Stress and changes in my life.
Venga, quiero ahorgarte.
Stress and changes in my life.
Dear readers,
Today I will be technically exposing my problems when it comes to adaptation to sudden and ongoing changes that keep occurring all the time and how stress affects indeed my working performance and my perception of the world itself. As you know, I work in China at a private school that offers different courses depending on the age of the students. In my case, I teach both, kindergarten and primary students, but there have been some changes, particularly in the schedule when it comes to the classes we foreigners are meant to teach.
When I first came, we used to teach Talking Pets, ORT and phonics, but little is that going to last, since after Spring Festival we foreigners will subject to teach games, activities, reviews of phonics, songs and arts and crafts. I still cannot work out the difference between activities and games, since that will mostly depend on the managers of the Big English department. Due to these unexpected changes, my body is exposed to a considerable load of stress making me feel, among others, frustrated, agitated, and getting easily triggered when it comes to narcissistic outbreaks.
Hence, the anxiety generated and the dreams where my subconscious is trying to tell me something that holds me on to the past by making me turn back in time and reexperience situations that never happened, but that I was unconsciously wishing to happen. Along with this, another concern is that some teachers have left and one of them, according to what I could overheard and translate thanks to my lovely Baidu translator, is that once she gets married, she will be leaving the company in less than one month, which is something quite concerning, since I am going to have to deal with all her classes meaning higher stress, less time, and therefore, a possible narcissistic outbreak that could make everyone run off, literally speaking.
The only conclusion that I could somewhat draw now is that I stay in the grey area trying to channel all these new circumstances surrounding me and pay attention to what is happening, but being careful not to burn bridges for whatever may happen in the future if I eventually leave the company because of its poor management. Anyway, when it comes to my personal concern, I am going to try and channel all the thoughts coming through my mind and hopefully I might be able to benefit from all this by knowing how to play my cards wisely.
ok folks
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