2
menu text training_cost 305 155 %training_cost , #spc , gp
; ################################################## ##
; ############ Animal Lore Training Sub ##############
; ################################################## ##
Sub AnilTraining
Set %SkillCheck anil
Set %Skill Animal , #spc , Lore
GoSub MenuSetup
menu font align right
menu font color maroon
menu font size 11
Menu Text stattxt 300 135 Loring Item:
menu font align left
menu image create AnimalLore 0 0 410 300
menu image file AnimalLore 200 75 skill_images/AnimalLore.gif
menu delete scriptstatus
menu font color maroon
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Target your Animal.
display ok Target the Animal you wish to Lore.
set #targCurs 1
until #targcurs <> 1
Set %target #ltargetid
Set #ltargetkind 1
finditem %target G_
event property #findid
str pos #property $
str left #property #strres
menu text stattxt 305 135 #strres
menu delete scriptstatus
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Training Skill
event macro 13 2 ; Animal Lore
event macro 22 0 ; Target Last
GoSub SkillCheck
GoSub CheckPause
GoSub Calc_Time
GoSub AddAttempts
wait 30
goto AnilTrainingLoop
; #########################################
; ############ Arms Lore Sub ##############
; #########################################
Sub ArmsTraining
Set %SkillCheck arms
Set %Skill Arms , #spc , Lore
GoSub MenuSetup
menu font align right
menu font color maroon
menu font size 11
Menu Text stattxt 300 135 Loring Item:
menu font align left
menu image create ArmsLore 0 0 410 300
menu image file ArmsLore 200 75 skill_images/ArmsLore.gif
menu delete scriptstatus
menu font color maroon
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Target your Item.
Display ok Target the item to Lore.
set #targCurs 1
until #targcurs <> 1
Set %target #ltargetid
finditem %target C_ , #backpackid
event property #findid
str pos #property $
str left #property #strres
menu text stattxt 305 135 #strres
FindItem %target C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind = -1
Display ok Unable to locate your Item.$
+Please ensure it is in your MAIN backpack.$
+Then Click Resume$
GoSub CheckPause
set #ltargetid #findid
set #ltargetkind 1
menu delete scriptstatus
Menu Font Color Maroon
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Training Skill
event macro 13 4
event macro 22
wait 20
GoSub AddAttempts
GoSub CheckPause
GoSub Calc_Time
GoSub SkillCheck
GoTo ArmsTrainingLoop
; ##############################################
; ######### BUSHIDO TRAINING SECTION ###########
; ##############################################
Sub BushTraining
Set %SkillCheck bush
Set %Skill Bushido
GoSub MenuSetup
menu image create Bushido 0 0 410 300
menu image file Bushido 200 75 skill_images/Bushido.gif
menu font align right
menu font color maroon
menu font size 11
Menu Text stattxt 300 135 Training on:
Menu Text stattxt 300 155 LMC:
menu text stattxt 300 175 Stamina:
GoSub ChooseBushSpell
menu font align left
gosub suit_properties Lower Mana Cost
set %user_lmc #result
Menu Text user_lmc 305 155 %user_lmc %
menu text user_stam 305 175 #stamina
menu delete scriptstatus
menu font color maroon
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Target your Animal...
set #LObjectID #CharID
event macro 17 0 ; Dismount Horse
wait 5
event macro 3 0 All Follow Me
wait 5
Display ok Target the Animal you wish to Train with.
Set #targCurs 1
until #targcurs <> 1
Set %Mount #LTargetID
set #ltargetkind 1
finditem %Mount G_
event property #findid
str pos #property $
str left #property #strres
menu text stattxt 305 135 #strres
Event Macro 3 0 All Kill ; Whispers All Kill
Event Macro 23 0 ; Targets Self
GoSub CheckPause
GoSub TrainBushido
Sub ChooseBushSpell
chooseskill bush
if #skill > 500
set %spell 149 ; Lightning Strike
if #skill < 500
display ok Your skill is to low to perform Lightning Strike.$
+You need at least 50.0 Bushido to use Lightning Strike.$
+Find a Jewelry to raise your Bushido to at least 50.0$
+After you complete this, restart the script.$
+Script has Halted!$
Sub TrainBushido
menu delete scriptstatus
Menu Font Color Maroon
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Training Bushido
gosub TM_AdvJournalSync bushido 100
GoSub ChooseBushSpell
Event Macro 15 %spell ; Uses Bushido Ability
set %timeout #scnt + 5
GoSub Calc_Time
GoSub CheckPause
gosub TM_AdvJournalScan bushido VALID You_attack_with_lightning_precision
until #RESULT = #TRUE || ( #scnt > %timeout )
Event Macro 8 7 ; Opens Backpack to prevent Logout
GoSub AddAttempts
GoSub SkillCheck
GoSub CheckPause
GoSub Calc_Time
chooseskill medi
if #mana < 10
menu delete scriptstatus
menu Font Color Maroon
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Waiting for Mana...
goto BushManaWait
Goto BushTrainingLoop
; ################################################
; ############ CAMPING TRAINING SUB ##############
; ################################################
Sub CampTraining
tile init
Set %SkillCheck Camp
Set %Skill Camping
GoSub MenuSetup
menu image create Camping 0 0 410 300
menu image file Camping 200 75 skill_images/Camping.gif
GoSub Calc_Time
Set %Kindling PEF
Set %Dagger TSF
GoSub Calc_Time
menu delete scriptstatus
Menu Font Color Maroon
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Training Camping
GoSub find_tree
GoSub GetTreeTarget
FindItem %Dagger C_ , #BackpackID
set #lobjectid #findid
event macro 17 ; Last Object
target 2s
Event Macro 22 ; Last Target
wait 10
FindItem %Kindling C_ , #BackpackID
set #lobjectid #findid
if #findkind = -1
GoSub CampTraining
Event Macro 17 0
wait 5
GoSub Calc_Time
GoSub SkillCheck
Until #FindKind <> -1
GoSub AddAttempts
GoSub CheckPause
GoSub SkillCheck
goto CampTrainingLoop
sub find_tree
namespace push
namespace local scantree
set #lpc 1000
set !start_x #charposx - 1
set !start_y #charposy - 1
set !end_x #charposx + 1
set !end_y #charposy + 1
for !x !start_x !end_x
for !y !start_y !end_y
tile cnt !x !y #curskind
for !tilekind 0 #tilecnt
tile get !x !y !tilekind #curskind
if TREE in #tilename || PALM in #tilename
set !treex !x
set !treey !y
set !treez #tilez
set !treetile #tiletype
set !treekind 3
set #lpc 100
namespace pop
return #true
set #lpc 100
namespace pop
return #false
Sub GetTreeTarget
namespace push
namespace local scantree
set #ltargetx !treex
set #ltargety !treey
set #ltargetz !treez
set #ltargettile !treetile
set #ltargetkind !treekind
namespace pop
; ###############################################
; ###############################################
Sub CartTraining
tile init
Set %SkillCheck Cart
Set %Skill Cartography
gosub MenuSetup
gosub Calc_Time
menu image create Cartography 0 0 410 300
menu image file Cartography 200 75 skill_images/Cartography.gif
menu font align right
menu font color maroon
menu text stattxt 300 135 Resource Chest:
menu text stattxt 300 155 Tool Bag:
menu text stattxt 300 175 Trash Barrel:
set %cart_tool CXF
set %blank_scroll DPF
set %crafted_map XVH
set %catposx 30
set %catposy_map 90
set %selposx 230
set %cartography cart
display ok Target Resource Chest.
set #targCurs 1
if #targCurs = 1
goto set_resource_chest
set %resource_chest #ltargetid
set #lobjectid %resource_chest
event macro 17 0
wait 10
contpos 630 400
wait 10
display ok Target Tool Bag.
set #targCurs 1
if #targCurs = 1
goto set_tool_bag
set %tool_bag #ltargetid
set #lobjectid %tool_bag
event macro 17 0
wait 10
contpos 400 430
wait 10
display ok Target Trash Barrel.
set #targCurs 1
if #targCurs = 1
goto set_trash_barrel
set %trash_barrel #ltargetid
set #lobjectid %trash_barrel
event macro 17 0
wait 10
contpos 610 40
wait 10
menu font align left
menu font color black
menu text stattxt 305 135 %resource_chest
menu text stattxt 305 155 %tool_bag
menu text stattxt 305 175 %trash_barrel
gosub Calc_Time
gosub clear_pack %blank_scroll %resource_chest
gosub check_tool %cart_tool
gosub check_cart_skill %cartography
gosub cart_skill_training
sub clear_pack
menu delete scriptstatus
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Clearing Pack
finditem %1 C_ , #backpackid
if #findcnt < 1
for %i 1 #findcnt
finditem %1 C_ , #backpackid
exevent drag #findid #findstack
wait 10
exevent dropc %2
wait 15
sub check_cart_skill
chooseskill cart
if #skill <= 300
set %craft_selection 70 ; Local Maps
set %skill_goal 301
; these next three lines will clear the backpack of any remaining Maps
finditem %crafted_map C_ , #backpackid
if #findcnt >= 1
gosub clear_pack %crafted_map %trash_barrel
set %scriptstatus Local
gosub cart_skill_training
if #skill <= 400
; Looks for Targets to Discord, if none are available,
; Script will hide and let animals time out from discord.
gosub TM_AdvJournalSync alreadydisc 100
gosub TM_AdvJournalSync mustwait 100
gosub TM_AdvJournalSync discord3 100
finditem %targets G_8
set #ltargetid #findid
set %target #ltargetid
set #ltargetkind 1
event property #findid
str pos #property $
str left #property #strres
menu delete discord
menu text discord 305 135 #strres
if #findcnt <> 0
event macro 13 15 ; Use Skill Discordance
event macro 22 0 ; Last Target
ignoreItem %target
gosub AddAttempts
gosub CheckPause
gosub SkillCheck
gosub Calc_Time
gosub TM_AdvJournalScan alreadydisc VALID That_creature_is_already
menu delete scriptstatus
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Already Discorded, ignoring
wait 10
ignoreItem %target 1
gosub TM_AdvJournalScan mustwait VALID You_must_wait_a_few
menu delete scriptstatus
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 You must wait...
set %waittimer #scnt + 3
wait 20
gosub CheckPause
gosub Calc_Time
until #scnt > %waittimer
gosub TM_AdvJournalScan discord VALID You_play_jarring_music
menu delete scriptstatus
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Success! Waiting skill timer
set %waittimer #scnt + 11
wait 20
gosub CheckPause
gosub Calc_Time
until #scnt > %waittimer
goto DiscTrainingLoop
menu delete scriptstatus
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 All Pets are Discorded
wait 20
event macro 13 21 ; Use Skill Hiding
menu delete scriptstatus
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Hiding. Waiting out discord
set %waittimer #scnt + 15
wait 20
gosub CheckPause
gosub Calc_Time
until #scnt > %waittimer
ignoreItem reset
goto DiscTrainingLoop
; ################################################## #
; ############ Eval Intel Training Sub ##############
; ################################################## #
Sub EvalTraining
Set %SkillCheck eval
Set %Skill Evaluating , #spc , Intelligence
GoSub MenuSetup
menu image create Eval 0 0 410 300
menu image file Eval 290 75 skill_images/Eval.gif
menu font align right
menu font color maroon
Menu Text stattxt 250 135 LRC:
menu text stattxt 250 155 LMC:
Menu Text stattxt 345 135 FC:
menu text stattxt 345 155 FCR:
menu font align left
menu delete scriptstatus
menu font color maroon
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Calculating Suit Properties
gosub suit_properties Lower Reagent Cost
set %user_lrc #result
Menu Text user_lrc 255 135 %user_lrc %
gosub suit_properties Lower Mana Cost
set %user_lmc #result
Menu Text user_lmc 255 155 %user_lmc %
gosub suit_properties Faster Casting
set %user_fc #result
Menu Text user_fc 350 135 %user_fc
gosub suit_properties Faster Cast Recovery
set %user_fcr #result
Menu Text user_fcr 350 155 %user_fcr
GoSub Set_FCR_Delay
menu delete scriptstatus
menu font color maroon
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Casting Spell
event macro 15 0
gosub evalstuff
event macro 15 2
gosub evalstuff
event macro 15 5
gosub evalstuff
event macro 15 7
gosub evalstuff
event macro 15 8
gosub evalstuff
event macro 15 9
gosub evalstuff
event macro 15 15
gosub evalstuff
goto evaltrainingloop
sub evalstuff
wait 20
until ( #TargCurs = 1 ) || ( #scnt > %timeout )
Event Macro 23 0
wait %FCR_Delay
GoSub CheckPause
GoSub SkillCheck
GoSub Calc_Time
GoSub AddAttempts
if #mana < 20
GoSub Meditate
; ################################################
; ############ Healing Training Sub ##############
; ################################################
Sub HealTraining
GoSub ChooseTechnique
Set #menuButton N/A
if #menubutton = Trapbox
GoSub TrapboxHealTraining
if #menubutton = Chivalry
GoSub ChivHealTraining
if #menuButton = Ghost
GoSub GhostHealTraining
GoTo HealingMenuLoop
Sub ChooseTechnique
Menu Clear
Set %SkillCheck heal
Set %Skill Healing
Menu Window Title Guadah's Healing Trainer
Menu Window Color Silver
Menu Window Size 280 195
Menu Font BGColor Silver
Menu Font Color Maroon
Menu Font Size 12
Menu Text Title 16 10 How would you like to train Healing?
menu Font Size 10
menu Font BGColor Silver
menu Font Color Maroon
menu List Create Box 10 35 260 120
menu List Add Box TRAP BOX:
menu List Add Box Items Needed:
menu List Add Box * Trapped Box
menu List Add Box * Lockpicks
menu List Add Box * Bandages
menu List Add Box
menu List Add Box Make sure you have a Trapped Box in
menu List Add Box your main pack. Trapped Boxes tend
menu list add box to do quite a bit of damage, so I suggest
menu list add box you wear a set of DC Platemail armor.
menu List Add Box
menu List Add Box CHIVALRY:
menu List Add Box 85.0 Chivalry Required & a person to
menu List Add Box cast next to. Without the person, you
menu List Add Box will cast Noble Sacrafice but the spell
menu List Add Box will not take your hitpoints away to heal.
menu List Add Box This script is designed to cast Noble
menu List Add Box Sacrafice until succeeded, then it will
menu List Add Box heal you until you are at full health.
menu List Add Box Rinse and Repeat. Good Luck!
menu List Add Box
menu List Add Box GHOST:
menu List Add Box You must have a ghost to heal.. duh.
menu List Add Box Once you select this option, the script
menu List Add Box will ask that you target your Ghost,
menu List Add Box from there just sit back and enjoy the
menu List Add Box gains. Good Luck!
Menu Font Size 10
Menu Font Color Black
menu Button Trapbox 10 165 80 25 Trapbox
menu Button Chivalry 100 165 80 25 Chivalry
menu Button Ghost 190 165 80 25 Ghost
Menu show
Sub GhostHealTraining
Set %SkillCheck heal
Set %Skill Healing
GoSub MenuSetup
menu image create healing 0 0 410 300
menu image file healing 200 75 skill_images/Healing.gif
; Anatomy Specific Menu
menu font align right
menu font color maroon
Menu Text stattxt 300 135 Aids Remaining:
menu text stattxt 300 155 Cost of Training:
Menu Font Align Left
finditem ZLF C_ , #backpackid
if #FINDCNT > 0
set %aid_count %aid_count + #FINDSTACK
Menu Text aid_count 305 135 %aid_count
menu text training_cost 305 155 %training_cost , #spc , gp
GoSub CheckPause
GoSub Calc_Time
Menu Font Color Maroon
menu delete scriptstatus
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Target your Ghost
Set %Bandage ZLF
event ExMsg #charID 3 0 Please Target your Ghost.
Set #targCurs 1
if #targCurs = 1
goto HealingSetTarget
Set %Target #LTargetID
Set #LObjectID %Target
Menu Font Color Maroon
menu delete scriptstatus
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Bandaging Ghost
FindItem %Bandage C_ , #BackpackID
Set #LObjectID #FindID
Event Macro 17 0 ; Use Last Object (Bandages)
Event Macro 25 0 ; Wait for Target
wait 10
Event Macro 22 0 ; Last Target (Ghost)
gosub AddAttempts
gosub Update_Bandage_Count
gosub Healing_Training_Cost2
gosub TM_AdvJournalSync ghosthealing 100
gosub wait_for_bandage_ghost
GoTo GhostHealing
Sub Healing_Training_Cost2
Menu Delete training_cost
Set %training_cost %training_cost + 2
menu text training_cost 305 155 %training_cost , #spc , gp
Sub wait_for_bandage_ghost
menu delete scriptstatus
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Waiting Bandage Timer...
gosub TM_AdvJournalScan ghosthealing VALID You_are_unable You_are_able You_finish_applying
wait 20
gosub CheckPause
GoSub Calc_Time
gosub wait_for_bandage_ghost
GoSub SkillCheck
Sub ChivHealTraining
Set %SkillCheck heal
Set %Skill Healing
GoSub MenuSetup
menu image create healing 0 0 410 300
menu image file healing 200 75 skill_images/Healing.gif
; Anatomy Specific Menu
menu font align right
menu font color maroon
Menu Text stattxt 300 135 Aids Remaining:
menu text stattxt 300 155 Cost of Training:
Menu Font Align Left
finditem ZLF C_ , #backpackid
if #FINDCNT > 0
set %aid_count %aid_count + #FINDSTACK
Menu Text aid_count 305 135 %aid_count
menu text training_cost 305 155 %training_cost , #spc , gp
GoSub CheckPause
GoSub Calc_Time
Menu Font Color Maroon
menu delete scriptstatus
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Checking Chiv Skill
Set %Skill chiv
Set %Bandage ZLF
chooseskill chiv
set %skill #skill
if %skill < 700
Display ok Your Chivalry is not high enough to train Healing$
+ this way, please raise Chivalry and try again.$
+Script is Halting$
menu delete scriptstatus
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Casting Noble Sacrafice
Event Macro 15 208
wait 35
GoSub SkillCheck
GoSub Calc_Time
GoSub CheckPause
If #hits < #maxhits
GoSub Bandage_Patient
If #mana <= 17
Menu Font Color Maroon
menu delete scriptstatus
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Waiting for Mana
GoSub SkillCheck
GoSub Calc_Time
GoSub CheckPause
goto WaitingForManaLoop
Goto ChivCastingLoop
Sub Bandage_Patient
Menu Font Color Maroon
menu delete scriptstatus
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Healing Patient...
if #hits = #maxhits
FindItem ZLF C_ , #BackpackID
if #findkind = -1
Display ok You have run out of bandages.$
+ Please get more and restart the script.$
+Script is Halting$
Set #LObjectID #FindID
Event Macro 17 0 ; Use Last Object (Bandages)
Event Macro 25 0 ; Wait for Target
wait 10
Event Macro 23 0 ; Target Self
gosub AddAttempts
gosub Update_Bandage_Count
gosub Healing_Training_Cost3
gosub wait_for_bandage_chiv
goto chivhealtrainingloop
Sub wait_for_bandage_chiv
menu delete scriptstatus
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Waiting Bandage Timer...
gosub TM_AdvJournalSync chivheal 100
gosub TM_AdvJournalScan chivheal VALID You_are_unable You_are_able You_finish_applying You_apply
gosub SkillCheck
wait 10
gosub CheckPause
GoSub Calc_Time
if #hits = #maxhits
goto wait_for_bandage_chiv_loop
Sub Healing_Training_Cost3
Menu Delete training_cost
Set %training_cost %training_cost + 2
menu text training_cost 305 155 %training_cost , #spc , gp
Sub CheckChivMana
Menu Font Color Maroon
menu delete scriptstatus
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Waiting for Mana
If #mana >= 18
GoSub SkillCheck
GoSub Calc_Time
GoSub CheckPause
Goto WaitingForChivMana
Sub TrapboxHealTraining
Set %SkillCheck heal
Set %Skill Healing
GoSub MenuSetup
menu image create anatomy 0 0 410 300
menu image file anatomy 200 75 skill_images/Anatomy.gif
; Anatomy Specific Menu
menu font align right
menu font color maroon
Menu Text stattxt 300 135 Aids Remaining:
menu text stattxt 300 155 Cost of Training:
Menu Font Align Left
finditem ZLF C_ , #backpackid
if #FINDCNT > 0
set %aid_count %aid_count + #FINDSTACK
Menu Text aid_count 305 135 %aid_count
menu text training_cost 305 155 %training_cost , #spc , gp
GoSub CheckPause
GoSub Calc_Time
Menu Font Color Maroon
menu delete scriptstatus
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Target your Trapped Box
event ExMsg #charID 3 0 Please Target your Trapped box.
Set #targCurs 1
until #targcurs <> 1
Set %target #LTargetID
set %ltargetkind 1
wait 20
menu delete scriptstatus
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Poping Box!
set #lobjectid %target
if #hits = #maxhits
event macro 17 0 ; Last Object (Trap Box)
wait 20
FindItem ZLF C_ , #BackpackID
if #findkind = -1
Display ok You have run out of bandages.$
+ Please get more and restart the script.$
+Script is Halting$
Set #LObjectID #FindID
menu delete scriptstatus
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Using Bandage
Event Macro 17 0 ; Use Last Object (Bandages)
Event Macro 23 0 ; Target Self
gosub AddAttempts
gosub Update_Bandage_Count
gosub heal_training_cost
gosub TM_AdvJournalSync trapbox 100
gosub wait_for_bandage
goto TrapBoxTrainingLoop
sub heal_training_cost
menu delete training_cost
set %training_cost %training_cost + 2
menu text training_cost 305 155 %training_cost , #spc , gp
Sub wait_for_bandage
menu delete scriptstatus
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Waiting Bandage Timer...
gosub TM_AdvJournalScan trapbox VALID You_are_unable You_are_able You_finish_applying You_apply
if #hits = #maxhits
wait 20
gosub CheckPause
GoSub Calc_Time
gosub wait_for_bandage
GoSub SkillCheck
; ################################################## #
; ############ HERDING TRAINING SUB ##############
; ################################################## #
Sub HerdTraining
Set %SkillCheck Herd
Set %Skill Herding
GoSub MenuSetup
menu image create herd 0 0 410 300
menu image file herd 200 75 skill_images/Herding.gif
GoSub Calc_Time
Set %Crook RPF
FindItem %Crook C_
set #lobjectid #findid
Set %Crook #findid
if #findkind = -1
Display ok Unable to locate your Shepards Crook.$
+Please ensure it are in your MAIN backpack.$
+If you dont have one, please get one,
+then Click Resume$
GoSub CheckPause
event macro 17 0 ; Last Object
wait 10
event macro 52 5 ; Select Nearest
event macro 22 0 ; Target Last
If #targcurs = 1
GoTo HerdTargetLoop
wait 5
GoSub AddAttempts
GoSub CheckPause
GoSub SkillCheck
goto HerdTrainingLoop
; ################################################## #######
; ################# HIDING SUB ######################
; ################################################## #######
Sub HidiTraining
Set %SkillCheck hidi
Set %Skill Hiding
GoSub MenuSetup
menu image create hide 0 0 410 300
menu image file hide 200 75 skill_images/Hiding.gif
GoSub Calc_Time
menu delete scriptstatus
Menu Font Color Maroon
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Training Hiding
Event macro 13 21 ; Performs Hiding Skill
wait 10s
GoSub AddAttempts
GoSub SkillCheck
GoSub CheckPause
GoTo HidiTrainingLoop
; ###############################################
; ########### MAGERY TRAINING SECTION ###########
; ###############################################
Sub MageTraining
Set %SkillCheck mage
Set %Skill Magery
GoSub MenuSetup
menu image create Magery 0 0 410 300
menu image file Magery 200 75 skill_images/Magery.gif
menu font align right
menu font color maroon
Menu Text stattxt 250 135 LRC:
menu text stattxt 250 155 LMC:
Menu Text stattxt 345 135 FC:
menu text stattxt 345 155 FCR:
menu font align left
menu delete scriptstatus
menu font color maroon
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Calculating Suit Properties
gosub suit_properties Lower Reagent Cost
set %user_lrc #result
Menu Text user_lrc 255 135 %user_lrc %
gosub suit_properties Lower Mana Cost
set %user_lmc #result
Menu Text user_lmc 255 155 %user_lmc %
gosub suit_properties Faster Casting
set %user_fc #result
Menu Text user_fc 350 135 %user_fc
gosub suit_properties Faster Cast Recovery
set %user_fcr #result
Menu Text user_fcr 350 155 %user_fcr
GoSub Set_FCR_Delay
GoSub ChooseMagerySpell
GoSub CastMagerySpell
Sub ChooseMagerySpell
chooseskill mage real
if #skill <= 1200
set %spell 56 ; Earthquake
set %spell_name Earthquake
set %mana_required 50 - ( ( 50 * %user_lmc ) / 100 )
if #skill <= 950
set %spell 53 ; Mass Dispel
set %spell_name Mass , #spc , Dispel
set %mana_required 40 - ( ( 40 * %user_lmc ) / 100 )
if #skill <= 820
set %spell 43 ; Invisibility
set %spell_name Invisibility
set %mana_required 20 - ( ( 20 * %user_lmc ) / 100 )
if #skill <= 680
set %spell 33 ; Dispel Field
set %spell_name Dispel , #spc , Field
set %mana_required 14 - ( ( 14 * %user_lmc ) / 100 )
if #skill <= 550
set %spell 28 ; Greater Heal
set %spell_name Greater , #spc , Heal
set %mana_required 11 - ( ( 11 * %user_lmc ) / 100 )
if #skill <= 400
set %spell 16 ; Bless
set %spell_name Bless
set %mana_required 9 - ( ( 9 * %user_lmc ) / 100 )
; This is the Training setion
Sub CastMagerySpell
menu delete scriptstatus
Menu Font Color Maroon
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Casting Spell: %spell_name
set %timeout #scnt + 5
event macro 15 %spell
until ( #TargCurs = 1 ) || ( #scnt > %timeout )
event macro 23 0 ; Target Self
wait %FCR_Delay
event macro 8 7 ; Opens backpack to prevent logout
GoSub AddAttempts
GoSub CheckPause
GoSub SkillCheck
GoSub Calc_Time
if #mana < %mana_required
GoSub Meditate
GoSub ChooseMagerySpell
Goto MageryCastSpellLoop
; ################################################## #
; ############ Meditation Training Sub ##############
; ################################################## #
Sub MediTraining
Set %SkillCheck medi
Set %Skill Meditation
GoSub MenuSetup
menu image create Meditation 0 0 410 300
menu image file Meditation 200 75 skill_images/Meditation.gif
menu font align right
menu font color maroon
Menu Text stattxt 250 135 LRC:
menu text stattxt 250 155 LMC:
Menu Text stattxt 345 135 FC:
menu text stattxt 345 155 FCR:
menu font align left
menu delete scriptstatus
menu font color maroon
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Calculating Suit Properties
gosub suit_properties Lower Reagent Cost
set %user_lrc #result
Menu Text user_lrc 255 135 %user_lrc %
gosub suit_properties Lower Mana Cost
set %user_lmc #result
Menu Text user_lmc 255 155 %user_lmc %
gosub suit_properties Faster Casting
set %user_fc #result
Menu Text user_fc 350 135 %user_fc
gosub suit_properties Faster Cast Recovery
set %user_fcr #result
Menu Text user_fcr 350 155 %user_fcr
GoSub Set_FCR_Delay
GoSub Calc_Time
GoSub CheckPause
menu delete scriptstatus
Menu Font Color Maroon
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Casting Spell
event macro 15 %spell
event macro 23 0
wait %FCR_Delay
gosub TM_FindTextNoAdvance You_have_not_yet_recovered_from
if #RESULT = #TRUE ; successful application
gosub TM_SyncTextScan ; make your copy of #jindex current
GoSub CastingDelay
gosub TM_FindTextNoAdvance Insufficient_mana
if #RESULT = #TRUE ; successful application
gosub TM_SyncTextScan ; make your copy of #jindex current
GoSub Meditate
GoSub CheckPause
GoSub SkillCheck
GoSub Calc_Time
GoSub AddAttempts
Goto MediTrainingLoop
; ################################################## ###
; ############ Musicianship Training Sub ##############
; ################################################## ###
Sub MusiTraining
Set %SkillCheck musi
Set %Skill Musicianship
GoSub MenuSetup
menu image create music 0 0 410 300
menu image file music 200 75 skill_images/Music.gif
menu delete scriptstatus
Menu Font Color Maroon
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Training Skill
FindItem %Instruments C_ , #BackpackID
if #findkind = -1
Display ok Unable to locate your Instruments.$
+Please ensure they are in your MAIN backpack.$
+If you are out, please get more,
+then Click Resume$
GoSub CheckPause
Event Macro 17 0
wait 20
GoSub SkillCheck
GoSub Calc_Time
GoSub AddAttempts
GoSub CheckPause
Goto MusicTrainingLoop1
; ################################################## #
; ########### NECROMANCY TRAINING SECTION ###########
; ################################################## #
Sub NecrTraining
Set %SkillCheck necr
Set %Skill Necromancy
GoSub MenuSetup
menu image create Necromancy 0 0 410 300
menu image file Necromancy 200 75 skill_images/Necro.gif
menu font align right
menu font color maroon
Menu Text stattxt 250 135 LRC:
menu text stattxt 250 155 LMC:
Menu Text stattxt 345 135 FC:
menu text stattxt 345 155 FCR:
menu font align left
menu delete scriptstatus
menu font color maroon
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Calculating Suit Properties
gosub suit_properties Lower Reagent Cost
set %user_lrc #result
Menu Text user_lrc 255 135 %user_lrc %
gosub suit_properties Lower Mana Cost
set %user_lmc #result
Menu Text user_lmc 255 155 %user_lmc %
gosub suit_properties Faster Casting
set %user_fc #result
Menu Text user_fc 350 135 %user_fc
gosub suit_properties Faster Cast Recovery
set %user_fcr #result
Menu Text user_fcr 350 155 %user_fcr
GoSub Set_FCR_Delay
GoSub ChooseNecrSpell
GoSub CastNecrSpell
Sub ChooseNecrSpell
chooseskill necr real
if #skill < 1200
set %spell 113 ; Vampiric Embrace 105-120
set %necro_spell Vampiric , #spc , Embrace
if #skill < 1050
set %spell 107 ; Lich Form 81-105
set %necro_spell Lich , #spc , Form
if %currentskill < 810
set %spell 115 ; Wither 71-81
set %necro_spell Wither
if %currentskill > 809
while E in #charStatus
event macro 15 106
wait 1s
if %currentskill < 711
set %spell 106 ; Horrific Beast 50-71
set %necro_spell Horrific , #spc , Beast
if #skill < 500
set %spell 116 ; Wraith Form 30-50
set %necro_spell Wraith , #spc , Form
if #skill < 300
set %spell 104 ; Curse Weapon 0-30
set %necro_spell Curse , #spc , Weapon
Sub CastNecrSpell
menu delete scriptstatus
Menu Font Color Maroon
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Casting Spell: %necro_spell
set %timeout #scnt + 3
event macro 15 %spell
until ( #TargCurs = 1 ) || ( #scnt > %timeout )
event macro 23 0 ; Target Self
gosub TM_FindTextNoAdvance Insufficient_mana
if #RESULT = #TRUE ; successful application
gosub TM_SyncTextScan ; make your copy of #jindex current
GoSub Meditate
Event Macro 8 7 ; Opens Backpack to prevent Logout
GoSub SkillCheck
GoSub AddAttempts
GoSub CheckPause
GoSub Calc_Time
GoSub ChooseNecrSpell
Goto CastNecrLoop
; ###############################################
; ######### NINJITSU TRAINING SECTION ###########
; ###############################################
Sub NinjTraining
Set %SkillCheck ninj
Set %Skill Ninjitsu
GoSub MenuSetup
GoSub Set_user_armor
GoSub Check_lmc
menu image create ninj 0 0 410 300
menu image file ninj 200 75 skill_images/Ninjitsu.gif
menu font align right
menu font size 11
Menu Text stattxt 300 135 LMC:
menu text stattxt 300 155 Stamina:
Menu Font Align Left
Menu Text user_lmc 305 135 %user_lmc %
menu text user_stam 305 155 #stamina
GoSub Calc_Time
menu delete scriptstatus
Menu Font Color Maroon
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Target your training pet.
set #LObjectID #CharID
event macro 17 0
wait 5
event macro 3 0 All Follow Me ; Whispers "All Follow Me"
wait 5
Display ok Target the Animal you wish to Train with.
Set #targCurs 1
until #targcurs <> 1
Set %Mount #LTargetID
Set #LObjectID %Mount
Event Macro 3 0 All Kill ; Whispers "All Kill"
wait 10
Event Macro 23 0 ; Targets Self
wait 5
GoSub CheckPause
GoSub ChooseNinjSpell
GoSub TrainNinjitsu
Sub ChooseNinjSpell
chooseskill ninj
if #skill < 700
set %spell 245 ; Focus Attack
if #skill < 850
Display OK You can not gain Ninjitsu from 70.0 to 85.0$
+with Lightening Strike. So your going to need$
+to use Jewelry to get raise your skill up to at$
+least 85.0 before training any further.$
+Grab your Jewelry and restart the script.$
+Script has Halted!$
+~ Guadah ~
if #skill >= 850
set %spell 246 ; Deathstrike
Sub TrainNinjitsu
menu delete scriptstatus
Menu Font Color Maroon
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Training Ninjitsu
gosub TM_AdvJournalSync ninjitsu 100
Event Macro 15 %spell ; Uses Ninjitsu Ability
set %timeout #scnt + 5
GoSub Calc_Time
GoSub CheckPause
gosub TM_AdvJournalScan ninjitsu VALID You_focus_all_of_your_abilities
until #RESULT = #TRUE || ( #scnt > %timeout )
Event Macro 8 7 ; Opens Backpack to prevent Logout
wait 10
GoSub SkillCheck
GoSub CheckPause
GoSub Calc_Time
gosub AddAttempts
chooseskill medi
if #mana < 10
menu delete scriptstatus
menu Font Color Maroon
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Waiting for Mana...
goto NinjManaWait
GoSub ChooseNinjSpell
Goto NinjTrainingLoop
; ################################################## ##
; ############ Peacemaking Training Sub ##############
; ################################################## ##
Sub PeacTraining
Set %SkillCheck peac
Set %Skill Peacemaking
GoSub MenuSetup
menu image create peace 0 0 410 300
menu image file peace 200 75 skill_images/Peace.gif
FindItem %Instruments C_ , #BackpackID
set #lobjectid #findid
Set %CurrentInstrument #findid
event macro 17 0 ; Last Object
if #findkind = -1
Display ok Unable to locate your Instruments.$
+Please ensure they are in your MAIN backpack.$
+If you are out, please get more,
+then Click Resume$
GoSub CheckPause
menu delete scriptstatus
Menu Font Color Maroon
Menu Font Size 12
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Training Skill
GoSub SkillCheck
GoSub CheckPause
GoSub Calc_Time
event macro 13 9
event macro 23 0
wait 11s
finditem %CurrentInstrument C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind = -1
FindItem %Instruments C_ , #BackpackID
set #lobjectid #findid
Set %CurrentInstrument #findid
event macro 17 0 ; Last Object
GoSub AddAttempts
Goto MusicTrainingLoop2
; ##################################################
; ############ Poisoning Training Sub ##############
; ##################################################
Sub PoisTraining
Set %SkillCheck pois
Set %Skill Poisoning
GoSub MenuSetup
menu font align right
menu font color maroon
Menu Text stattxt 280 135 Poisoning Item:
Menu Text stattxt 280 155 Using Poison:
menu font align left
menu image create poison 0 0 410 300
menu image file poison 200 75 skill_images/Poison.gif
; Loop to target and set your Resources Container
Display ok Target your Resources Container
menu delete scriptstatus
Menu Font Color Maroon
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Target resources container
set #targCurs 1
until #targcurs <> 1
set %resources_chest #ltargetid
set #ltargetkind 1
set #lobjectid %resources_chest
event macro 17 0
wait 20
contpos 630 365
wait 20
gosub IDPoison
; Loop to target and set your weapon or item to Poison
menu delete scriptstatus
Menu Font Color Maroon
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Target item to poison
Display ok Target the item to poison.
set #targCurs 1
until #targcurs <> 1
Set %item_to_poison #ltargetid
set #ltargetkind 1
finditem %item_to_poison C_ , #backpackid
event property #findid
str pos #property $
str left #property #strres
menu text stattxt 285 135 #strres
GoSub PoisonLevel
menu delete scriptstatus
Menu Font Color Maroon
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Poisoning...
finditem %poison C_ , %resources_chest
if #findstack < 1
display ok Your out of %poison_name poison potions.
set #ltargetid #findid
set #ltargetkind 1
event macro 13 30 ; Use Skill Poisoning
event macro 22 0 ; Last Target (Poison Type)
finditem %item_to_poison C_ , #backpackid
set #ltargetid #findid
set #ltargetkind 1
event macro 22 0 ; Last Target (Dagger)
gosub SkillCheck
gosub AddAttempts
if C in #charstatus ; Checks to see if your Poisoned
menu delete scriptstatus
Menu Font Color Maroon
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 OMG Your Poisoned!
wait 20
GoSub CurePoison
set %timer #SCNT + 10
wait 20
gosub Calc_Time
gosub CheckPause
until #scnt > %timer
Goto PoisonTrainingLoop
Sub IDPoison
menu delete scriptstatus
Menu Font Color Maroon
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Identifing Poison Potions
FindItem AVF C_ , %resources_chest
for #findindex 1 #findcnt
event property #findid
if Lesser in #property
set %lesser #findid
if Lesser notin #property && Greater notin #property && Deadly notin #property
set %normal #findid
if Greater in #property
set %greater #findid
if Deadly in #property
set %deadly #findid
Sub PoisonLevel
chooseSkill Pois
if #skill >= 950
set %poison %deadly
set %poison_name Deadly
menu delete poison
menu text poison 285 155 Deadly Poison
if #skill > 700
set %poison %greater
set %poison_name Greater
menu delete poison
menu text poison 285 155 Greater Poison
if #skill > 450
set %poison %normal
set %poison_name Normal
menu delete poison
menu text poison 285 155 Normal Poison
if #skill < 450
set %poison %lesser
set %poison_name Lesser
menu text poison 285 155 Lesser Poison
Sub CurePoison
menu delete scriptstatus
Menu Font Color Maroon
Menu Font Size 12
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Curing Poison!
chooseskill chiv
set %chiv #skill
If #skill > 600
Event Macro 15 201
event macro 23 0 ; Target Self
If #targcurs = 1
GoTo PoisonCureChivLoop
GoSub CheckPause
GoSub Calc_Time
chooseskill mage
set %mage #skill
If #skill > 600
Event Macro 15 10
event macro 23 0 ; Target Self
If #targcurs = 1
GoTo PoisonCureMageLoop
GoSub CheckPause
GoSub Calc_Time
FindItem NUF C_ , %resources_chest
set #LTargetID #FINDID
set #LTargetKind 1
event macro 22 0 ; Last Target (Cure Pot)
If C in #charStatus
GoSub CurePoison
; ################################################## ##
; ############ Provocation Training Sub ##############
; ################################################## ##
Sub ProvTraining
Set %SkillCheck prov
Set %Skill Provoking
GoSub MenuSetup
menu image create stealth 0 0 410 300
menu image file stealth 200 75 skill_images/Stealth.gif
menu font align right
menu font color maroon
Menu Text stattxt 300 135 Pet 1:
Menu Text stattxt 300 155 Pet 2:
menu font align left
Display ok Target your First Animal.
Set #targCurs 1
if #targCurs = 1
goto SetProvTarget1
Set %Animal1 #LTargetID
set #ltargetkind 1
menu delete itemname
event property #findid
str pos #property $
str left #property #strres
menu text pet1 305 135 #strres
wait 20
Display ok Target your Second Animal.
Set #targCurs 1
if #targCurs = 1
goto SetProvTarget2
Set %Animal2 #LTargetID
set #ltargetkind 1
menu delete itemname
event property #findid
str pos #property $
str left #property #strres
menu text pet2 305 155 #strres
wait 20
FindItem %Instruments C_ , #BackpackID
set #lobjectid #findid
Set %CurrentInstrument #findid
event macro 17 0 ; Last Object
if #findkind = -1
Display ok Unable to locate your Instruments.$
+Please ensure they are in your MAIN backpack.$
+If you are out, please get more,
+then Click Resume$
GoSub CheckPause
menu delete scriptstatus
Menu Font Color Maroon
Menu Font Size 12
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Training Skill
GoSub SkillCheck
GoSub CheckPause
GoSub Calc_Time
Event Macro 13 22 ; Use Skill Provocation
set #LTargetID %Animal1
event macro 22 0
set #LTargetID %Animal2
event macro 22 0
wait 11s
finditem %CurrentInstrument C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind = -1
FindItem %Instruments C_ , #BackpackID
set #lobjectid #findid
Set %CurrentInstrument #findid
event macro 17 0 ; Last Object
GoSub AddAttempts
Goto ProvTrainingLoop
; ################################################## #######
; ################## SPIRIT SPEAK SUB #####################
; ################################################## #######
Sub SpirTraining
Set %SkillCheck spir
Set %Skill Spirit , #spc , Speak
GoSub MenuSetup
menu image create spirit 0 0 410 300
menu image file spirit 200 75 skill_images/Spirit.gif
menu delete scriptstatus
Menu Font Color Maroon
Menu Font Size 12
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Training Spirit Speak
gosub TM_AdvJournalSync spirit 100
Event macro 13 32 ; Performs Spirit Speak
gosub AddAttempts
gosub SkillCheck
set %timer #SCNT + 6
wait 20
gosub Calc_Time
gosub Check_Pause
until #scnt > %timer
gosub TM_AdvJournalScan spirit VALID Insufficient_mana
GoSub Meditate
GoTo SpirTrainingLoop
; ################################################## ##
; ################# STEALTH SUB #####################
; ################################################## ##
Sub StltTraining
Set %SkillCheck stlt
Set %Skill Stealth
GoSub MenuSetup
menu image create stealth 0 0 410 300
menu image file stealth 200 75 skill_images/Stealth.gif
chooseskill Hidi real
if #skill < 500
display yesno Your hiding skill is not high
+ enough. Would you like to train hiding instead?
if #dispres = NO
display You cannot use stealth with hiding below 50.0.
+ $Script is halting.
GoSub HidiTraining
set %XX #CHARPOSX + 3
menu delete scriptstatus
Menu Font Color Maroon
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Training Stealth
Event macro 13 21 ; Performs Hiding Skill
move %X %Y 0 3s
GoSub CheckPause
GoSub AddAttempts
GoSub SkillCheck
GoSub Calc_Time
GoSub CheckHidden
move %XX %Y 0 3s
GoSub CheckPause
GoSub AddAttempts
GoSub SkillCheck
GoSub Calc_Time
GoSub CheckHidden
Goto StltTrainingLoop
Sub CheckHidden
menu delete scriptstatus
Menu Font Color Maroon
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Rehiding Character
If H in #charStatus
Event macro 13 21 ; Performs Hiding Skill
Goto CheckHiddenLoop
; ################################################## ###
; ################## TRACKING SUB #####################
; ################################################## ###
Sub TracTraining
Set %SkillCheck trac
Set %Skill Tracking
GoSub MenuSetup
menu image create tracking 0 0 410 300
menu image file tracking 200 75 skill_images/Tracking.gif
menu delete scriptstatus
Menu Font Color Maroon
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Training Tracking
Event macro 13 38 ; Performs Tracking Skill
GoSub AddAttempts
GoSub SkillCheck
set %timer #SCNT + 10
wait 20
gosub Calc_Time
gosub Check_Pause
until #scnt > %timer
Goto TracTrainingLoop
sub gumpwait
set %timer #SCNT + 5
until #CONTNAME = generic_gump || #SCNT > %timer
if #contname <> generic_gump
event macro 17 0
wait 1s
; #########################################
; ########### CASTING DELAY ###############
; #########################################
Sub Set_FCR_Delay
If %user_fcr = 6
Set %FCR_Delay 1
If %user_fcr = 5
Set %FCR_Delay 2
If %user_fcr = 4
Set %FCR_Delay 3
If %user_fcr = 3
Set %FCR_Delay 5
If %user_fcr = 2
Set %FCR_Delay 10
If %user_fcr = 1
Set %FCR_Delay 15
If %user_fcr = 0
Set %FCR_Delay 20
; ################################################## #######
; ########## CALCULATING RUNNING TIME SUB #################
; ################################################## #######
Sub Calc_Time
Set %TT #Scnt - %start_time
Set %hours %TT / 3600
Set %mins ( %TT / 60 ) - ( %hours * 60 )
Set %secs %TT % 60
If %hours =< 9
Set %hours 0 , %hours
If %mins =< 9
Set %mins 0 , %mins
If %secs =< 9
Set %secs 0 , %secs
Set %total_time %hours , : , %mins , : , %secs
Menu Delete TotalTime
Menu Font Color Maroon
Menu Font Size 11
Menu Text TotalTime 110 226 %total_time
sub last_gain
set %ap AM
set %time #time
str right %time 2
set %sec #StrRes
str left %time 2
set %hr #StrRes
str mid %time 3 2
set %min #StrRes
if %hr > 11 && %hr < 24
set %ap PM
if %hr > 12
set %hr ( %hr - 12 )
if %hr = 00
set %hr 12
set %last_gain %hr , : , %min , : , %sec , #spc , %ap
Menu Delete LastGain
Menu Text LastGain 305 195 %last_gain
; #########################################
; ########### CASTING DELAY ###############
; #########################################
Sub SetCastDelay
menu delete scriptstatus
Menu Font Color Maroon
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Setting Casting Speed Delay
wait 1s
Sub Set_FCR_Delay
If %user_fcr = 6
Set %FCR_Delay 1
If %user_fcr = 5
Set %FCR_Delay 2
If %user_fcr = 4
Set %FCR_Delay 3
If %user_fcr = 3
Set %FCR_Delay 5
If %user_fcr = 2
Set %FCR_Delay 12
If %user_fcr = 1
Set %FCR_Delay 19
If %user_fcr = 0
Set %FCR_Delay 28
; #########################################
; ########### CHECKING MANA ###############
; #########################################
Sub Meditate
GoSub CheckPause
GoSub Calc_Time
menu delete scriptstatus
Menu Font Color Maroon
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Attempting to Med
event macro 13 46
wait 1s
scanJournal 1
If You_cannot_focus_your in #journal
wait 11s
GoSub Meditate
menu delete scriptstatus
Menu Font Color Maroon
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Meditating
GoSub CheckPause
GoSub Calc_Time
If #mana < #maxmana
goto CheckManaWait
; #################################################
; ######## ADD ATTEMPTS SUB ########
; #################################################
Sub AddAttempts
Menu Font Size 11
Menu Font Color Maroon
Set %attempts %attempts + 1
Menu Delete Attempts
Menu Text Attempts 110 247 %Attempts
; #################################################
; ######## PAUSE SUB ########
; #################################################
Sub CheckPause
if #menubutton = Pause
set #menubutton N/A
Menu Delete Pause
Menu Font Color Maroon
Menu Button Resume 296 240 103 25 Resume
menu delete scriptstatus
Menu Font Color Red
menu text scriptstatus 110 268 Paused
GoSub PauseLoop
if #menubutton = Quit
Display ok Thank you for using Guadah's Multi-Skill Trainer.$
+Script is Halting$
Menu Hide
Sub PauseLoop
If #menubutton = Resume
set #menubutton N/A
Menu Delete Resume
Menu Font Color Black
Menu Button Pause 296 240 103 25 Pause
if #menuButton = Quit
Display ok Thank you for using Guadah's Multi-Skill Trainer.$
+Script is Halting$
Menu Hide
Goto Pause_Loop
; ############################
; ##### SKILL CHECK SUB #####
; ############################
Sub SkillCheck
chooseskill %SkillCheck real
if #skill = #skillcap
set %currentskill #skill
menu set current %currentskill
wait 10
display You have reached your skill cap.$
+Thank you for using Guadah's Multi-Skill Trainer$
+Script is Halting$
menu hide
if #skill > %currentskill
Set %currentskill #skill
str len %currentskill
str ins %currentskill #dot #strRes
Menu Font Size 11
Menu delete currentskill
Menu Font Color Maroon
Menu text currentskill 110 152 #strRes
Set %totalgains %currentskill - %startingskill
str len %totalgains
str ins %totalgains #dot #strRes
Menu delete totalgains
Menu text totalgains 110 171 + #strRes
gosub last_gain
sub suit_properties
if %0 > 0 && %1 <> N/A
finditem * C_ , #charid
if #findkind = -1
return %total
set %oldlpc #LPC
set #LPC 10000
set %total 0
set %line % . %0
goto L , %0
set %line %4 , #spc , %line
set %line %3 , #spc , %line
set %line %2 , #spc , %line
set %line %1 , #spc , %line
set %line $ , %line , #spc
str len %line
set %len #strRes
for #findindex 1 #findcnt
event property #findid
if %line in #property
str pos #property %line
set %pos #strRes + %len
str mid #property %pos 5
set %prop #strRes
str pos %prop $
set %pos #strRes - 1
str left %prop %pos
set %tempval #strRes
str pos %tempval %
if #strRes > 1
set %pos #strRes - 1
str left %tempval %pos
set %tempval #strRes
set %total %total + %tempval
set #LPC %oldlpc
return %total
return 0
; Brings !_jindex up to the most recent #journal entry
sub TM_SyncTextScan
namespace push
namespace local text
set !_jindex #jindex + 1
namespace pop
; %1, %2, %3, etc strings to match
; returns #TRUE for match, #FALSE for no match
; Will not advance !_jindex pointer to allow for scanning journal history for more than one search.
; Also searches for : , #SPC in journal entry to be sure someone isn't spamming the text
sub TM_FindValidTextNoAdvance
namespace push
namespace local text
set !temp_lpc #LPC
set #LPC 1000
set !num_args %0
set !first_arg 1
if !_jindex = N/A
set !_jindex #jindex
set !index !first_arg
set !temp_jindex !_jindex
set !text % . !index
while !temp_jindex <= #jindex
scanjournal !temp_jindex
str pos #JOURNAL %charname 1
set !namepos #STRRES
str count #JOURNAL %charname
set !namecnt #STRRES
str pos #JOURNAL :_ 1
set !smcpos #STRRES
str pos #JOURNAL !text 1
set !textpos #STRRES
if !textpos < !smcpos && !smcpos <> 0 || !smcpos = 1 || :_ notin #JOURNAL
set !pass #TRUE
set !pass #FALSE
if ( !text in #journal && ( ( !namepos = 1 && !namecnt <= 1 ) || !pass ) )
set !temp_jindex !temp_jindex + 1
set #LPC !temp_lpc
namespace pop
return #TRUE
set !temp_jindex !temp_jindex + 1
set !index !index + 1
until !index - !first_arg >= !num_args
set #LPC !temp_lpc
namespace pop
return #FALSE
; %1, %2, %3, etc strings to match
; returns #TRUE for match, #FALSE for no match
; Advances !_jindex so that you won't scan for past journal entries.
sub TM_FindText
namespace push
namespace local text
set !temp_lpc #LPC
set #LPC 1000
set !num_args %0
set !first_arg 1
if !_jindex = N/A
set !_jindex #jindex
set !index !first_arg
set !text % . !index
while !_jindex <= #jindex
scanjournal !_jindex
if !text in #journal
set !_jindex !_jindex + 1
set #LPC !temp_lpc
namespace pop
return #TRUE
set !_jindex !_jindex + 1
set !index !index + 1
until !index - !first_arg >= !num_args
set #LPC !temp_lpc
namespace pop
return #FALSE
; %1 - string to mung
sub TM_AddUnderscore
namespace push
namespace local AU
set !tempstring %1
str pos !tempstring #SPC
if #STRRES <> 0
set !val #STRRES - 1
str left !tempstring !val
set !left #STRRES
set !val !val + 1
str del !tempstring 1 !val
set !tempstring !left , _ , #STRRES
goto AddUnderscore_loop1
set #RESULT !tempstring
namespace pop
return #RESULT
; XXX TM's Advanced Journal Subs XXX
sub TM_AdvJournalSync
namespace push
namespace local TM_AdvJS_ , %1
set !_jindex #jindex + 1
if %0 > 1
set !lpc_set %2
namespace pop
set !TM_FunctionCalled #TRUE
sub TM_AdvJournalScan
namespace push
namespace local TM_AdvJS_ , %1
set !args %2
set !temp_lpc #LPC
if !lpc_set = N/A
set #LPC 1000
set #LPC !lpc_set
set !num_args %0
set !first_arg 3
if !_jindex = N/A
set !_jindex #jindex
if !charname = N/A
set !charname #CHARNAME
str pos !charname #SPC
if #STRRES <> 0
set !val #STRRES - 1
str left !charname !val
set !left #STRRES
set !val !val + 1
str del !charname 1 !val
set !charname !left , _ , #STRRES
goto AdvJournalScan_loop1
set !index !first_arg
set !temp_jindex !_jindex
set !text % . !index
while !temp_jindex <= #jindex
scanjournal !temp_jindex
str pos #JOURNAL !charname 1
set !namepos #STRRES
str count #JOURNAL !charname
set !namecnt #STRRES
str pos #JOURNAL :_ 1
set !smcpos #STRRES
str pos #JOURNAL !text 1
set !textpos #STRRES
if !textpos < !smcpos && !smcpos <> 0 || !smcpos = 1 || :_ notin #JOURNAL || VALID notin !args
set !pass #TRUE
set !pass #FALSE
if ( !text in #journal && ( ( !namepos = 1 && !namecnt <= 1 ) || !pass ) )
set !temp_jindex !temp_jindex + 1
if ADVANCE in !args
set !_jindex !temp_jindex
set #LPC !temp_lpc
namespace pop
set !TM_FunctionCalled #TRUE
return #TRUE
set !temp_jindex !temp_jindex + 1
set !index !index + 1
until !index - !first_arg > !num_args - !first_arg
set #LPC !temp_lpc
namespace pop
set !TM_FunctionCalled #TRUE
return #FALSE
; Fin
Por tanto los Valar pueden andar, si así les place, sin atuendo, y entonces ni siquiera los Eldar
los perciben con claridad, aunque estén presentes. Pero cuando deciden vesti
rse, algunos
Valar toman forma de hombre y otros de mujer; porque esa diferencia de temperamento la
tenían desde el principio, y se encarna en la elección de cada uno, no porque la elección haga
de ellos varones o mujeres, sino como el vestido entre nosotr
os, que puede mostrar al varón o
a la mujer pero no los hace. Mas las formas con que los Grandes se invisten no son en todo
momento como las formas de los reyes y de las reinas de los Hijos de Ilúvatar; porque a veces
se visten de acuerdo con sus propios p
ensamientos, hechos visibles en formas de majestad y
Y los Valar convocaron a muchos compañeros, algunos menores, otros tan poderosos como
ellos, y juntos trabajaron en el ordenamiento de la Tierra y en el apaciguamiento de sus
tumultos Entonces Mel
kor vio lo que se había hecho, y que los Valar andaban por la Tierra
como poderes visibles, vestidos con las galas del Mundo, y eran agradables y gloriosos de ver,
y bienaventurados, y la Tierra estaba convirtiéndose en un jardín de deleite, pues ya no hab
torbellinos en ella. La envidia de Melkor fue entonces todavía mayor y él también tomó forma
visible, pero a causa del temple de Melkor y de la malicia que ardía en él, esa forma era
terrible y oscura. Y descendió sobre Arda con poder y majestad más gra
ndes que los de
ningún otro Valar, como una montaña que vadea el mar y tiene la cabeza por encima de las
nubes, vestida de hielo y coronada de fuego y humo; y la luz de los ojos de Melkor era como
una llama que marchita con su calor y traspasa con un frío
Así empezó la primera batalla de los Valar con Melkor por el dominio de Arda; y de esos
tumultos los Elfos conocen muy poco. Porque lo que aquí se ha declarado procede de los Valar
mismos, con quienes los Eldalië hablaron en la tierra de Valinor y
de quienes recibieron
instrucción; pero poco contaron los Valar de las guerras anteriores al advenimiento de los
Elfos. Se dice no obstante entre los Eldar que los Valar se esforzaron siempre, a pesar de
Melkor, por gobernar la Tierra y prepararla para la
llegada de los Primeros Nacidos, y
construyeron tierras y Melkor las destruyó; cavaron valles y Melkor los levantó; tallaron
montañas y Melkor las derribó; ahondaron mares y Melkor los derramó; y nada podía
conservarse en paz ni desarrollarse, pues no bien
empezaban los Valar una obra, Melkor la
deshacía o corrompía. Y, sin embargo, no todo era en vano; y aunque la voluntad y el
propósito de los Valar no se cumplían nunca, y todas las cosas tenían un color y una forma
distintos de como ellos los habían pens
ado, no obstante la Tierra iba cobrando forma y
haciéndose más firme. Y así la habitación de los Hijos de Ilúvatar fue establecida al fin en los
Abismos del Tiempo y entre las estrellas innumerables.
Justo me lo estoy leyendo ahora, shur!El mensaje está oculto porque el usuario está en tu lista de ignorados.
Yo lo he intentado varias veces, pero eso que no sigue realmente ninguna "historia" y que es una rallada del señor Tolkien de cuidado -a saber que se fumaba en sus pipas el buen hombre- pues impide bastante leerlo sin perderse.El mensaje está oculto porque el usuario está en tu lista de ignorados.
Eso no te lo niego, yo desde el principio me negué a estar pendiente de quien es hijo y nieto y bisnieto el elfo de turno, o si el valar del que está hablando en un momento dado es el señor de los montes y caminos, de las olas que rompen contra la costa o maestro de las motas de polvo de detrás del frigo... Si tuviese que hacerlo bien, tendría que leerme el libro con un bloc de notas al lado para ir haciendo esquemas xDEl mensaje está oculto porque el usuario está en tu lista de ignorados.
Pero dejando de lado el exceso de personajes, me parece bastante interesante.