¿Sois capaces de leer en inglés? ENTONCES OS INTERESA
Cold, deep & whirling
¿Sois capaces de leer en inglés? ENTONCES OS INTERESA
Lo que no os habían dicho hasta ahora en el foro, os lo traigo:
The Coming of America’s Second Civil War
I am really trying to figure out what is going on in America, and what will happen to America should Donald Trump win the presidency.
I never for a moment believed that Trump could not win the nomination, contrary to the pundits’ takes on television. I was furious that they could not see, or would not see, that this man had a platform and an audience.
Even now, some pundits and news people insist upon saying that Trump cannot win the presidency, but I believe they are wrong. Trump has a swath of supporters that is not backing down or backing away that we know about, but I believe his base of support includes a lot of people who will never admit publicly that they are rooting for him, but who are, nonetheless.
From the beginning, I was disappointed that so many people resonated with him. He was, and is, crude and rude. He is disrespectful to women; I was horrified when he characterized all Mexicans (the ones coming to the United States) as rapists and criminals. His disrespect of Sen. John McCain stunned me; like McCain or not, he is a war hero, but not to Trump. His parodying a man who was developmentally disabled made me sick. The fact that he says nothing of substance in his rallies is appalling. His arrogance at saying he will build a wall between the United States and Mexico and will make Mexico pay for it was hateful, and his plan to deport millions of illegal immigrants out of this country made me shake my head.
This is America, right?
His dog whistle language as concerns his feelings about black people is hardly subtle; his ordering his people to “get them out of here” when they have showed up at his rallies, and his reminding his followers that there was a day when they would have been able to take care of those protesters in a way that they would be taken out on a stretcher...was...well, really white.
But it wasn’t the fact that Donald Trump was and is so narcissistic and arrogant that bothers me so much. What bothers me is the blind following he seems to have, of both white and black people, who seem to think he can do no wrong. They do not care that he does not have any viable foreign policy; he seems to feel he will be able to act unilaterally and just ...get rid of people or nations he doesn’t like. His rambling about how he will just sort of magically fix the economy has made no sense to me at all. He has made all his followers believe that he and he alone can bring jobs back to this country. They believe him. He is right about one thing: he could go out onto Fifth Avenue and shoot someone and his supporters would still support him.
The question is “why?” So, the white working class is angry. So...what? What makes their anger so different, so virulent, and so strong and so much more worthy of mention? Why is their anger more important than that of all the other people in this nation who have been marginalized? Why isn’t more of the country upset that what seems to be the unifying thread holding his base together is white supremacy, racism, in its most ugly form?
Why is their anger more important than the anger of everyone else?
Could it be that these people have found out that white supremacy loves no person who is not only not white, but prefers people who are white with money? Could it be that they are realizing that the phrase in the Constitution, “all men are created equal” really does pertain now, as it did then, primarily to these wealthy, white landowners? Could it be that, as they have looked around, that they see how they are no better off economically than are black people, in spite of their being white?’
Don’t accuse me of playing the race card. It is the pundits and the news operations who have made it clear that it is angry white men who are behind Trump in the biggest numbers. It is angry white men who no longer have the manufacturing or construction or mining jobs they used to have so they could make a decent living. The pundits are pointing out the fact that the demographic that is most responsible for the Rise of Trump ...is angry white men.
They are tired of being “politically correct,” meaning, they can’t say the “n” word when they want. They cannot openly discriminate against black and brown people like they used to. The Black Lives Matter movement has been steadily dismantling their false confidence that the police take care of “the bad people,” who happen to be ...”the black people.” The shootings of innocent and/or unarmed black people by white police officers, caught on tape, has shattered the lie behind which law enforcement has hidden for decades. Their officers, some of them, are being called to accountability. In this country where, historically, a police officer never had to prove he or she did anything wrong and who never had to worry about going to jail for participating in state-sanctioned murder, things are changing ...and it is making some white people more and more angry. They want “their country back.” They want to “make America great again.” That greatness included free-flowing racial violence by whites against blacks and rampant discrimination; it included white people being able to have jobs when many black people were denied those same jobs. That America included having trials (and still does) where a black person could and would be tried by an all-white jury for a crime he or she might not have committed, and nobody could do anything about it.
That is changing.
And now, to add insult to injury, there are too many brown people here, brown people who have done the work for white people that neither white not black people would have done themselves because the pay is so low. Brown people in the form of Hispanics, and now, brown and black people in the form of Muslims...are all over the place ...and some white people are not only angry, but they are afraid that they are losing the power they always had
These people believe that Trump - who sounds eerily like the Hitler I have read about - will make everything all right. He will build that wall. He will “get the coloreds out.” He will reset the American equilibrium and return things to the way they used to be. And that’s why they do not care what he says or does. They do not care who he berates or puts down. They do not care if he says one thing on one talk show and something entirely different on another show minutes later.
They want America back. Their America.
They began to mumble when Barack Obama was elected president.; their lawmakers vowed, even as Obama was being inaugurated, that they would make him a one-term president. While there were many people who believed his election meant that America was a post-racial country, there were those who vowed that this country would be post-racial over their dead bodies. That’s why we heard the cry, “We want to take our country back!” They were intentional about what they meant. And they are intentional now.
I shudder to think about where America is headed. If Trump wins the nomination and then the White House, it will be bad for a whole lot of people. If Trump is bumped from contending for the presidency by a brokered convention, it will still be bad for a whole lot of people, because, as Trump as alluded, his angry white people will rise up. He said, “I think you’d have riots.” I think he’s right. Trump’s supporters would rise up...
But someone would rise up against them.
It will be America’s Second Civil War.
God, help our nation.
KKK Valentine’s Day Recruitment Drive Puts Residents In A Number Of States On Edge
Residents in at least seven states have reported finding Valentine’s Day-themed Ku Klux Klan recruitment literature in their neighborhoods in recent days, triggering concerned calls to local law enforcement and fears about a potential rise in the hate group’s activity.
The pamphlets, tucked into plastic sandwich bags weighted with rice or rocks, include racist and anti-gay slogans inside hearts and contact information for the North Carolina-based Loyal White Knights of the KKK, once among the largest Klan offshoots.
The campaigns, known as “lit drops,” are stirring controversy in communities in Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina and Virginia.
Local police have mounted investigations in some jurisdictions, and officials have said they don’t believe the culprits were targeting specific families. No arrests have been reported. Authorities say it’s unlikely they’ll be able to press charges against the people responsible, since the fliers are constitutionally protected political speech.
“Again, we don’t take lightly the offense and anxiety this may cause residents,” Tamara Gibbs, a spokeswoman for the Durham County Sheriff’s Office in North Carolina, told the Raleigh News & Observer after residents reported finding the fliers outside their homes. “Unfortunately, it would be very challenging to criminally charge or cite the distributor if they’re ever identified.”
The Loyal White Knights of the KKK is active in more than 20 states, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, a nonprofit that tracks hate groups and hate crimes. A recent SPLC report found that various Klan groups had distributed white supremacist fliers 117 times in 26 states last year, with the Loyal White Knights responsible for more of the leafleting campaigns than any other KKK organization.
This particular method of recruitment suggests KKK groups are struggling for relevance and cash, said Mark Potok, a senior fellow at the SPLC.

“This is not a sign of strength, and in a way, it’s a sign of weakness, because when you think about what’s involved in leafleting, it’s a high-impact and extremely low-effort way of getting attention,” Potok told The Huffington Post. “I’m not saying that they’re not committed racists, but on some level it’s a scam to make money.”
In recent years, the Loyal White Knights of the KKK has attempted to rebrand itself by shedding historic images of lynchings and cross-burnings. The organization now sees itself as a “non-violent pro-white civil rights movement,” as Will Quigg, grand dragon of the group’s California chapter, told Vice News in 2015.
But in an interview this week with WNYT, an NBC affiliate in New York, Quigg did little to hide the racial animus that still motivates him and his fellow klansmen.
“The last eight years with [former President Barack] Obama as president, he has been doing nothing for the white Christian person,” said Quigg. “He’s been helping the Negroes.”
The latest KKK recruitment drive comes amid reports of growing hate group activity over the past year, a trend many believe has been fueled partly by President Donald Trump and his embrace of white nationalists and the alt-right.
Former KKK leader David Duke gave Trump a passionate endorsement last year, and then-candidate Trump was initially slow to disavow Duke’s support. KKK groups also engaged in an impromptu get-out-the-vote effort ahead of November’s election, encouraging people to cast ballots for Trump.
Quigg once revealed himself to be a Trump fan, though he told media outlets last year that he was supporting Democrat Hillary Clinton in an apparent effort to drum up bad press for her.
When WNYT asked Quigg for his thoughts on Trump this week, he said he wouldn’t call the president “an ally,” but admitted he agreed with “some of [Trump’s] ideals.”
Although some hate groups may be flourishing in the age of Trump, the Loyal White Knights of the KKK has been unraveling recently. The North Carolina chapter of the Loyal White Knights had planned to hold a “victory parade” for Trump in December, but was forced to scale back the event when two of its leaders were arrested for stabbing a fellow klansman. The men now face felony charges that could destabilize the organization.
“My guess would be that the Loyal White Knights will fall apart in the coming months,” said Potok.
Although KKK activity understandably commands attention and concern, Potok said the rise of other, less conspicuous white supremacist groups presents a more serious threat.
“These are groups that eschew the Klan robes and the Swastika armbands in favor of suits and ties, and try very hard to look like they’re actually serious intellectuals considering serious matters,” said Potok. “Klan groups in many ways are the weakest sector of the radical right, the most dysfunctional, the worst-led, and the groups having the very least inkling of political power.”
Immigration Enforcers, Unleashed By Trump, Can Finally ‘Do Our Jobs Again’
WASHINGTON ― When Donald Trump won the presidency in November, Shawn Moran’s border patrol colleagues high-fived and hugged each other.
“There was a real sense that we were going to be able to do our jobs again,” said Moran, vice president at National Border Patrol Council. “That turned out to be true.”
Border Patrol and Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agents complained for years that then-President Barack Obama constrained their ability to fulfill their mission. Trump campaigned on a promise that he would unleash them — and vowed to make large-scale deportation of undocumented immigrants a priority. This won Trump the endorsement of Moran’s group, which represents Border Patrol agents, and the National ICE Council, a union that represents ICE officers.
Now, Moran said, the president is keeping his promise. Immigrant rights advocates, who were horrified at a multi-state deportation effort that swept up more than 680 people last week, agreed.
“They feel emboldened and they feel that now they have a president that’s basically is going to give them carte blanche,” Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.), a frequent critic of ICE tactics, said in an interview.
The Obama administration, in its last years, considered only serious criminals and recent border-crossers priorities for deportation. During those years, ICE often released non-criminals and individuals who only had committed immigration-related crimes, like driving without a license.
But in the first week of his presidency, Trump signed an executive order that classified almost any undocumented immigrant as an important target for deportation.
ICE and Border Patrol agents anticipated they’d get more support under the new president, said Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center.
Agents told immigrant rights advocates about “feeling really emboldened,” Hincapié said. “Like, ‘Wow, things could change, we’re going to do whatever we want, we agents will finally get to decide who gets deported and who doesn’t.’”
Today, “there is a clear ‘everything goes and everyone is a target’ culture in ICE,” said Greisa Martinez, advocacy director at the undocumented activist group United We Dream. “It’s the realization of the dreams of a lot of ICE agents that endorsed Trump.”
Last week, ICE carried out what it calls targeted enforcement actions — the agency doesn’t like to use the term “raids” — and arrested hundreds of people. ICE officials said that about 75 percent of those it detained were convicted criminals. But the agency has not released detailed data on those convictions, or said how many were immigration-related.
Some of the people arrested or deported under Trump would have been considered low priority for removal under Obama, advocates said. Guadalupe “Lupita” García de Rayos, a mother of two U.S. citizens, had been on ICE’s radar for years after a conviction for a crime related to her immigration status — making up a Social Security number to get a job — but was not deported until last week.
ICE agents arrested a recipient of Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, in Seattle last week, even though he had passed a background check for deportation relief. DACA does not fully guarantee safety from deportation, but recipients have typically been protected from removal unless convicted of a crime.
ICE agents said the man, Daniel Ramirez Medina, was a “self-admitted gang member” and a threat to public safety. His lawyer said he “was repeatedly pressured by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents to falsely admit affiliation” and “unequivocally denies” the charge.
ICE was allowed to deport those types of people before, and sometimes did, even during the Obama administration. But in the final years of Obama’s presidency, some ICE and Border Patrol agents were frustrated that they had to focus on deporting immigrants convicted of serious crimes, while ignoring other people in the U.S. without authorization.
Obama went “beyond prioritization or discretion into the area of nullification,” said Ira Mehlman, spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform, which favors increased deportation. Under Trump, Mehlman said, enforcement agents are less hamstrung.
The president and the leaders of the Department of Homeland Security, ICE, and Border Patrol need to give immigration enforcement agents specific guidelines to ensure enforcement is uniform and prevent discrimination — even if doing so frustrates agents, Hincapié argued.
ICE declined to say whether it had given additional guidance to officers in the field, pointing only to Trump’s executive order.
The president has made clear he wants Border Patrol Agents and ICE officers to do what they please.
Border Patrol and ICE agents are “about to be very, very busy doing your job[s] the way you want to do them,” Trump said during a speech at the Department of Homeland Security after signing the executive order. “For too long, your offices and agents haven’t been allowed to properly do their jobs. ... That’s all about to change — and I’m very happy about it and you’re very happy about it.”
ForoParalelo: Miembro
Así no quede ni un solo yanki.
Cold, deep & whirling

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Así no quede ni un solo yanki.
Tampoco seas así... xD
ForoParalelo: Miembro
No me lo leería ni en Castellano.
Cold, deep & whirling

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No me lo leería ni en Castellano.
Pásale el traductor de google si tienes miedo xD Aunque es una bazofia normalmente...
ForoParalelo: Miembro
Cold, deep & whirling

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me espero al dvd
Solo saldrá en VHS
ForoParalelo: Miembro

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Pásale el traductor de google si tienes miedo xD Aunque es una bazofia normalmente...
No me hace falta. Lo hablo casi tan bien como Emilio Botín.
ForoParalelo: Miembro
Solo me gusta tu nick, pero sí está cosa la chunga.
Cold, deep & whirling

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No me hace falta. Lo hablo casi tan bien como Emilio Botín.
Joder que vergüencita ajena xD
Quita, aparta de mi ese cáliz xDDDDDD

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Solo me gusta tu nick, pero sí está cosa la chunga.
Gracias, por algo se empieza xD
Veo a USA muy polarizada, pero mucho. Si te pasas por el FrontPageMag de David Horowitz hay gente apelando ya a la segunda enmienda contra #TheResistance. Bastante gente de hecho. Es preocupante.
ForoParalelo: Miembro
Cold, deep & whirling

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Novedad y tal
¿Por qué no es novedad? En el foro, quiero decir...
.orbmeim :olelaraporoF
He leído el título y me dais una pereza, colega. 
Entiendo que necesitéis esa mentalidad apocalíptica constantemente, es normal en Occidente. Ya ocurría con el fantasma de la guerra nuclear, y es lógico buscar sustitutos.
Pero dais verguensita ajena que no veas, txabules.
Un miembro cualquiera~
Por mucho inglés que sepas esa mierda no se lee independientemente del idioma, menudo tochamen loco.
.orbmeim :olelaraporoF

Iniciado por
Solo me gusta tu nick, pero sí está cosa la chunga.
El mundo es una mierda de por sí. Lo mejor que le podría pasar es una guerra en el país dominante políticamente. Pero eso no va a pasar, es mera fantasía de película.
Cold, deep & whirling

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Marco Frei
He leído el título y me dais una pereza, colega.
Entiendo que necesitéis esa mentalidad apocalíptica constantemente, es normal en Occidente. Ya ocurría con el fantasma de la guerra nuclear, y es lógico buscar sustitutos.
Pero dais verguensita ajena que no veas, txabules.

Si y no. Tienes razón en que quizá el título pueda ser algo exagerado... Pero también te digo que la polarización política está por las nubes... Y es un hecho objetivo que está aumentando actualmente. Echa un vistazo a este otro artículo que te pongo, corrobora mis palabras: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/...b03df370da6428
.orbmeim :olelaraporoF

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Si y no. Tienes razón en que quizá el título pueda ser algo exagerado... Pero también te digo que la polarización política está por las nubes... Y es un hecho objetivo que está aumentando actualmente. Echa un vistazo a este otro artículo que te pongo, corrobora mis palabras:
Esta es la polarización que traerá una nueva guerra civil en Iu-es-ei.
Nótese tan aguerrido soldado. 
En serio, si quieres emoción, adrenalina, en lugar de masturbarte con chorradas vía internet organiza una pelea campal y tal.
ForoParalelo: Miembro
Cold, deep & whirling

Iniciado por
Marco Frei
Esta es la polarización que traerá una nueva guerra civil en Iu-es-ei.
Nótese tan aguerrido soldado.
En serio, si quieres emoción, adrenalina, en lugar de masturbarte con chorradas vía internet organiza una pelea campal y tal.
Ah, pues yo en esa no me meto xD Allá se maten los locos con sus locuras, cuando todo quede destrozado hará falta reconstruirlo todo, y no serán los que han hecho de la destrucción su mantra quienes den su brazo a torcer en ello... En las cosas de locos mejor no meterse.
.orbmeim :olelaraporoF

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Veo a USA muy polarizada, pero mucho. Si te pasas por el FrontPageMag de David Horowitz hay gente apelando ya a la segunda enmienda contra #TheResistance. Bastante gente de hecho. Es preocupante.
Estoy en lista de espera y el puñetero diente me está matando. He ido paliando dicho dolor masturbándome. Y estoy harto, la verdad. Me harías un gran favor si vinieras a mi casa a chupármela. Necesito urgentemente que mi sistema nervioso se relaje y deje de enviar señales de dolor a mi cerebro. Sólo esa boquita que tienes puede aliviarme. 
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Es que no me deja pensar en nada, puto diente dddddddddddddddddddddd.
Mierda de dolor, jodeeeeeeeeeeeer.
Cold, deep & whirling

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Mejor que saques conclusiones por ti mismo. ¿Tienes algo mejor que hacer que aprender algo? ¿Masturbarte? ¿Masturbar perros por dinero? No merece la pena, mejor lee un poco.
.orbmeim :olelaraporoF

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Ah, pues yo en esa no me meto xD Allá se maten los locos con sus locuras, cuando todo quede destrozado hará falta reconstruirlo todo, y no serán los que han hecho de la destrucción su mantra quienes den su brazo a torcer en ello... En las cosas de locos mejor no meterse.
Pues se te ve con ganas. 
Cold, deep & whirling

Iniciado por
Marco Frei
Estoy en lista de espera y el puñetero diente me está matando. He ido paliando dicho dolor masturbándome. Y estoy harto, la verdad. Me harías un gran favor si vinieras a mi casa a chupármela. Necesito urgentemente que mi sistema nervioso se relaje y deje de enviar señales de dolor a mi cerebro. Sólo esa boquita que tienes puede aliviarme.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Es que no me deja pensar en nada, puto diente dddddddddddddddddddddd.
Mierda de dolor, jodeeeeeeeeeeeer.
Caray, tu novio debe pasarlo fatal con mensajes de wasap como este xD Pobrecillo...
ForoParalelo: Miembro

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¿Por qué no es novedad? En el foro, quiero decir...
En el foro puede que si, desconozco el nivel de información que atesoran nuestros queridos foreros. Pero fuera de este nuestro amado foro ya hay voces que llevan hablando de esto mucho tiempo. Quizá no en un tono tan alarmante, pero si de una forma sutil, por ejemplo con la novela tan comentada y exitosa en EEUU Hillbilly Elegy de J.D. Vance. La existencia de varias Américas es un hecho notorio. Hay una gran mayoría silenciosa partidaria de un cambio mas que radical. Veremos como evoluciona el asunto.
Por hablar de casos cercanos a nosotros, podríamos hablar del caso de Francia. Mas de una vez he leído que el excelente novelista Michel Houellebecq ha comentado que Francia tenia muchas posibilidades de una guerra civil. Si no has leído nada de este autor te lo recomiendo encarecidamente. Puedes leer la novela Sumisión y después pasar por otras como Las partículas elementales.
ForoParalelo: Miembro
Soy capaz de leer en inglés, pero no de entenderlo.
.orbmeim :olelaraporoF

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Caray, tu novio debe pasarlo fatal con mensajes de wasap como este xD Pobrecillo...
No hay peor tortura. Estoy viendo las estrellas. Si tuviera una sóla bala iba yo a seguir viviendo por mis cojones.
Me gustaría tener armas de fuego y apretar el gatillo, joder joder qué putísima mierda ermano.
Cold, deep & whirling

Iniciado por
En el foro puede que si, desconozco el nivel de información que atesoran nuestros queridos foreros. Pero fuera de este nuestro amado foro ya hay voces que llevan hablando de esto mucho tiempo. Quizá no en un tono tan alarmante, pero si de una forma sutil, por ejemplo con la novela tan comentada y exitosa en EEUU Hillbilly Elegy de J.D. Vance. La existencia de varias Américas es un hecho notorio. Hay una gran mayoría silenciosa partidaria de un cambio mas que radical. Veremos como evoluciona el asunto.
Por hablar de casos cercanos a nosotros, podríamos hablar del caso de Francia. Mas de una vez he leído que el excelente novelista Michel Houellebecq ha comentado que Francia tenia muchas posibilidades de una guerra civil. Si no has leído nada de este autor te lo recomiendo encarecidamente. Puedes leer la novela Sumisión y después pasar por otras como Las partículas elementales.
Caray, gracias, me das fuentes que no conocía. Yo estoy acercándome recientemente al tema, lo confieso, sigo de cerca lo que ocurre desde la llegada de Trump. Leo, con horror, el FrontPageMag, y otro diario como el Washington Post (yo estuve allí debatiendo en los comentarios la noche que saltó lo de Flynn, yeahhh xD), y la diferencia es tan grande que no es solo una cuestión de perspectiva, sino una diferencia vital, de cómo enfocar la vida y el mundo.
En fin, gracias, te debo una
.orbmeim :olelaraporoF
Mátame por piedad, por favor. Por favorgfffff-re
ForoParalelo: Miembro
He empezado a leer el primer capítulo y después de unos cuantos párrafos de lloriqueos anti Trump, he decidido esperar a que saquen la película.
Cold, deep & whirling

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He empezado a leer el primer capítulo y después de unos cuantos párrafos de lloriqueos anti Trump, he decidido esperar a que saquen la película.
Solo en VHS, tú verás xD
Amplía perspectivas, es el mejor consejo que puedo darte...
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