Salil Sawarim (Choque De Espadas) [ALLAHU GREATEST HITS]

  1. #1
    ッ 卐 ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ 卐 ッ Avatar de Caractacus
    22 May, 14
    Kampuchea Democrática
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    Salil Sawarim (Choque De Espadas) [ALLAHU GREATEST HITS]

    Salil Sawarim se llama el tema, muy conocido ahora mismo en el internete bajo el nombre de ALLAHU AKBAR THEME SONG.

    En inglés dice así:

    "Clashing of the swords: a nasheed of the defiant.
    The path of fighting is the path of life.
    So amidst an assault, tyranny is destroyed.
    And concealment of the voice results in the beauty of the echo.

    Clashing of the swords: a nasheed of the defiant.
    The path of fighting is the path of life.
    So amidst an assault, tyranny is destroyed.
    And concealment of the voice results in the beauty of the echo.

    By it my religion is glorified, and tyranny is laid low.
    So, oh my people, awake on the path of the brave.
    For either being alive delights leaders, or being dead vexes the enemy.

    Clashing of the swords: a nasheed of the defiant.
    The path of fighting is the path of life.
    So amidst an assault, tyranny is destroyed.
    And concealment of the voice results in the beauty of the echo.

    Clashing of the swords: a nasheed of the defiant.
    The path of fighting is the path of life.
    So amidst an assault, tyranny is destroyed.
    And concealment of the voice results in the beauty of the echo.

    So arise, brother, get up on the path of salvation,
    So we may march together, resist the aggressors,
    Raise our glory, and raise the foreheads
    That have refused to bow before any besides God.

    Clashing of the swords: a nasheed of the defiant.
    The path of fighting is the path of life.
    So amidst an assault, tyranny is destroyed.
    And concealment of the voice results in the beauty of the echo.

    Clashing of the swords: a nasheed of the defiantt.
    The path of fighting is the path of life.
    So amidst an assault, tyranny is destroyed.
    And concealment of the voice results in the beauty of the echo.

    With righteousness arise,
    The banner has called us,
    To brighten the path of destiny,
    To wage war on the enemy.
    Whosoever among us dies, in sacrifice for defence,
    Will enjoy eternity in Paradise. Mourning will depart.

    Clashing of the swords: a nasheed of the defiant.
    The path of fighting is the path of life.
    So amidst an assault, tyranny is destroyed.
    And concealment of the voice results in the beauty of the echo.

    Clashing of the swords: a nasheed of the defiant.
    The path of fighting is the path of life.
    So amidst an assault, tyranny is destroyed.
    And concealment of the voice results in the beauty of the echo."
    Si alguien tiene la letra en moro pero escrita en caracteres de los nuertos que me la pase, que la quiero poder cantar. De momento sólo entiendo lo de "sali-lu sawarim" y lo que suena como "arie pul haiyaaaab".

  2. #2
    ForoParalelo: Miembro Avatar de walker92
    24 Nov, 13
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    Pillo Allahu akbar. Es un temazo joder.

  3. #3
    RETRVDXLFX$ Avatar de Emblema
    26 May, 13
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    Ni punto de comparación con esta

  4. #4
    ForoParalelo: Miembro Avatar de Exánime
    29 Jan, 15
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    Tardas en hacer un cover vocal

  5. #5
    Paz y amor :) Avatar de Yuseff Lee
    13 Jun, 15
    En el sueño de un niño :)
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    Cita Iniciado por Emblema Ver mensaje
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    Ni punto de comparación con esta
    Cuánto tiempo sin escucharla...lágrimas en los ojos...

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