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wwww toda esa bilis de /a/, me estoy riendo
Haruhi. Watch it in any order and it's still shit.
Disappearance, shitty anime version of The Butterfly Effect.
Hunter x Hunter? Moar like Hiatus x Hiatus! If I wanted to watch a generic Japanese kid's show that will never end, I'd just go watch Crayon Shin-chan.
One Punch Man, if I wanted to watch a bald faggot prance around in spandex I'd watch Star Trek.
Saki, Tanoshii? More like TanoSHIIT~
Jinrui wa SuitaishimaSHIT
Lupin the Third? More like POOP on the TURD
Space Dandy, otaku pandering for weeaboo baka gaijijns.
Gundam, if I wanted to watch a real robot I wouldn't because it would be fucking retarded.
VOTOMS, if I wanted to watch a gary stu with unlimited plot armor I'd watch SAO.
Fate/Zero, adding Pokemons to Bleach doesn't make it better.
Toradora. More like Fecadora, amirite? Greatest love story ever told my ass.
Hokuto no Ken? Gay.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure? Gayer.
Rozen Maiden, shitty meme and shitty show.
Aku no hana, If I wanted to see ugly chinese, I would go outside.
Shinsekai Yori, adding rats wars to Elfen Lied doesn't improve the show.
Steins;Gate? More like Steins;Gateway of worst kind. plebbit: the animation.
Minami-ke? If I wanted to see a boy dressed as a girl, I'd look at old pictures of me in kindergarten.
20th Century Boring.
Eden of The East? Please don't waste my time~
Nichibros, Square Enix jokes.
Nichijou, Cromartie Highschool with shittier animation.
Honey and Clover? If I wanted to watch a guy marry his retarded niece I'd go to the Ozarks.
Ping Pong, if i wanted ugly asians with bad animation and art I would watch Aku no Hana.
Madoka? If I wanted to watch magical girls cry I'd put on my Sailor Moon costume and look in the mirror.
Seitokai Yakuindomo, only ronery 30 years old frustrated virgin will still laugh to this shit.
Hellsing, Twilight except shit.
Darker than Black? More like Browner than SHIT
Neon Genesis Evangelion, makes about as much sense as a pedophile in a retirement home.
Beck, if I wanted to watch shitty bands, I would go see Tool live.
One Piece, if I wanted to watch a good shounen I would watch Naruto.
Eureka 7, more like Gurren Lagann 2.
Serial Experiments Lain? More like Serial Experiments LAME shitsux
Vinland Saga, shitty manga and even worse anime. 2 episodes in and I fell asleep.
Koi Kaze, if I thought incest was wrong I would stop having sex with my little sister.
Grave of the Fireflies? If I wanted to watch a whiny cunt and his little sister fuck around I'd go to Chuck E. Cheese.
Golden Boy? If I wanted to see a genius get horny, I'd videotape myself masturbating.
Mononoke, if I wanted to see a crossdressing, homosexual pothead wearing make-up, I'd move to Brazil.
Claymore, looks like a dick, strong beginning and middle but a cheesy ending.
Mushishi? More like MushiSHIT
Vagabond, one episode in and I fell asleep
Ghost in the Shell, pretentious shit with walls of text. I'd rather watch Code Geass than this piece of shit.
Cowboy Bebop, Shitty ripoff of Trigun
The Girl who Leapt through time? I wish she leapt through a meat grinder.
Baccano? More like BAKA NO!
Natsume? Like MushiSHIT wasn't gay enough already
Interstella 5555? If I wanted to watch cheesy music videos, I'd turn on MTV.
Yotsuba. Stupid little bitch runs around and acts "lol so kawaii". NOTHING HAPPENS
Hajime no Ippo? If I wanted to see fags jerk eachother off in a steamy shower room, I'd go to a bathhouse.
Death Note. No thanks I'd rather watch CNN.
Last Exile? If I wanted to look at clouds all day, I'd become a meteorologist.
Kaiji. If I wanted to see some pussy bitch cry all day, I'd watch Lifetime.
Soul Eater? More like Shit Eater. Worse than Naruto.
Code Geass, if I wanted to watch homosexuals pilot robots, I would watch Gundam Wing.
Kanon? More like Clannad season 2.
Strike Witches, If i wanted to watch fanservice without plot, i would watch hentai.
Higurashi, shitty horror bullshit, a failed attempt of Chaos Head.
Akagi. If I wanted to see old people sitting around a table I'd visit my grandma more often.
Spice and Wolf? If I wanted to watch a documentary about economy with a fanservice character thrown in, I wouldn't because it'd be SHIT.
One Outs, if I wanted to watch a bunch of gay people running around I would've watched Prince of Tennis.
GTO? More like GTFO. Shitty shounen is shitty.
The Tatami Galaxy. Endless Eight for hipster faggots.
Shitugan no Shita. Shitty ripoff of To Aru Majutsu no Index.
Haibane Renmei, a boring show about angels fucking around. I liked it better when it was called Evangelion.
Hidamari Sketch, if I wanted to watch a bunch of little girls doing nothing, I'd go and watch my local kindergarden.
Baccano. It's like messing with your media player's seekbar.
5 Centimeters per Second, thats how slow the plot would move, if there were any.
Gundam 00, if I wanted shitty character designs I'd watch G Gundam.
Victorian Romance Emma, otaku-pandering maid fanservice bullshit.
Monster? Now THERE'S a show that needs some surgery!
Historie, history for faggots. "OMG Megas Alexander is so hot, I want to suck his dick" is not a good premise for anime.
Michiko to Hatchin. Shitty halfassed Boondocks ripoff, the jokes aren't even that funny.