Los MMOs más esperados del 2015
⌈Bungee Gum⌋
Los MMOs más esperados del 2015
Los MMOs más esperados del 2015 (Según MMOsite)
10. MappleStory 2
As the sequel to a classic side-scrolling MapleStory, 3D anime MMORPG MapleStory 2 naturally got high popularity as it was announced. One reason is that the combination of old and new, on the basis of retaining some maps and dungeons in MapleStory, a lot new maps and new bosses are added.
9. Wild Fire
Only a few known MOBA will launch in 2015, while the 3D MOBA Wild Fire developed by NetEase can be counted as one of them. As a shining star at G-star 2014, Wild Fire, full of fun,naturally attracted players with the unique feature of first 3D fast-paced MOBA in the world.
8. Echo of Soul
Echo of Soul has constantly been ranked among the top 10 Korean games, and NA and EU players love it so much that can't wait to play it. Since the launch of their Official NA Website showcasing rich content of Echo of Soul and a community hub to interact, it is getting a step closer to us.
According to Alex Billaud, Echo of Soul's Associate Producer, a closed beta is to be kicked off this spring.
7. Blade and Soul
Blade and Soul has been available in Korea, Japan, China, and Taiwan for quite a long time, but the launch date of the NA/EU servers is still unknown. According to recent news, NCsoft said that they would release Blade and Soul NA/EU in 2015. We see a burning desire from NA/EU players for Blade and Soul, and it is easily one of the most anticipated MMOs of 2015.
6. Revelation
Another highly-anticipated MMO brought to us by NetEase is Revelation. There are quite a lot of players sharing their reviews, screenshots, previews and guides.
5. Skyforge
Skyforge is still in beta sign up phase now. During this month Skyforge unleashed a new class Gunner. As a long ranged fighter, the Gunner is capable of raining fiery destruction down upon their enemies from afar thanks to their transforming cannon. Can't wait to give it a shot.
4. Heroes of The Storm
Blizzard has just launched their new MOBA Heroes of the Storm first CBT at the middle of this month, have you been a hero in it? If you've had no luck gaining a key to the Heroes of the Storm beta, you can try the other way by getting a Founder's Pack. Though the interests of MMOsiters in Korean MMO seem much more than games developed by English-speaking countries.
Though being plagued by rename issues, Overwatch shows Blizzard's big ambition to join the conversation as one of the best FPS games. During BlizzCon's opening ceremony, Blizzard unveiled that the first CBT will start in 2015 without mentioning the specific time.
2. Tree of Savior
Our highly anticipated MMORPG Tree of Savior is famous for being the actual sequel of the most classic "Ragnarok Online". Its 2.5D graphics and isometric viewpoint of the surroundings recall those wonderful memories of many RO fans.
1. Black Desert
A few MMOsiters are complaining that they can't play Black Desert and ask MMOsite not to release such news, but from the high page views on MMOsite, I know you can't help but turning on all the latest news from Black Desert, 2015 is the year for the beta tests for NA/EU players.
Mucho hype con Blade and Soul y Black Desert
El Blade & Soul me da mucha curiosidad porque me vi el anime el año pasado 
Y bueno, por lo que he visto del Black Desert, todas esas opciones de personalización seducen a cualquiera.
Aunque en mi viejo pc ya no tirarán la mitad de esos juegos, menos mal que en mayo (si todo va bien) empiezo a currar y ya me montaré un buen pc, que va tocando
Pues yo sigo esperando a que traigan el Monster Hunter Online a Europa
Mi blog.
Por fin vienen a Europa, yo he jugado en chinorris y es una mierda importante. El de B&S da para paja.
⌈Bungee Gum⌋

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El Blade & Soul me da mucha curiosidad porque me vi el anime el año pasado

Y bueno, por lo que he visto del Black Desert, todas esas opciones de personalización seducen a cualquiera.
Aunque en mi viejo pc ya no tirarán la mitad de esos juegos, menos mal que en mayo (si todo va bien) empiezo a currar y ya me montaré un buen pc, que va tocando

and I feel fine

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Hostia piuta.
Black Desert = Steparu = Land of Chaos Online
Old School, GG.
*G H E TT O * S H I N Y*
Black Desert parece molar, el resto para vosotros. Aunque no jugaré ninguno porque mi ordenador es potato.
Ojala tuviese amigos con los que jugar a ellos
⌈Bungee Gum⌋
ForoParalelo: Miembro
ForoParalelo: Miembro
No me encaja.
Born In Dissonance
Me guardo la lista.
Tienen buena pinta algunos.
El Heroes ya ha caído
Última edición por Burzum; 09/02/2015 a las 21:35
esperemos que el blackdesert no sea un Archeage 2.0
Alma atormentada
No sé por qué incluyen MOBAs, si no son MMOs
ForoParalelo: Miembro
Como el Tree of Savior llegue a Europa no demasiado tarde y no sea pay 2 in, lo tengo claro...
I think i'm adorable
del unico que espero algo es del tree of savior y porque me recuerda cuando empece en pc hace 12 años cosa así con el ragnarok pero de los demás mejor ni verlos no quiero llevarme un palo como con el archeage
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