1. #1
    $$$$$$$$$$ Avatar de Young Papi
    23 Apr, 14
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    Me sale constantemente este error en Windows 8.1 y no sé qué cojones hacer... Soy un poco negado y tal... He actualizado todos los drivers y hecho un análisis completo con Malwarebytes y nada. Alguien que pueda ayudarme?

  2. #2
    $$$$$$$$$$ Avatar de Young Papi
    23 Apr, 14
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    Cuando dices que has actualizado todos los drivers, lo has hecho uno por uno descargándolos de sus páginas oficiales o con algún programa tipo Driver Magician/Driver Doc?
    Con Driver Reviver

  3. #3
    Observer Avatar de Alone Walker
    09 Sep, 14
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    El mensaje está oculto porque el usuario está en tu lista de ignorados.
    Con Driver Reviver
    Ahí, puede estar el problema, que Win 8.1 no permite la instalación de drivers sin firma a no ser que entres en modo seguro, y con ese programa, te lo habrá instalado a la fuerza.
    Creo yo que es por eso

  4. #4
    $$$$$$$$$$ Avatar de Young Papi
    23 Apr, 14
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    Cita Iniciado por Alone Walker Ver mensaje
    El mensaje está oculto porque el usuario está en tu lista de ignorados.
    Ahí, puede estar el problema, que Win 8.1 no permite la instalación de drivers sin firma a no ser que entres en modo seguro, y con ese programa, te lo habrá instalado a la fuerza.
    Creo yo que es por eso
    Pero eso lo hice después de que me diese el fallo, así que no se

  5. #5
    Observer Avatar de Alone Walker
    09 Sep, 14
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    El mensaje está oculto porque el usuario está en tu lista de ignorados.
    Pero eso lo hice después de que me diese el fallo, así que no se
    El Windows es pirata?

  6. #6
    $$$$$$$$$$ Avatar de Young Papi
    23 Apr, 14
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    El Windows es pirata?

  7. #7
    n00baso Avatar de BlackHawk
    11 Oct, 14
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    Amigo, como consejo lo mejor que puedes hacer es ir aqui


    y luego, copias el nombre de tu problema (acompañado si quieres de help, ayuda, error...) asi te saldran muchas páginas y de verdad, te sirve para cualquier tipo de error. Te dejare una solucion espero q sepas ingles

    Fuente: (te la iba a dejar pero la qite sin qerer xd )

    1. Let's start out with Chkdsk + Seatools:
    Chkdsk (there are various ways to run Chkdsk):

    Method 1:

    Start > Search bar > Type cmd (right click run as admin to execute Elevated CMD)

    Elevated CMD should now be opened, type the following:

    chkdsk x: /r

    x implies your drive letter, so if your hard drive in question is letter c, it would be:

    chkdsk c: /r

    Restart system and let chkdsk run.

    Method 2:

    Open the "Computer" window
    Right-click on the drive in question
    Select the "Tools" tab
    In the Error-checking area, click <Check Now>.

    If you'd like to get a log file that contains the chkdsk results, do the following:

    Press Windows Key + R and type powershell.exe in the run box

    Paste the following command and press enter afterwards:

    get-winevent -FilterHashTable @{logname="Application"; id="1001"}| ?{$_.providername –match "wininit"} | fl timecreated, message | out-file Desktop\CHKDSKResults.txt

    This will output a .txt file on your Desktop containing the results of the chkdsk.

    If chkdsk turns out okay, run Seatools -

    SeaTools | Seagate

    You can run it via Windows or DOS. Do note that the only difference is simply the environment you're running it in. In Windows, if you are having what you believe to be driver related issues that may cause conflicts or a false positive, it may be a wise decision to choose the most minimal testing environment (DOS). I always recommend running Seatools in DOS if absolutely possible.

    -- Run all tests EXCEPT: Fix All and anything Advanced.
    2. If both pass fine, move onto Memtest for NO less than 8 passes:

    Download Memtest86+ here:

    Memtest86+ - Advanced Memory Diagnostic Tool

    Which should I download?

    You can either download the pre-compiled .ISO that you would burn to a CD and then boot from the CD, or you can download the auto-installer for the USB key. What this will do is format your USB drive, make it a bootable device, and then install the necessary files. Both do the same job, it's just up to you which you choose, or which you have available (whether it's CD or USB).

    Do note that some older generation motherboards do not support USB-based booting, therefore your only option is CD (or Floppy if you really wanted to).

    How Memtest works (you don't need to read, it's only for those interested in the specifics):

    Memtest uses algorithms (specifically two), namely moving inversion & what is deemed Modulo-X. Essentially, the first algorithm fills the memory with a pattern. Starting at the low address, it checks to see if the pattern was changed (it should not have been), writes the patterns complement, increments the address, and repeats. Starting at the highest address (as opposed to the lowest), it follows the same checklist.

    The reason for the second algorithm is due to a few limitations, with the first being that not all adjacent cells are being tested for interaction due to modern chips being 4 to 16 bits wide regarding data storage. With that said, patterns are used to go ahead and ensure that all adjacent cells have at least been written with all possible one and zero combinations.

    The second is that caching, buffering and out of order execution will interfere with the moving inversions algorithm. However, the second algorithm used is not affected by this. For starting offsets of 0-20, the algorithm will write every 20th location with a pattern, write all other locations with the patterns complement, repeat the previous one (or more) times, and then check every 20th location for the previously mentioned pattern.

    Now that you know how Memtest actually works, it's important to know that the tests it goes through all mean something different. It goes from Test 0 through Test 12, many of which use either one or the other algorithm discussed above, among many other things.

    Any other questions, they can most likely be answered by reading this great guide here:

    FAQ : please read before posting

  8. #8
    Observer Avatar de Alone Walker
    09 Sep, 14
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    Como verificar y comprobar los drivers y controladores en Windows

  9. #9
    $$$$$$$$$$ Avatar de Young Papi
    23 Apr, 14
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    Cita Iniciado por BlackHawk Ver mensaje
    El mensaje está oculto porque el usuario está en tu lista de ignorados.
    Amigo, como consejo lo mejor que puedes hacer es ir aqui


    y luego, copias el nombre de tu problema (acompañado si quieres de help, ayuda, error...) asi te saldran muchas páginas y de verdad, te sirve para cualquier tipo de error. Te dejare una solucion espero q sepas ingles

    Fuente: (te la iba a dejar pero la qite sin qerer xd )

    1. Let's start out with Chkdsk + Seatools:
    Chkdsk (there are various ways to run Chkdsk):

    Method 1:

    Start > Search bar > Type cmd (right click run as admin to execute Elevated CMD)

    Elevated CMD should now be opened, type the following:

    chkdsk x: /r

    x implies your drive letter, so if your hard drive in question is letter c, it would be:

    chkdsk c: /r

    Restart system and let chkdsk run.

    Method 2:

    Open the "Computer" window
    Right-click on the drive in question
    Select the "Tools" tab
    In the Error-checking area, click <Check Now>.

    If you'd like to get a log file that contains the chkdsk results, do the following:

    Press Windows Key + R and type powershell.exe in the run box

    Paste the following command and press enter afterwards:

    get-winevent -FilterHashTable @{logname="Application"; id="1001"}| ?{$_.providername –match "wininit"} | fl timecreated, message | out-file Desktop\CHKDSKResults.txt

    This will output a .txt file on your Desktop containing the results of the chkdsk.

    If chkdsk turns out okay, run Seatools -

    SeaTools | Seagate

    You can run it via Windows or DOS. Do note that the only difference is simply the environment you're running it in. In Windows, if you are having what you believe to be driver related issues that may cause conflicts or a false positive, it may be a wise decision to choose the most minimal testing environment (DOS). I always recommend running Seatools in DOS if absolutely possible.

    -- Run all tests EXCEPT: Fix All and anything Advanced.
    2. If both pass fine, move onto Memtest for NO less than 8 passes:

    Download Memtest86+ here:

    Memtest86+ - Advanced Memory Diagnostic Tool

    Which should I download?

    You can either download the pre-compiled .ISO that you would burn to a CD and then boot from the CD, or you can download the auto-installer for the USB key. What this will do is format your USB drive, make it a bootable device, and then install the necessary files. Both do the same job, it's just up to you which you choose, or which you have available (whether it's CD or USB).

    Do note that some older generation motherboards do not support USB-based booting, therefore your only option is CD (or Floppy if you really wanted to).

    How Memtest works (you don't need to read, it's only for those interested in the specifics):

    Memtest uses algorithms (specifically two), namely moving inversion & what is deemed Modulo-X. Essentially, the first algorithm fills the memory with a pattern. Starting at the low address, it checks to see if the pattern was changed (it should not have been), writes the patterns complement, increments the address, and repeats. Starting at the highest address (as opposed to the lowest), it follows the same checklist.

    The reason for the second algorithm is due to a few limitations, with the first being that not all adjacent cells are being tested for interaction due to modern chips being 4 to 16 bits wide regarding data storage. With that said, patterns are used to go ahead and ensure that all adjacent cells have at least been written with all possible one and zero combinations.

    The second is that caching, buffering and out of order execution will interfere with the moving inversions algorithm. However, the second algorithm used is not affected by this. For starting offsets of 0-20, the algorithm will write every 20th location with a pattern, write all other locations with the patterns complement, repeat the previous one (or more) times, and then check every 20th location for the previously mentioned pattern.

    Now that you know how Memtest actually works, it's important to know that the tests it goes through all mean something different. It goes from Test 0 through Test 12, many of which use either one or the other algorithm discussed above, among many other things.

    Any other questions, they can most likely be answered by reading this great guide here:

    FAQ : please read before posting
    Cita Iniciado por Alone Walker Ver mensaje
    El mensaje está oculto porque el usuario está en tu lista de ignorados.

    Gracias a los dos por vuestra ayuda, veré si consigo arreglarlo!

  10. #10
    Observer Avatar de Alone Walker
    09 Sep, 14
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    Cita Iniciado por Young Papi Ver mensaje
    El mensaje está oculto porque el usuario está en tu lista de ignorados.
    Gracias a los dos por vuestra ayuda, veré si consigo arreglarlo!

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